Ron DeSantis for President

I agree with you on that. Big donors almost always get big favors. But there are factors in this case that doesn't make it absolute.
A good example of this is the George Soros support for DeSantis. Soros isn't going to vote for DeSantis. And will undoubtedly donate big money to DeSantis's opposition. His support, like a lot of others, is just that they don't want Trump anywhere near the white house again.
True as all that is, a Yalie rubbing up on all the neocons makes DeSantis a hard pass.
I understand this because I'm a conservative who thinks Trump is too liberal and too dramatic for me. He's has way too much baggage. And he buddies up with too many swamp creatures. Graham and McCarthy, just to name a couple.
Trump's definitely a total novice who commits an alarming number of unforced errors...That said, his one marginally saving grace is that he exposed, for all who are willing to look at it, what a debauched and despotic oligarchy this nation has descended into....None of that is enough to sway me to vote for him, just sayin'.
True as all that is, a Yalie rubbing up on all the neocons makes DeSantis a hard pass.

Trump's definitely a total novice who commits an alarming number of unforced errors...That said, his one marginally saving grace is that he exposed, for all who are willing to look at it, what a debauched and despotic oligarchy this nation has descended into....None of that is enough to sway me to vote for him, just sayin'.

I'm totally with Trump and all that he exposed. The neocons and liberal Republicans (swamp creatures) needed to be taken out.
I just wished it had been by someone who was not so liberal himself.
Debt ceiling increases and suspensions. $8 trillion spent in just 4 years. Only vetoing 1 spending bill. His retarded China and Mexico trade deals, the Platinum plan.. And on and on and on...
And now bringing swamp creatures into the fold, like McCarthy, Graham and that RNC chairman, Daniels.

IMO, he's just replacing one swamp with another.
”The Left doesn’t like Trump, they do not approve, they get to tell us who to run, we must obey, they prefer we run DeSantis so lets run DeSantis.”
Trump is closer to the left than ANY republican. Always has been.

Saying someone is a leftie because they support DeSantis or any other republican over Trump makes you look like a FLAMING RETARD
Disney also donated to GOP and DeSantis specifically, look it up.

Disney has the money. But this leads me to believe that DeSantis isn't going to be beholden to big donors. Disney was trying to buy favors. But their money fell on deaf ears because the parents of his state wanted him to do the right thing. And he did.
I'm totally with Trump and all that he exposed. The neocons and liberal Republicans (swamp creatures) needed to be taken out.
I just wished it had been by someone who was not so liberal himself.
Debt ceiling increases and suspensions. $8 trillion spent in just 4 years. Only vetoing 1 spending bill. His retarded China and Mexico trade deals, the Platinum plan.. And on and on and on...
And now bringing swamp creatures into the fold, like McCarthy, Graham and that RNC chairman, Daniels.

IMO, he's just replacing one swamp with another.
Though we'd both like a guy like Ron Paul to swoop in and save the day, that's not going to happen.

You go to war with the army you have, not the one you want.....Hitler waiting for the army he wanted at Kursk got over 50K troops killed.
Trump is closer to the left than ANY republican. Always has been.

Saying someone is a leftie because they support DeSantis or any other republican over Trump makes you look like a FLAMING RETARD
True as that is, DeSantis rubbing elbows with Bush stooges and falling on his face on his recent trip to Europe has shredded his credibility.
Nope. I never said it was. But that doesn't mean it's right. Owning slaves was once legal. But it was still wrong.

Yes. Because I'm pro life. Murdering babies is wrong. There's laws against murder, for good reason.

Slavery is wrong. So I would simply oppose the citizens.

So you are just a hypocrite that is fine with the Govt abusing its power as long as it is for an issue you agree with.

It is refreshing that you can openly admit to such things on here.
I understand this because I'm a conservative...

No conservative would ever support the Govt targeting specific companies or groups for merely disagree with said Govt

You Sir, are no conservative
Are you talking about getting rid of CRT in public schools? What the heck is wrong with that?

It's a fake thing. You can't even give me a definitive definition of what it really is. This is so unimporatant that it shouldn't even register on the BS meter.

Florida is booming. And going to continue to boom. Disney isn't going anywhere. Racist blacks aren't going to get more rights than any other race. Tranny teachers won't be allowed to push their lifestyles on children.
Everything is going to be fine.

You keep saying this, over and over. And it's all about profit for Disney. Keep screwing around and South Carolina has already offered to take them in on the same deal that Florida made.

A 3rd world state? LOL.. That's a little over dramatic. No wait, that's way over dramatic.

Just keep screwing the pooch and it gets real dramatic real fast.
Trump is closer to the left than ANY republican. Always has been.

Saying someone is a leftie because they support DeSantis or any other republican over Trump makes you look like a FLAMING RETARD
I think you missed the basis for YoursTruly ‘s OP. I think you missed the point in my post.…right now, you look ignorant and illiterate.
Lets try this shit again…pay attention this time.
YoursTruly like most nutless Republicans is afraid to run Trump on the basis that he’s so hated by the left. Trump has a very positive presidential record to run on, one that DeSantis does not have.…but that doesn’t matter to sackless Conservatives that can’t wait for the next opportunity to bend over, take it in the ass and concede to the lefts demands.
I think you missed the basis for YoursTruly ‘s OP. I think you missed the point in my post.…right now, you look ignorant and illiterate.
Lets try this shit again…pay attention this time.
YoursTruly like most nutless Republicans is afraid to run Trump on the basis that he’s so hated by the left. Trump has a very positive presidential record to run on, one that DeSantis does not have.…but that doesn’t matter to sackless Conservatives that can’t wait for the next opportunity to bend over, take it in the ass and concede to the lefts demands.

