Ron DeSantis for President

Sorry but the Emancipation Decree says otherwise. It is slavery and unconstitutional no matter how you present it. But you MAGAts always try and enslave others so I understand why you would think of this.

When you get sent to prison, you give up your right to freedom and liberty. It's as simple as that. Because one becomes unfit for society, the government has to no choice but to keep you out of society.
The only rights they should have is to not be beaten unprovoked and starved.
When you get sent to prison, you give up your right to freedom and liberty. It's as simple as that. Because one becomes unfit for society, the government has to no choice but to keep you out of society.
The only rights they should have is to not be beaten unprovoked and starved.

You don't give up your human rights. Sorry, waterboarding and plastic hoses filled with sand are not humane. But if you are going to work and not get paid, that work must apply to everyday living in the incarcerated community and not anything outside of it. The days of using Prisoners to harvest a farmers crops are long past and gone.

That being said, if a person is unable to be made safe in public life then they need to be treated as mentally disabled. There are places that aren't considered Prisons to deal with those people.
You don't give up your human rights. Sorry, waterboarding and plastic hoses filled with sand are not humane. But if you are going to work and not get paid, that work must apply to everyday living in the incarcerated community and not anything outside of it. The days of using Prisoners to harvest a farmers crops are long past and gone.

It shouldn't be passed gone. Having to work isn't against someone human rights. If those POS criminals would've been working, instead of breaking the law, they wouldn't be in prison. If they're going to force us to pay for their baby sitting, they can at least earn their keep.

This is simple stuff here.

Only a leftist would think that getting prisoners to work goes against their human rights. SMH
That being said, if a person is unable to be made safe in public life then they need to be treated as mentally disabled. There are places that aren't considered Prisons to deal with those people.

You can classify almost anyone in prison, especially violent ones as having some sort of mental issues. But it doesn't change the fact that they're not fit for society, broke the law and forced out of society. And should stay there or be put to death.
Recently, I have had some videos fail to load properly for reasons I am not tech savvy enough to understand.

This one might not work either. But I just saw it. And I thought I fit here:

Not a bad idea. Someone that knows how to take a big corporation on the brink of bankruptcy, back to being profitable and way more efficient.

I hear Elon fired like 80% of the twitter staff. He said "Turns out, you don't need that many people to run twitter." Within less than a year, Twitter is booming with both lefties and righties.
Its valued at 1/2 of what he paid for it.
He's got his sites on the presidency for sure. But Disney isn't the only thing that's keeping FL in the black. If Disney had stayed out of politics, nothing would've changed. But they decided to donate millions to political opposition and to organizations and their attorneys to keep FL in court from now on, over something the parents were asking for.
To keep the gender BS out of the K thru 3rd grade classrooms.
That's it.

He and the FL legislature did what parents were asking them to do. It's pretty rare for a governor to actually listen to voters.
Yeah, pretty rare for a governor to punish a corporation for political reasons.
You can stop lying now. Neither Rump nor Desanty are Fiscal Conservatives. And I don't see any leader in the GOP right now that is either.
At least they both know it's time to stop giving in to minorities.
This Cortez guy is now an ex Trump advisor. He's endorsing DeSantis now. And it sounds like for some very good reasons.

Ron DeSantis for President | Opinion

Governor Ron DeSantis represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024 and to govern as a highly capable, patriotic populist leader.

I have worked as a dedicated spokesman and advocate for Donald Trump for much of the last seven years, so I do not arrive at that conclusion flippantly. But our America First movement has always been bigger and more important than any one individual, and heading into this crucial election, our activism and our votes must be guided by a clear-eyed assessment of recent failures and potential future successes.

Here are the three most compelling reasons to support Governor DeSantis:

1. We've seen this Biden-Trump movie already—and no one likes it.

Is a rematch of 2020 really the best America can do in a moment like this one?

The country is miserable. That's not some........Finish reading here.
No thanks.

Not a bad idea. Someone that knows how to take a big corporation on the brink of bankruptcy, back to being profitable and way more efficient.

I hear Elon fired like 80% of the twitter staff. He said "Turns out, you don't need that many people to run twitter." Within less than a year, Twitter is booming with both lefties and righties.

That’s hilarious. First Twitter is losing money hand over fist. Worse than before Musk bought it.

They can’t even pay rent on their offices.

And according to you that is booming. Question, what do you call doing badly? I’m only asking because it looks like we will get there. And I want to know at what point you decide this was an idiotic move on Musk’s part.

In fact Tesla is down because of Musk and Twitter.


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