
Nothing could be better than for America to wake up and end this addiction to oil and the social, economic, ecologic and political catastrophe it is.
We have the know-how, creativity and resources to do other than send precious lives and billions of dollars overseas for something we would be better without. That a wee bit more petroleum can be squeezed from the ground so that Exxon or whoever can make hundreds and hundreds of dollars per second net profit and continue the agony a few days or weeks is not to our advantage.
America re-fitted for total war in a few months and outproduced every other country in the world put together. In less than ten years it invented almost everything required to send humans to the moon. Don't you think we can adapt to a new energy situation, especially when it means security, peace and prosperity?
The Iranians are an intelligent, sophisticated people. Their culture is thousands of years old. Thinking of 'stopping' them is already an error and absolutely not the question.
What we don't want is nuclear proliferation (by 'we', I mean you and me, but I think the government, too).
We need to progress into the future together in understanding. The more contact we have, the better for both of us. Isolating and demonizing them is not the way. You don't like their 'leaders'? Neither do I. Neither do the Iranian people in a large number of cases. I don't like 'our' 'leaders' very much and certainly don't regard that the interests or sentiments of Americans is expressed in government policies.

The sentiments of the Iranian people toward their leaders don't mean too much when the leaders are the ones who could possibly have the ability and the will to start a nuclear war.

So, however you'd want to go about it, equipping the people for a revolution or simply and directly taking out whatever targets we need to, is it really in our best interest or the interest of the world to allow Iran's leaders to try to pick up where Adolph Hitler left off, just with a nuclear missile in their arsenal?
Romney will make us the USA again instead of just another cog in the new world order.

I do think he will facilitat that in his approach to governing. It's really up to us to make it happen though.

That is the #1 most significant difference between Romney and Obama. Romney puts his faith in us and I believe will do his damndest to make government more conducive to us being able to do our thing to get America back to work and do its thing.

Obama puts all the faith in the government and actually diminishes and belittles private effort. And never in the history of the world has authoritarian government been able to generate anything close to as much productivity and prosperity as does the free market populated by a free people.
I thought the New World Order was a Bush I thing?

No president is going to make America anything. Americans will make the country, as has always been the case.
Nothing could be better than for America to wake up and end this addiction to oil and the social, economic, ecologic and political catastrophe it is.
We have the know-how, creativity and resources to do other than send precious lives and billions of dollars overseas for something we would be better without. That a wee bit more petroleum can be squeezed from the ground so that Exxon or whoever can make hundreds and hundreds of dollars per second net profit and continue the agony a few days or weeks is not to our advantage.
America re-fitted for total war in a few months and outproduced every other country in the world put together. In less than ten years it invented almost everything required to send humans to the moon. Don't you think we can adapt to a new energy situation, especially when it means security, peace and prosperity?

Technology and demand will make the adaptations, not the govt. We have plenty of oil right here in the USA. There is a boom going on in North Dakota that no one seems to notice.
Romney will make us the USA again instead of just another cog in the new world order.

I do think he will facilitat that in his approach to governing. It's really up to us to make it happen though.

That is the #1 most significant difference between Romney and Obama. Romney puts his faith in us and I believe will do his damndest to make government more conducive to us being able to do our thing to get America back to work and do its thing.

Obama puts all the faith in the government and actually diminishes and belittles private effort. And never in the history of the world has authoritarian government been able to generate anything close to as much productivity and prosperity as does the free market populated by a free people.

I agree. A true leader leads by consent of those he leads, not by his demand. That is the difference between Barky and Romney.
I thought the New World Order was a Bush I thing?

No president is going to make America anything. Americans will make the country, as has always been the case.

I believe the flaw in your thinking is that Iran's leaders can be dealt with. I don't think peace is their goal. I believe the destruction of Israel is their goal.
On that last point, Becki, Obama did America a HUGE disservice in the wake of the BP mishap. By denying our own oil producers ability to lose all those offshore rigs, we lost those rigs, maybe forever, to other countries. It will require billions to build new ones to start up our own production. So instead of our own well regulated and monitored oil companies having those rigs producing our own oil, Obama allowed them to go to other countries who are drilling in the same waters but without having any U.S. interests in mind and without us having any control whatsoever over the safety or other risks involved.

Romney, by contrast, will do whatever is possible to do to get those rigs back and will also favor our own oil producers instead of those of other countries.
Agreed. Some think shutting an entire industry down in a region for good was a bad idea. I don't know whether this edict has been lifted, but we need a congress to ensure this never happens again. It wreaks of monarchial times that we broke away from 236 years ago this month.
The business acumen he has does more harm than good. How, specifically, will he undo the damage that's already been done.

