Rosenstein Is Dead Meat

The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.

She presented herself as a representative of the Russian government. She has been IDENTIFIED as a Russian intel agent

The Trumps offered her nothing for information

That we know of. That makes it an illegal campaign finance DONATION from a foreign government

Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. absolutely is
I repeat
I repeat:
Set Up
No info exchanged
No crime
No collusion

Except Hillary illegally colluded, took bribes, and paid the Russians for a doc Obama's administration used to attempt to conduct a coup.

The Democrats have done more to divide this nation than Putin and the Russians ever dreamed of...
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.
And which Russian agents are you talking about?
Hillary and Obama left years ago. There aren't any known Russian agents left in the WH. Most of them are in Congress now. There's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the Democrat Party now.
Why did Trump lie about his campaign's contacts with the Russians? Why did he lie about his business in Russia.
Because he didn't have any!

"After two years and interviewing more than two hundred witnesses, the Senate Intelligence Committee has NOT discovered any direct evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” Ken Dilanian @NBCNews
5:56 AM · Feb 18, 2019
Prolly because they refuse to investigate any Dummycraps.
There's evidence everywhere proving Russian Collusion and conspiracy, but it's with Obama and dozens of Congressional Democrats.

In your dreams. Quit trying to misdirect from Trump's lies about his dealings with Russia.
The Russian lawyer is not the Russian government.

She presented herself as a representative of the Russian government. She has been IDENTIFIED as a Russian intel agent

The Trumps offered her nothing for information

That we know of. That makes it an illegal campaign finance DONATION from a foreign government

Information isn't considered "a thing of value" as far as election law is concerned. absolutely is
I repeat
I repeat:
Set Up
No info exchanged
No crime
No collusion

Except Hillary illegally colluded, took bribes, and paid the Russians for a doc Obama's administration used to attempt to conduct a coup.

They paid a British research firm, assfuck. They researched Trump's actions in Russia.

If that is collusion what about Trump trying to bribe Putin for his Moscow Trump tower.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.
And which Russian agents are you talking about?
Hillary and Obama left years ago. There aren't any known Russian agents left in the WH. Most of them are in Congress now. There's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the Democrat Party now.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset
Horseshit. They opened the investigation so they could stage a coup. They knew he wasn't "colluding" with Russia from the get-go.

Wow, you actually believe everything that comes out of Trump's mouth.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

Turns out McCabe reported the investigation to the Gang of 8...

If that is true then McCabe is in the clear and so is Rod... Actually they were just doing there job... This is going to kill the Trumpsters. They have a real problem with people defending America.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

Turns out McCabe reported the investigation to the Gang of 8...

If that is true then McCabe is in the clear and so is Rod... Actually they were just doing there job... This is going to kill the Trumpsters. They have a real problem with people defending America.
They were freelancing and outside their jurisdiction....This is known as acting "under color of law", which is a felony, you fucking hack.
It's not on me anymore. :04: Let us know how it goes.

Still giving it away ain't ya, same as at the after-parties at the feminazi could have made a couple dollars for female hygiene products if you'd offered to become a business sense.
Again, let us know how the visit goes.
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Sounds like you are threatening him...This has been forwarded.
Naw...just "see something, say something".
OOOO look at you all tough and shit.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

Turns out McCabe reported the investigation to the Gang of 8...

If that is true then McCabe is in the clear and so is Rod... Actually they were just doing there job... This is going to kill the Trumpsters. They have a real problem with people defending America.
They were freelancing and outside their jurisdiction....This is known as acting "under color of law", which is a felony, you fucking hack.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: ^^^^^^^ :spinner:

I cant believe these toads actually come up with shit like that.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.

incredible isn't it.

Reagan spent a gazillion dollars fighting Russian shithooks, and every penny has been wasted.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Seventy eight THOUSAND posts???

Do you get paid by the post or the word...
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Seventy eight THOUSAND posts???

Do you get paid by the post or the word...

its another Russian ..
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Seventy eight THOUSAND posts???

Do you get paid by the post or the word...

I've been here a really long time, bot.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Seventy eight THOUSAND posts???

Do you get paid by the post or the word...

its another Russian ..
Yep, see how she swooped right in and defended that Russian pos.
And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Seventy eight THOUSAND posts???

Do you get paid by the post or the word...

its another Russian ..
Yep, see how she swooped right in and defended that Russian pos.

Projection. What you fools are telling everybody is that you are paid to post, and that you are Russian trolls.
Holy shit, you really are a fucking Russian bot. What an asshole.
Naw just your typical brainwashed, criminal lefty.
Seventy eight THOUSAND posts???

Do you get paid by the post or the word...

its another Russian ..
Yep, see how she swooped right in and defended that Russian pos.

Projection. What you fools are telling everybody is that you are paid to post, and that you are Russian trolls.
Nope. 10-4 out.
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Threat removed

250-500K per year from a Wash law firm is not dead meat. LOL

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