You're completely wrong, on many levels.

1. I'm not a Republican.
2. Trumps record is moderate democrat on some issues. And radical progressive on another. (The Platinum Plan)
3. DeSantis's record is fiscally conservative. Tax cuts and some taxes totally eliminated.
It's a fake thing. You can't even give me a definitive definition of what it really is. This is so unimporatant that it shouldn't even register on the BS meter.

It's not fake to parents who don't want it shoved down their kids throats. Especially to children who are young. I learned more about black slavery and laws against blacks than I did how so many more white people (than black) were enslaved.

You keep saying this, over and over. And it's all about profit for Disney. Keep screwing around and South Carolina has already offered to take them in on the same deal that Florida made.

The cost of moving Disney would be too enormous for them to even consider it. Disney, and most theme parks will continue to operate until it's no longer profitable.
Just keep screwing the pooch and it gets real dramatic real fast.

You're just fearmongering. The only ones that even stand a chance of turning into a third world state would be something like Illinois. But even that's not possible. Chicago, LA, Portland and NYC burrows will come close. But even those aren't going to completely fail.
This Cortez guy is now an ex Trump advisor. He's endorsing DeSantis now. And it sounds like for some very good reasons.

Ron DeSantis for President | Opinion

Governor Ron DeSantis represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024 and to govern as a highly capable, patriotic populist leader.

I have worked as a dedicated spokesman and advocate for Donald Trump for much of the last seven years, so I do not arrive at that conclusion flippantly. But our America First movement has always been bigger and more important than any one individual, and heading into this crucial election, our activism and our votes must be guided by a clear-eyed assessment of recent failures and potential future successes.

Here are the three most compelling reasons to support Governor DeSantis:

1. We've seen this Biden-Trump movie already—and no one likes it.

Is a rematch of 2020 really the best America can do in a moment like this one?

The country is miserable. That's not some........Finish reading here.

Ron is Trump light. Why go for soy cheese when you can get aged cheddar?
Ron is Trump light. Why go for soy cheese when you can get aged cheddar?

Well, let's see:
Because Trumps record of spending, borrowing the debt ceiling increases suck.
His tax cut bill sucked.
His trade deals with China and Mexico sucked.
He has a cargo ship load of baggage
He's a drama queen and a narcissist.

DeSantis doesn't suck.
Disney has the money. But this leads me to believe that DeSantis isn't going to be beholden to big donors. Disney was trying to buy favors. But their money fell on deaf ears because the parents of his state wanted him to do the right thing. And he did.
Did the parents of the state vote on that? Nope. BTW little meatball will never be President.
It's not fake to parents who don't want it shoved down their kids throats. Especially to children who are young. I learned more about black slavery and laws against blacks than I did how so many more white people (than black) were enslaved.

Then I suggest you stop it all by stopping posting about it. I don't see LQBT, Trans and others posting but I see you MAGAts posting your fat asses off.

The cost of moving Disney would be too enormous for them to even consider it. Disney, and most theme parks will continue to operate until it's no longer profitable.

It's all about financing and finances. Rather than you MAGAts telling us all this, a true fiscal conservative would allow the public to vote with their pocketbooks.

You're just fearmongering. The only ones that even stand a chance of turning into a third world state would be something like Illinois. But even that's not possible. Chicago, LA, Portland and NYC burrows will come close. But even those aren't going to completely fail.

So I am calling your fearmongering and then you claim I am doing it. Then you go off in talking about NYC Burrows which has a 3.6 per thousand murder rate while you dream Texas has almost 10 per thousand. LA is 7.4, Portland at 2.0, Chitown is just under 3. I am more likely to be murdered in Texas than any other place in the US and Canada. Lybia has a lower murder rate than Texas. Florida is at 5.9 which is still worse than the "Blue States" and Cities. Florida is gaining on Texas though. But just when you think Florida might become competitive (a negative) Texas has 3 more Mass Murders in less than 2 weeks.

I suggest you clean up your Red States before you attempt to play the old, Hey, look over there routine.
This Cortez guy is now an ex Trump advisor. He's endorsing DeSantis now. And it sounds like for some very good reasons.

Ron DeSantis for President | Opinion

Governor Ron DeSantis represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024 and to govern as a highly capable, patriotic populist leader.

I have worked as a dedicated spokesman and advocate for Donald Trump for much of the last seven years, so I do not arrive at that conclusion flippantly. But our America First movement has always been bigger and more important than any one individual, and heading into this crucial election, our activism and our votes must be guided by a clear-eyed assessment of recent failures and potential future successes.

Here are the three most compelling reasons to support Governor DeSantis:

1. We've seen this Biden-Trump movie already—and no one likes it.

Is a rematch of 2020 really the best America can do in a moment like this one?

The country is miserable. That's not some........Finish reading here.
Is moving from a sexual abuser to a groomer a good move for the GOP?

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