Rosenstein Is Dead Meat

Hey dumbasses...Rosenstein has resigned already...effective after the Barr confirmation
He's QUITTING ya stupid retards.
No, he is being forced out. And then he will undergo a criminal investigation, just like the 25 Co-conspirators before him are going through now.
Please list the 25 and list each of the charges they are being investigated for.

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You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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Actually Rosenstein will make the 26th DOJ FBI official that was fired or forced to resign due to corruption.

I am thinking we get to 30 by Spring.

There is always turn over with a new Admin. Much ado over nothing.

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Career employees don't "turn over."

Career employees retire all the time. The government has a pretty cushy retirement system.

Then they are replaced by other career employees.

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Actually Rosenstein will make the 26th DOJ FBI official that was fired or forced to resign due to corruption.

I am thinking we get to 30 by Spring.

There is always turn over with a new Admin. Much ado over nothing.

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Career employees don't "turn over."

Career employees retire all the time. The government has a pretty cushy retirement system.

Then they are replaced by other career employees.

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They didn't "retire." They were fired or forced out.
Actually Rosenstein will make the 26th DOJ FBI official that was fired or forced to resign due to corruption.

I am thinking we get to 30 by Spring.

There is always turn over with a new Admin. Much ado over nothing.

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Career employees don't "turn over."

Career employees retire all the time. The government has a pretty cushy retirement system.

Then they are replaced by other career employees.

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They didn't "retire." They were fired or forced out.

That is your version of the story, but in the end the result is the same.

Take Rod R for instance. He has been with the Fed Govt for 28 years. He will get close to 75% of his high 3.

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Hey dumbasses...Rosenstein has resigned already...effective after the Barr confirmation
He's QUITTING ya stupid retards.
No, he is being forced out. And then he will undergo a criminal investigation, just like the 25 Co-conspirators before him are going through now.
Please list the 25 and list each of the charges they are being investigated for.

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Well one could argue that working for Trump is a reason why anyone should be investigated. LOL
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?

Rosenstein doesn't report to Trump. Barr will be the one to fire him.
You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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My guess is less an ideologue than Sessions, at least on illegal immigration, but you're right that he'll be center right pro establishment - pro big biz anti-consumer/small shareholder and pro Executive Power (establishment dems are also pro exec power)
Hey dumbasses...Rosenstein has resigned already...effective after the Barr confirmation
He's QUITTING ya stupid retards.
No, he is being forced out. And then he will undergo a criminal investigation, just like the 25 Co-conspirators before him are going through now.
Please list the 25 and list each of the charges they are being investigated for.

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Well one could argue that working for Trump is a reason why anyone should be investigated. LOL
That's one of the talking-points.

It's total horseshit, but you could say that.
You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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My guess is less an ideologue than Sessions, at least on illegal immigration, but you're right that he'll be center right pro establishment - pro big biz anti-consumer/small shareholder and pro Executive Power (establishment dems are also pro exec power)

He is also going to protect the establishment, nobody of any consequence will be charged with anything

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You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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My guess is less an ideologue than Sessions, at least on illegal immigration, but you're right that he'll be center right pro establishment - pro big biz anti-consumer/small shareholder and pro Executive Power (establishment dems are also pro exec power)

Do you ever wonder how Trump could seemingly be so wrong about Sessions?

Was he duped into making the choice?

Is he just a shitty judge of character?

Not to mention all the Trumpians that were cheering the choice.

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You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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My guess is less an ideologue than Sessions, at least on illegal immigration, but you're right that he'll be center right pro establishment - pro big biz anti-consumer/small shareholder and pro Executive Power (establishment dems are also pro exec power)

Do you ever wonder how Trump could seemingly be so wrong about Sessions?

Was he duped into making the choice?

Is he just a shitty judge of character?

Not to mention all the Trumpians that were cheering the choice.