??? You're not making a lick of sense! How is business acumen bad?

Business acumen is not all bad.

Mitt Romney's business acumen is.

His entire basis for running is, "I made a fortune. I'm a huge success. I'm gonna teach this country to do the same".

Ok, so let's look a little deeper than that.

He says that painful American taxation policy forces American companies to do business in cheaper labor markets. However, Mitt Romney's own tax rate was just 13.9% for the one year of returns he has put forward.

The reason why he won't give up any previous years is that it looks like he paid even less than that amount in 2009.

My tax rate is 25%. Mitt Romney's is 13.9%.

The reason why that is is because the country is under a right wing tax policy that says, "Taxes are too high on the Mitt Romneys of the world. Lower their tax burden, and they'll shower us with jobs and prosperity".

But if the Mitt Romneys of the world are taxed at close to nothing already because of all the breaks they qualify for, but all their money is in Swiss bank accounts, offshore island accounts, or being used to create jobs for Communists in China, than the right wing economic philosophy is not working.

"Hi, I'm rich, but because I'm burdened with taxes, I can't invest in my own country."

That's the whole basis of why Romney is running. However, the truth is that he probably paid nothing in 2009, and is still creating jobs for Communists.

I'm a Republican who has now been excluded from that party because they don't care about common sense anymore.

I make a fraction of what Romney makes, but pay a higher tax rate.

I hope for the day when the average American sees that the only redistribution of wealth going on is from hard-workin' folks like me who are subsidizing the Mitt Romneys of the world so they can turn around and stab us in the back by not creating the jobs and prosperity here that they said would happen if we made it possible for them to pay hardly anything back in a country that allows them to make untold billions.

Not all business acumen is good, my friend.
The business acumen he has does more harm than good. How, specifically, will he undo the damage that's already been done.

??? You're not making a lick of sense! How is business acumen bad?

Business acumen is not all bad.

Mitt Romney's business acumen is.

His entire basis for running is, "I made a fortune. I'm a huge success. I'm gonna teach this country to do the same".

Ok, so let's look a little deeper than that.

He says that painful American taxation policy forces American companies to do business in cheaper labor markets. However, Mitt Romney's own tax rate was just 13.9% for the one year of returns he has put forward.

The reason why he won't give up any previous years is that it looks like he paid even less than that amount in 2009.

My tax rate is 25%. Mitt Romney's is 13.9%.

The reason why that is is because the country is under a right wing tax policy that says, "Taxes are too high on the Mitt Romneys of the world. Lower their tax burden, and they'll shower us with jobs and prosperity".

But if the Mitt Romneys of the world are taxed at close to nothing already because of all the breaks they qualify for, but all their money is in Swiss bank accounts, offshore island accounts, or being used to create jobs for Communists in China, than the right wing economic philosophy is not working.

"Hi, I'm rich, but because I'm burdened with taxes, I can't invest in my own country."

That's the whole basis of why Romney is running. However, the truth is that he probably paid nothing in 2009, and is still creating jobs for Communists.

I'm a Republican who has now been excluded from that party because they don't care about common sense anymore.

I make a fraction of what Romney makes, but pay a higher tax rate.

I hope for the day when the average American sees that the only redistribution of wealth going on is from hard-workin' folks like me who are subsidizing the Mitt Romneys of the world so they can turn around and stab us in the back by not creating the jobs and prosperity here that they said would happen if we made it possible for them to pay hardly anything back in a country that allows them to make untold billions.

Not all business acumen is good, my friend.

If tax rates are the problem, why didn't Obama and his congress fix it when they had total control for two years?
Do the people who want to bomb Iran also think North Korea should have been, or maybe still should be bombed?

Big difference. N. Korea is run by rational people. Iran is run by murderous cultists who believe armageddon will usher in their messiah.
The business acumen he has does more harm than good. How, specifically, will he undo the damage that's already been done.

??? You're not making a lick of sense! How is business acumen bad?

Business acumen is not all bad.

Mitt Romney's business acumen is.

His entire basis for running is, "I made a fortune. I'm a huge success. I'm gonna teach this country to do the same".

Ok, so let's look a little deeper than that.

He says that painful American taxation policy forces American companies to do business in cheaper labor markets. However, Mitt Romney's own tax rate was just 13.9% for the one year of returns he has put forward.

