Romney to cut 280,000 Jobs. Just ask him.

You are being dishonest if you keep implying that 280,000 are being laid off immediately. It is going to be a slow process by going through attrition at 1-2 ratio.
Could take a few years.

Could take a few years is right. Adding any more persons to the unemployment numbers wilingly is frankly stupid at this point.

They are leaving or retiring, they are not added to the unemployment.

Ahh so Mitt is firing no one? This just keeps getting better and better.
You do realize that those who aren't government employees are the ones who pay the salaries of government employees don't you?

So anything that cuts the expense of government is a good thing for those of us who foot the bill.

Of course. What does that have to do with what I said to Warrior?

Cutting government is good for the rest of us who foot the bill and only bad for government hacks.

And how does that change or have anything to do with what I said to Warrior?
Ahh so Mitt is firing no one? This just keeps getting better and better.

The first "GuvMint" lazy fuck to get fired in November will be that Kenyan in your profile with his feet up on the desk. You know, typical hard-working government employee.
From the guy who draws a monthly government check.

From the assfucker who draws weekly food stamps.
Too much time hiding out down in shaft alley got you all obsessed with things anal did it? Working folks provide you with a monthly income so you can reminisce about the good old days in the rope locker.

Warbler takes the stage:
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The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?
This would be a good thing.
Obviously there are more federal employees than are needed.
Federal employees are hired, paid far above market wages and receive gold plated benefits because they are supposedly the best and brightest. Ok, if that is true, those workers who would no longer be on the public payroll, should have no problem finding work in the private sector.
IMO and that of many others, public service is just that..service. Government work should not be a career. There should be NO pensions and benefits should NEVER exceed what workers receive in the private sector. Those charged with duty of serving the public should not get a better deal than those among the served.
The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?


Then why are you folks criticizing the UE rate?

Most of the UE during the Obama Presidency is coming from the Public sector. You should be pleased.

It's not even close to wash. Take a federal worker paid $50k per year. His total compensation including benefits and pension contribution adds let's say 25%..So this worker is let go from public service and begins to collect unemployment. His max benefit would probably run around $600 per week. I see that as a win. Because no matter how you slice it, whether it's a government paycheck or an unemployment check, it still comes out of the taxpayer's pocket.
Besides, the federal worker is allegedly the best and brightest. They should be able to find work rather quickly. Thus ending the hand wringing by those on the left....But wait....
Liberals view government workers as friendly to democrats. So liberals would continue to worry that for every government worker let go, that could be one less democrat vote.
The reason is simple....Once government workers experience the private sector, outside the secure womb of union represented civil service protected employment, they come to realize that democrats are not so supportive of the private sector.
The left doesn't get it. TO them a job is a job. So if gov't hires people to dig ditches, that lowers unemployment. And it provides a multiplier because they spend the money they "earn". This is the "logic" behind Nancy Pelosi sayng food stamps were a stimulus, and other ignorant stupid statements of the sort.

The left does not understand that the money has to come from someplace. They think they can tax the wealthy into providing prosperity for a population that exists solely to be supported by the wealthy. This is exactly what happened to Greece. The left can't see that, it's something they can't comprehend. They are like children thinking that mom and dad should be required to give them everything they want.

The wealthy..who make use of a disproportional amount of government infrastructure..were charged a nominal rate back in the days of Eisenhower..for their proserity.


They pay laughably low rates for a system that makes them the wealthiest people in the world.

Want proof?

The largest number of extremely wealthy people reside in the United States.

It's basic math.
LIE....The top 5% of wage earners, which are those who earn a little over $275k per year are saddled with 60% of the federal tax burden.
Additionally high income people also pay the vast majority of state and local sales taxes because they have more disposable income.
This notion of "fair share" is crap. The democrats know this. But because they cannot run on their record, they have to create demons. The wealthy and the high income person have been demonized by this Administration and in the Obama campaign.
Your side does not look upon taxation as a means to raise revenue. Your side looks upon taxation as means to punish those who you have been told are the demons. Those who others in your leadership have said "stole from you". That if there were fewer wealthy people, you would have a higher income, a nicer home or another car.
Go ahead genius, flame away. Doesn't change the facts.
Ahh so Mitt is firing no one? This just keeps getting better and better.

The first "GuvMint" lazy fuck to get fired in November will be that Kenyan in your profile with his feet up on the desk. You know, typical hard-working government employee.

Do you still receive a check from the government to this day?

I take your non-response as a 'yes'. I'm guessing that you didn't respond because it makes you look like a hypocrite. Let me confirm that for you.....yup, it does.
The left doesn't get it. TO them a job is a job. So if gov't hires people to dig ditches, that lowers unemployment. And it provides a multiplier because they spend the money they "earn". This is the "logic" behind Nancy Pelosi sayng food stamps were a stimulus, and other ignorant stupid statements of the sort.