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Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.
And which Russian agents are you talking about?
Hillary and Obama left years ago. There aren't any known Russian agents left in the WH. Most of them are in Congress now. There's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the Democrat Party now.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset
Horseshit. The opened the investigation so they could stage a coup. They knew he wasn't "colluding" with Russia from the get-go.
bullshit bri your ah has gotten help from the russians Why do his people continue to lie about meeting with russians ?? Are you an American or a FN Russian Trump ass kisser

Bullshit. What "help" did they get? You snowflake numskulls keep saying shit like that, but you haven't produced one iota of proof for it.

What meetings have they lied about?

Accusing your critics of being Russian allies seems to be the latest TDS smear tactic
Dear Trump cult:

Firing rosenstein is not going to protect your dear leader from the mueller investigation,nor is it going to protect dear leader from the mueller report being made public. It will also not protect dear leader from the evidence obtained by Mueller making its way to congressional committees.

So you might want to find something else to pin your hopes on. That's free advice.
You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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My guess is less an ideologue than Sessions, at least on illegal immigration, but you're right that he'll be center right pro establishment - pro big biz anti-consumer/small shareholder and pro Executive Power (establishment dems are also pro exec power)

Do you ever wonder how Trump could seemingly be so wrong about Sessions?

Was he duped into making the choice?

Is he just a shitty judge of character?

Not to mention all the Trumpians that were cheering the choice.

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It's easy to be mistaken about a person's character before it has been tested. Trump is new to politics, so he makes a lot of mistakes that a beginner would make. Most of the people Obama surrounded himself had been part of his circle of associates for years.
You need to provide a link....or you can just STFU, just like every other hoax-creating liberal in America.

WTF? :confused-84:

Photos: Trump visits Mar-a-Lago Presidents Day weekend
Where's the links that proves Barr was at Mar-a-Lago???

Barr is an old school establishment Repub not much different than Sessions.

You rubes are going to be left with a case of blue balls once again.

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My guess is less an ideologue than Sessions, at least on illegal immigration, but you're right that he'll be center right pro establishment - pro big biz anti-consumer/small shareholder and pro Executive Power (establishment dems are also pro exec power)

Do you ever wonder how Trump could seemingly be so wrong about Sessions?

Was he duped into making the choice?

Is he just a shitty judge of character?

Not to mention all the Trumpians that were cheering the choice.

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Jmo but it was more about Sessions being "wrong" (sort of ) about Trump. Sessions has always been a consistent establishment goper except he has unusual hard ons for blacks and illegal aliens. That actually fit well with Trump, who has signed tax and HC laws benefitting Wall St and the 1%, while bending his message to white supremicists and people who'd rather see no immigration reform to accepting somehow people will have to be accepted in some degree if they've lived here and are raising kids for a decade.

Trump just got help from Russia and Wikileaks which is supposedly illegal. The actual help he got was more in line with having an actual communications strategy in his campaign and opposition research ... which he didn't have because he's incompetent. His primary advisor is Roger Stone .... I kid you not. We are not talking Jim Messina or Lee Atwater or Carl Rove here. But from Trump's point of view he didn't do anything wrong. He's been using Russia mafia money for decades to keep his bankruptcy inc shell game afloat. He views being president as just something to do while continuing his "business" practices.

The Russia angle is "new" in the sense that it's supposed to be illegal. But the gop establishment has for decades been accepting of "no abortion or IUD, bible inerrancy, no global warming no matter how fucking crazy the weather is, anyonenotwhite is taking our shit" even though the actual people running the gop know all that is batshit crazy and don't govern that way.

Sessions got everything right except the Russia thing
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Threat removed


He announced he would be resigning when there was a new AG confirmed. LOL. Not too quick on the uptake are you?
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset

And you wonder why the President might trust Putin's intel about N.Korea over the dirtbag traitors he has at the FBI, the DOJ, and the CIA before he put Gina in that director's chair?
Actually you might wonder why the FBI thought Trump was a Russian asset...actually not. Any thinking person viewing Trump's actions would think that
They never thought he was a Russian asset, moron. They knew this witch hunt would turn up nothing when they started it.

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