The reason why he won't give up any previous years is that it looks like he paid even less than that amount in 2009.

My tax rate is 25%. Mitt Romney's is 13.9%.

The reason why that is is because the country is under a right wing tax policy that says, "Taxes are too high on the Mitt Romneys of the world. Lower their tax burden, and they'll shower us with jobs and prosperity".

But if the Mitt Romneys of the world are taxed at close to nothing already because of all the breaks they qualify for, but all their money is in Swiss bank accounts, offshore island accounts, or being used to create jobs for Communists in China, than the right wing economic philosophy is not working.

"Hi, I'm rich, but because I'm burdened with taxes, I can't invest in my own country."

That's the whole basis of why Romney is running. However, the truth is that he probably paid nothing in 2009, and is still creating jobs for Communists.

I'm a Republican who has now been excluded from that party because they don't care about common sense anymore.

I make a fraction of what Romney makes, but pay a higher tax rate.

I hope for the day when the average American sees that the only redistribution of wealth going on is from hard-workin' folks like me who are subsidizing the Mitt Romneys of the world so they can turn around and stab us in the back by not creating the jobs and prosperity here that they said would happen if we made it possible for them to pay hardly anything back in a country that allows them to make untold billions.

Not all business acumen is good, my friend.

I note that your post totally undermines your central thesis of "not all business acumen is good, my friend"

Shouldn't we learn from and emulate successful people? If Romney has found a way receive income other than working, if he found a way to make money work for him, instead of him working for money, well, isn't that a lesson that all Americans should learn?
I certainly do not perceive the North Korean régime as more rational than just about anyone or anything. Their 'faith' is every bit as bizarre and murderous as any I can think of.
So, sorry, on that count I cannot agree.
Making money by creating wealth helps. Creating profit from profit is not wealth creation and only serves to excessively concentrate power to the detriment of democratic processes.
I certainly do not perceive the North Korean régime as more rational than just about anyone or anything. Their 'faith' is every bit as bizarre and murderous as any I can think of.
So, sorry, on that count I cannot agree.

No need to be sorry. I respect your opinion.

The North Korean leaders know what the cost of nuclear war will be. The Iranian leaders dont believe there will be a cost because they believe in a fictional character to come to their rescue in a nuclear war.

That's my opinion.
??? You're not making a lick of sense! How is business acumen bad?

Business acumen is not all bad.

Mitt Romney's business acumen is.

His entire basis for running is, "I made a fortune. I'm a huge success. I'm gonna teach this country to do the same".

Ok, so let's look a little deeper than that.

He says that painful American taxation policy forces American companies to do business in cheaper labor markets. However, Mitt Romney's own tax rate was just 13.9% for the one year of returns he has put forward.

The reason why he won't give up any previous years is that it looks like he paid even less than that amount in 2009.

My tax rate is 25%. Mitt Romney's is 13.9%.

The reason why that is is because the country is under a right wing tax policy that says, "Taxes are too high on the Mitt Romneys of the world. Lower their tax burden, and they'll shower us with jobs and prosperity".

But if the Mitt Romneys of the world are taxed at close to nothing already because of all the breaks they qualify for, but all their money is in Swiss bank accounts, offshore island accounts, or being used to create jobs for Communists in China, than the right wing economic philosophy is not working.

"Hi, I'm rich, but because I'm burdened with taxes, I can't invest in my own country."

That's the whole basis of why Romney is running. However, the truth is that he probably paid nothing in 2009, and is still creating jobs for Communists.

I'm a Republican who has now been excluded from that party because they don't care about common sense anymore.

I make a fraction of what Romney makes, but pay a higher tax rate.

I hope for the day when the average American sees that the only redistribution of wealth going on is from hard-workin' folks like me who are subsidizing the Mitt Romneys of the world so they can turn around and stab us in the back by not creating the jobs and prosperity here that they said would happen if we made it possible for them to pay hardly anything back in a country that allows them to make untold billions.

Not all business acumen is good, my friend.

If tax rates are the problem, why didn't Obama and his congress fix it when they had total control for two years?

They never did have total control for two years. Not by a long shot.
The business acumen he has does more harm than good. How, specifically, will he undo the damage that's already been done.

So I pointed out when the supermajority that you denied occurred, occurred.

Now will you please provide specifics of the harm Mitt Romney has done with his business acumen? Please provide links to evidence of the harm done, and explain exactly how it can be attributed to his business acumen.
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