Carl Page: 'Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Work And Could Supplant Fossil Fuels"


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Carl Page is the brother of Larry Page, founder of Google and a brilliant researcher/developer in his own right.

LENR is being pursued quietly by many large aerospace companies, leading automakers, startup companies and to a lesser extent, national labs.
Over the years many teams have observed the reaction by various means, and a consistent, though unexpected, pattern has emerged. Experiments have become more repeatable, more diverse, more unambiguous, and higher in energy.

There are no expensive or toxic materials or processing steps, so it could be the step beyond fossil fuels we have been waiting for. No government regulated materials are used, so a quick path to commercialization is possible.
Familiarity with hot fusion led to initial false expectations. Early very hasty replication work at MIT was declared a failure when heat but no high energy neutrons were detected. The reaction requirements were not known at first and many attempts failed to reach fuel loading and ignition energy requirements. Even when the basic requirements were met, nano-scale features varied in materials and made the reaction hard to reproduce. Pons & Fleischmann had trouble repeating their own excess energy results after they used up their initial lucky batch of palladium. Today we understand better how material defects create required high energy levels.
In many experiments with LENR, observed excess heat drastically exceeds known or feasible chemical reactions. Experiments have gone from milliwatts to hundreds of watts. Ash products have been identified and quantitatively compared to energy output. High energy radiation has been observed, and is entirely different than hot fusion....

A great quantitative characterization of the outputs was Dr. Miles' meticulous 1995 experiment at China Lake. LENR releases Helium-4 and heat in the same proportion as familiar hot fusion, but neutron emissions and gamma rays at least 6 orders of magnitude less than expected.

Successful excitation systems included heat, pressure, dual lasers, high currents and overlapping shock waves. Materials have been treated to create and manipulate flaws, holes, defects, cracks, and impurities, increase surface area, and provide high flux of protons and electron current. Solid transition metals host the reaction, including Nickel and Palladium.

Ash includes ample evidence of metal isotopes in the reactor that have gained mass as if from neutron accumulation, as well as enhanced deuterium and tritium. Tritium is observed in varying concentrations. Weak X-rays are observed along with tracks from other nuclear particles.
There is every confirmation of LENR imaginable; confirmation of transformation in the ash, independent confirmation of energy way over anything chemical power can do, proof of radiation and heat, and rapid moves toward commercialization by major corporations.

You are an idiot, Goose.

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