Ron Paul: Iran Sanctions = Act of War

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
So much truth was spoken in these five minutes on the House floor back in 2010. He was correct, of course. Recent events have shown just how correct he was about what was to come. And here we are.


Subsequent to HR 2194, Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act, passing Congress with a 400-11vote on April 23, 2010, Ron Paul spoke on the House floor equating Sanctions on Iran to an Act of War against Iran and her allies, which include Russia and China.

His retirement speech was also a truth bomb. It's on Youtube some place. I won't post that here, though I am reminded of it after seeing the one in the op again. During his retirement speech he spoke for nearly 45 minutes, slamming the political establishment, the TSA, the federal government, Internet regulations, police searches, and, of course, the Federal Reserve.

He blasted "psychopathic authoritarians" who "endorse government-initiated force to change the world...Our liberties have been eroded, our wealth has been consumed, sadly we have become accustomed to living the with the illegitimate use of force by government," Paul said.

We get a Thomas Jefferson once in about every hundred years or so. If we're lucky. He is the Thomas Jefferson of our time. But we live in an upside down world, unfortunately.
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His retirement speech was also a truth bomb. It's on Youtube some place. I won't post that here, though I am reminded of it after seeing the one in the op again. During his retirement speech he spoke for nearly 45 minutes, slamming the political establishment, the TSA, the federal government, Internet regulations, police searches, and, of course, the Federal Reserve.

He blasted "psychopathic authoritarians" who "endorse government-initiated force to change the world...Our liberties have been eroded, our wealth has been consumed, sadly we have become accustomed to living the with the illegitimate use of force by government," Paul said.

We get a Thomas Jefferson once in about every hundred years or so. If we're lucky. He is the Thomas Jefferson of our time. But we live in an upside down world, unfortunately.

He also hit the nail on the head on Trump in this thread here.

Patriot american Ron Paul Does not trust Trump.
So much truth was spoken in these five minutes on the House floor back in 2010. He was correct, of course. Recent events have shown just how correct he was about what was to come. And here we are.


Subsequent to HR 2194, Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act, passing Congress with a 400-11vote on April 23, 2010, Ron Paul spoke on the House floor equating Sanctions on Iran to an Act of War against Iran and her allies, which include Russia and China.

He always turns out to be right. Unfortunately, usually it isn't apparent until years later, when it's too late.

Still so many people reject what he's saying, because they're so emotionally caught up in the lies and deception that is the mainstream narrative. And their misplaced football mentality loyalty.
Ron Paul is a perfect example of why libertarians can't govern and why they will never win a major election. I admire Dr. Paul as a person and agree with about 70% of his views, but when it comes to dealing with terrorist states like Iran, he is dangerously naïve. I also take issue with his wrong-headed view that the Israelis and the Palestinians are moral equals.

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