Romney says if he's drafted he won't reject the GOP's request


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
Knew from the beginning he was going to let the "stacked" (lmao) off 2016 candidate roster all have their shot at crashing and burning and then have the GOP turn to him

Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and the Republicans' 2012 presidential nominee, repeated remarks from last week, telling “Fox News Sunday” that he wouldn’t launch an eleventh-hour campaign for president. But he declined to reject being “drafted” at the GOP convention in July to be the party’s general election candidate.

“It would be absurd to say that if I were drafted I’d say no,” Romney said. “We have four strong people running for the nomination. One of them will be the nominee.”

Romney touts Cruz wins over Trump, will not reject GOP nod if drafted at convention | Fox News


You message board nerds are going to be so freaking mad

Now all's we need is a strong third party candidate to break up the left vote

Four/five way general election race. Rmoney is the GOP candidate, Trump breaks to run as an independent, Hillary or someone upsets her and is the Dem nominee, and then there's another independent who runs that appeals to the left. Today's delegate demographics simply block any GOP nominee from winning a general election in a two-candidate election.

Let's see what happens when the vote gets split between four or five general election candidates
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Trump praises Putin while Romney was mocked on a national stage for admitting the threat Russia is to us. Stop lying.
Mittens is just engaging in wishful thinking, contrary to his thinking he is the last thing the party is looking for, a 2 time loser and establishment as it gets.
Let him dive in front of the Trump Train if he wants to. He'll just be Jeb Bush redux. Trump is going to be the 45th POTUS. The American people have chosen. We're just going through the motions. Except the career pols in the dying old GOP. Those people are almost as out of touch with Americans as the airheaded pinkos.
Romney? please. He had his chance. He would not even attack the Commie of Chicago or COC. (Wright, Ayers, Davis, His Muslim Kenyan, hidden college, no experience in anything but Affirmative Action, Candy Freakin' Crowley butched him, Paul Lyin' Ryan got ate up by dumbest VP in history of Universe, America hating racist Wife, Jarret, Van Jones, Indonesia...........long list to work from).

Trump is a UFC street fighting champ compared to Marshmellow Romney.
Romney? please. He had his chance. He would not even attack the Commie of Chicago or COC. (Wright, Ayers, Davis, His Muslim Kenyan, hidden college, no experience in anything but Affirmative Action, Candy Freakin' Crowley butched him, Paul Lyin' Ryan got ate up by dumbest VP in history of Universe, America hating racist Wife, Jarret, Van Jones, Indonesia...........long list to work from).

Trump is a UFC street fighting champ compared to Marshmellow Romney.

Trump won't even win the states Romney won

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