Rosh Hashanah-lesson on the holiday


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah and around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse displace blame?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.
Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah and around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse displace blame?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.

Shared this post with my wife who found it "excellent"

Happy New Year
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Some Christians do imbue New Years day (the January 1 new years day) with
a religious quality and consider it the day that Jesus was circumcised. Did you not
tell us, Penelope, that you have STUDIED religion? ----how could you have missed
that one? even I know... my major was biology. The calendar which we use in the USA was created by the pope------Gregory------I think-----I do not recall
his number. The calendar Gregory created has lots to do with religion. Your catechism nun FAILED you--------
Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.
Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar
The calendar which we use in the USA was created by the pope------Gregory------I think-----I do not recall
his number. The calendar Gregory created has lots to do with religion.

Correct, so now what was Sept?
It was not the ninth month & September means it's original number of the month.
The calendar which we use in the USA was created by the pope------Gregory------I think-----I do not recall
his number. The calendar Gregory created has lots to do with religion.

Correct, so now what was Sept?
It was not the ninth month & September means it's original number of the month.

sept is SEVEN (I did not really know-----I googles "septagon")
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar

Jesus wasn't born anywhere near December 25th, Rosie. It is a holiday Catholicism founded - nothing to do with the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.

Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25

“Lacking any scriptural pointers to Jesus’s birthday, early Christian teachers suggested dates all over the calendar. Clement… picked November 18. Hippolytus … figured Christ must have been born on a Wednesday … An anonymous document[,] believed to have been written in North Africa around A.D. 243, placed Jesus’s birth on March 28” (Jeffery Sheler, U.S. News & World Report, “In Search of Christmas,” Dec. 23, 1996, p. 58).
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Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar

Jesus wasn't born anywhere near December 25th, Rosie. It is a holiday Catholicism founded - nothing to do with the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.

yes----I do understand that-----but it is the holiday------in jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day-----not the seventh------Gregory was all screwed up.
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar

Jesus wasn't born anywhere near December 25th, Rosie. It is a holiday Catholicism founded - nothing to do with the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.

yes----I do understand that-----but it is the holiday------in jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day-----not the seventh------Gregory was all screwed up.

No , he just didn't give a rip about the Jewish tradition, if he did we'd be celebrating NY with you, but we have our own New Years, and for most its a celebration.
Anyone notice which people did the OPPOSITE THIS LESSON by flame flooding this topic instead of apologizing?
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar

Jesus wasn't born anywhere near December 25th, Rosie. It is a holiday Catholicism founded - nothing to do with the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.

yes----I do understand that-----but it is the holiday------in jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day-----not the seventh------Gregory was all screwed up.

I understand it is a Roman Catholic holiday and that I do not celebrate it, Rosie. Not to be rude - but I do not see the point in celebrating a pagan holiday. It has nothing to do with my faith in Jesus Christ. As for Jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day - I know - I had my own son circumcised on the 8th day. G-d arranged it that way - I didn't even know the LORD back then. Amazing, isn't it?
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar

Jesus wasn't born anywhere near December 25th, Rosie. It is a holiday Catholicism founded - nothing to do with the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.

yes----I do understand that-----but it is the holiday------in jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day-----not the seventh------Gregory was all screwed up.

I understand it is a Roman Catholic holiday and that I do not celebrate it, Rosie. Not to be rude - but I do not see the point in celebrating a pagan holiday. It has nothing to do with my faith in Jesus Christ. As for Jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day - I know - I had my own son circumcised on the 8th day. G-d arranged it that way - I didn't even know the LORD back then. Amazing, isn't it?

it works out ok-------my kid got it on the ninth day-----something to do with the
fact he was C-section (??) -------the good news is that the little tykes
don't know what hit them-----muslim kids go thru this ordeal at about age
??? 12 or so. and REMEMBER-----poor kids. As far as I recall---there is
actually no reason to make the date January 25 noted in the New Testament.
I may be wrong ----it is possible
Don't they send the scapegoat over the cliff as well.

Here in the US we do the same, not based on religion though. That is why we make New Years resolutions which are quickly forgotten about by the end of Jan. Every day is a time for introspection.

Nothing to do with circumcision . Your so funny. Has to do with Easter. Christians could give ten rips about circumcision.

wrong again-----January 1 is or has been celebrated as "the feast of the circumcision"-----that is the circumcision of Jesus. Paul decided to do away
with circumcision to get more converts to his new religion. There are famous
Renaissance paintings of that circumcision------I can picture one in my mind ---
right now. January 1 is EASTER? on what planet? Your catechism nun
has failed again. You know less about Catholicism than do I. I will help----
December 25 is CHRISTMAS----supposed to be the birth of Jesus------January 1
is New Years day-----supposed to be the day upon which Jesus was circumcised.---
which is seven days after he was born. That's according to the catholic calendar

Jesus wasn't born anywhere near December 25th, Rosie. It is a holiday Catholicism founded - nothing to do with the actual birth date of Jesus Christ.

yes----I do understand that-----but it is the holiday------in jewish tradition babies are circumcised on the 8th day-----not the seventh------Gregory was all screwed up.

No , he just didn't give a rip about the Jewish tradition, if he did we'd be celebrating NY with you, but we have our own New Years, and for most its a celebration.

oh-----ok but its not my fault that he got that day of circumcision wrong------nor
do I know if he did so because he "didn't care" It is possible that he did it as
a PAPAL decree--------as in "I SAY HIS CIRC WAS ON THE SEVENTH DAY BECAUSE I AM THE POPE AND I SAY SO"-----something like the declaration
of December 25 BIRTHDAY. I used to imagine that Popes were very
interested in the life of Jesus
yes Michael it is best to take ones head out of the sand(most of us are sleeping through our lives) We are literally to shout out to gd or make a loud noise...Teruah if I may ...the sounding of the shofar is a shout of sorts and we are to shout 101 times...there is a hidden message there for those in the know....I could stay on topic here but Irosie is correct regarDing the feast of circumsizion being january 1st...also originally the roman calendar was lunar and september was the 7 th month till the adversary changed the times.....the Sheva month plays a very big part....L'Shana Tovah
They themselves teach the adversary would change times and holidays which they did=they are the adversary they are speaking about.
This hid more then they know.
I didn't say "ever will know", because eventually all will be revealed at the procession. Expect to hear a collective slapping of the foreheads and Homer Simpson D'oh sound when they are lead to connecting the dots.
Putting it bluntly being an Adversary in the original understanding is being Satanic...Or being Satan by standing in ones way...Pretty straightforward and creating a different new year based on the supposed birth of the fallen one is one way of being adversarial to say the least... I always found it interesting that it would be found in January as that month was based on the roman god Janus the god of doors who was two faced looking forwards and backwards to the year ahead and the year behind.....

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