The left does not understand that the money has to come from someplace. They think they can tax the wealthy into providing prosperity for a population that exists solely to be supported by the wealthy. This is exactly what happened to Greece. The left can't see that, it's something they can't comprehend. They are like children thinking that mom and dad should be required to give them everything they want.

The economy has lost 600,000 public sector jobs since Obama became president. You should be happy.

God, keep it going.
Obviously government employment has overwhelmed the system to pay for it. It's about time the herd is being thinned.
The left doesn't get it. TO them a job is a job. So if gov't hires people to dig ditches, that lowers unemployment. And it provides a multiplier because they spend the money they "earn". This is the "logic" behind Nancy Pelosi sayng food stamps were a stimulus, and other ignorant stupid statements of the sort.

The left does not understand that the money has to come from someplace. They think they can tax the wealthy into providing prosperity for a population that exists solely to be supported by the wealthy. This is exactly what happened to Greece. The left can't see that, it's something they can't comprehend. They are like children thinking that mom and dad should be required to give them everything they want.

Romney/Ryan's latest promises:

1. Will not cut defense spending, in fact, will increase it.

2. Will not touch Medicare

3. Will not touch Social Security

4. Will cut taxes.

Where does the money come from to pay for that budget buster??????
Since you use a quote from JFK in your sig....Kennedy slashed taxes and revenue to the federal government INCREASED.
Truth is, wealth is created by the private sector. Given the opportunity to produce without the threat of tax increases and more crushing regulation, the private sector will expand.
Government produces nothing. It only consumes.
The left does not understand that the money has to come from someplace. They think they can tax the wealthy into providing prosperity for a population that exists solely to be supported by the wealthy. This is exactly what happened to Greece. The left can't see that, it's something they can't comprehend. They are like children thinking that mom and dad should be required to give them everything they want.

The economy has lost 600,000 public sector jobs since Obama became president. You should be happy.

You're slightly off, bonerbreath.

23,000,000 are out of work under Heir Obama.

Record numbers on Food Stamps too.

You should know the latter well, welfare case.
That number( 23 million in 2009) has nearly doubled. Latest estimate is 45 million on food subsidies.
Speaking of doubled...The average pump price of regular gas has more than doubled from $1.80 to almost $4 per gallon.
43 consecutive months of U-3 unemployment over 8% and in the same time period U-6( actual unemployed) has not fallen below 14%.
And then what happens when all these laid off workers flood the unemployment market? What economic impact will it have on the country and the towns and cities that have large concentrations of government employees? Other people's businesses wil suffer for one thing because these people won't be spending in their communities. They will be drawing unemployment further burdening the taxpayers.

How Public Sector Layoffs 750,000 Killed Private Sector Jobs
As a recent study by the Economic Policy Institute showed, these job cuts ripple through the economy, also harming private sector job creation. In fact, EPI estimates that public sector job cuts have likely cost the private sector 750,000 jobs:

The economic “multiplier” of state and local spending (not including transfer payments) is large – around 1.24. This means that for every dollar cut in salary and supplies of public-sector workers, another $0.24 is lost in purchasing power throughout the rest of the economy. Teachers and firefighters stop going to restaurants and buying cars if they’re laid off, which reduces demand for waitstaff and autoworkers and so on. Add these two influences together (supplier jobs and jobs supported by this multiplier impact) and roughly 0.67 private sector jobs are lost for every public sector job cut. This means that the public sector being down 1.1 million jobs has likely cost the private sector 751,000 jobs.
What makes you think being fired from a government job is the end of the world?
Is it your assumption that these people will NEVER find work?
I'm confused, Obama has told us the economy IS recovering and that why we should elect him to a second term....
So which is it?
The left does not understand that the money has to come from someplace. They think they can tax the wealthy into providing prosperity for a population that exists solely to be supported by the wealthy. This is exactly what happened to Greece. The left can't see that, it's something they can't comprehend. They are like children thinking that mom and dad should be required to give them everything they want.

The economy has lost 600,000 public sector jobs since Obama became president. You should be happy.

God, keep it going.
Obviously government employment has overwhelmed the system to pay for it. It's about time the herd is being thinned.

I'd like to know how one can cut jobs but still need a bigger budget every year.
The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?

Republicans generally want there to be less of everything.
The Governor pledges to cut 10% of Federal Government Jobs. From his website:

Reduce The Federal Workforce By 10 Percent Via Attrition — Savings: $4 Billion. Despite widespread layoffs in the private sector, President Obama has continued to grow the federal payrolls. The federal workforce can be reduced by 10 percent through a “1-for-2” system of attrition, thereby reducing the number of federal employees while allowing the introduction of new talent into the federal service.

Free Republic's website place the figure at 2.8 million employees. So 10 percent will be 280,000 employees getting a pink slip with Romney being elected. Bain's business model inflicted on the US is a bad proposition.

The savings is $4B or something close to what, less than .5% of the federal debt?

Republicans generally want there to be less of everything.
When it comes to government spending...You would be correct.
Tell me, of what from government would you like to see more?

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