Romney will 'wait and see' whether to support Trump in 2020


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm sure he is wondering who he needs a Primary, I know I'm not surprised.

If Trump rescinds his support, Romney is finished as a candidate for Utah, the voters there don't seem to find him overly appealing. I wonder if Hatch is sorry he openly supported him as well...

Romney will 'wait and see' whether to support Trump in 2020

Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said he wants to see who runs for president in 2020 before committing to supporting President Donald Trump’s re-election bid.

“In terms of what happens in 2020, we’re going to wait and see who runs,” Romney, who is seeking Utah’s GOP nomination for Senate, told reporters Saturday. “If I had to make that decision today, I’d be missing the opportunity to find out what they’re going to do for Utah."

Romney and Trump have maintained an uneasy relationship. Romney attacked Trump during the GOP primary campaign, calling him “is a phony, a fraud."

Trump fired back, saying he "choked like a dog" during his own White House run in 2012.

But the open hostility has since ceased and Romney accepted Trump’s endorsement for Senate. In the early days of the administration, the president also reportedly considered Romney for a high-level cabinet position.
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
Who cares? Didn't he just lose a unilateral nomination in the GOP primary there for the Senate race or something, and now has to run like some commoner?

He obviously can't even carry the GOP vote in his home state, so why would Trump have to care?
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

Perhaps from a demented POV, but then he is kicking the Democrats' collective ass. :113:
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

Perhaps from a demented POV, but then he is kicking the Democrats' collective ass. :113:
as we see when he comes to aid repubs running for office Think repubs running for office this next election will ask him to stay away
Mitt thought he could waltz into Utah and grab a senate seat
that he couldn't get in another state.

I would imagine there are Utah folks that don't like that. The guy
he's running against used the theme...."I'm your neighbor." That seemed
to have caught on to 51% of the vote.

They speak their mind in Utah and that will probably destroy Romney.
His remarks about 2020 are not the words of someone from Utah, but
a National politician, in it for himself.

In Utah you better say what you mean and mean what you say. Romney
may get beat out there.
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
What's the problem here? Romney DID choke like a dog, as Trump said, when Candy Crowley beat him with a stick.

He's a polite businessman, not a street fighter, and what we need these days are street fighters.
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
Obama wasn’t virginal before he married the wookie either
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
Obama wasn’t virginal before he married the wookie either
I'd bet you're right ty but trump on f-ing around is in a whole different atmosphere One might call him a slob and not be too far from what he is
Romney held d high church positions
Being an ex Bishop and Stake President hardly prepares him for the dog fight of politics
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
Obama wasn’t virginal before he married the wookie either

True. He most likely hung out at the gay bathhouses on the weekends, and had dozens of 'love affairs' every night, like most homosexuals did, and still do when possible. They killed themselves off in considerable numbers via AIDS, . I'm sure it reduced the numers of 'lovers' available' for many years now, right up to the present, so maybe the trannies are so prominent now because of that; suddenly there's a shortage of deviants to snuggle with or something.

In any case, no telling how many children were spared being raped as well with so many of the kiddie rapers dying, which also tends to reduce the numbers of bodies they can infect with whatever the latest disease is popular with their 'community'.
and what prepared the maniac in our wh now for the presidency? Marriage ,prostitutes lying etc etc ?

The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
Obama wasn’t virginal before he married the wookie either
I'd bet you're right ty but trump on f-ing around is in a whole different atmosphere One might call him a slob and not be too far from what he is

Here we have an example of how the faux 'left' will fawn and gush over some asshat like Hugh Hefner for literally decades for their 'sophistication' and ' enlightened views' ad nauseam, mock anyone with a shred of personal morals, and then immediately bash and smear anyone who does far less for much milder behaviors.

lol you people have zero cred, and you have no idea why at all.
The incredible success he's had in so short a time and with zero Establishment support makes it obvious he was far better prepared than any candidate in modern history. Of course, that's why he's hated by all the traitors and vermin that make up the media and the Democratic Party's base.

You and the rest of the sickos will just have to put off legalizing pedophilia and genociding white proles for a few more years, that's all.
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
Obama wasn’t virginal before he married the wookie either
I'd bet you're right ty but trump on f-ing around is in a whole different atmosphere One might call him a slob and not be too far from what he is

Here we have an example of how the faux 'left' will fawn and gush over some asshat like Hugh Hefner for literally decades for their 'sophistication' and ' enlightened views' ad nauseam, mock anyone with a shred of personal morals, and then immediately bash and smear anyone who does far less for much milder behaviors.

lol you people have zero cred, and you have no idea why at all.
who t f gushed over Hefner ? but you support a pussy grabber
I see ,,you and your other friends here are attracted to a candidate who's failure at marriage 3 x, who sees prostitutes , who has lied and cheated his whole life , grabs pussy etc etc Can't beat that lol He's all yours a degenerate

All specious claims, and made by people so degenerate they still think serial rapist Bill Clinton was a great guy, and Obama was really a lawyer and non-Muslim.
Obama wasn’t virginal before he married the wookie either
I'd bet you're right ty but trump on f-ing around is in a whole different atmosphere One might call him a slob and not be too far from what he is

Here we have an example of how the faux 'left' will fawn and gush over some asshat like Hugh Hefner for literally decades for their 'sophistication' and ' enlightened views' ad nauseam, mock anyone with a shred of personal morals, and then immediately bash and smear anyone who does far less for much milder behaviors.

lol you people have zero cred, and you have no idea why at all.
who t f gushed over Hefner ? but you support a pussy grabber

Pics? nothing but hearsay. On the other hand, your liberal hero and iconic ground breaking pornographer was famous for pussy grabbing, and glorified for it.

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