Romney: No one's asked to see my birth certificate

I wonder if the people behind Mitt when he uttered those lines......huge smiles. guffaws, a fist pump or two........are proud of themselves? never becoming. that I'm not even surprised by this sort of thing anymore.

Remember in the 2008 campaign, when some batshit crazy woman started screeching at John McCain about how Obama was an Arab. And McCain set that woman straight. Wow. What an act of decency.

Romney has decided that woman is his core audience.
why would liberals even care.....?
Because I'm pretty sure he wasn't born here. He's not really American, not one of us.

if liberals are OK with illegals voting, obtaining U.S. drivers licenses, U.S. jobs, welfare checks, medical services, education, social security, food stamps, etc, etc,....

....why aren't they OK with an illegal as president too......?

oh wait...

they long as he is a Democrat.....

Wrong!! Liberals are not OK with illegals having any of those rights and Obama is a legal citizen of the US.
I have to say while he disguised this as an attempt at humor, it was likely a desperation move.

He needs the birthers on his side if he's gonna win the election. It is why he wanted Trumps endorsement and why he said what he did.

He is desperate to keep his base-including the wacko birthers that will never be satisfied that Obama was born in Hawaii no matter how many times he releases his birth certificate or no matter how many other pieces of evidence pointing to this have been released.

I wonder, if Obama wasn't half black, would this be an issue?
Interesting thing to tell a crowd of other white people.

5,000 and you've checked to make sure there were no minorities? You should follow more politics on twitter - lots of black conservatives tweeting for the Romster/Ryan ticket.

Romster huh? Is that what you whisper softly as you pleasure yourself at night to his visage?

I mean shit... if I'm worshiping Obama as my messiah, you're fucking fisting yourself over that glorious fake haired bastard like you've got a severe father complex.
I thought Romney just wanted to talk about jobs and the economy?

LOL, and Obama's birth certificate, and Medicare, and Welfare, and how angry he thinks Obama is being, and about who has eaten dog and who has strapped one to the car and which is worse, who has run the most negative campaign, and why he won't release his taxes, and about Obamacare, and about how he wasn't at Bain when he was, and the olympics, etc.

And also jobs and the economy. :lol:
Romney: No one's asked to see birth certificate | US National Headlines | Comcast

Wading into a debunked conspiracy theory, Mitt Romney raised the issue of President Barack Obama's citizenship Friday by joking that "no one's ever asked to see my birth certificate."

At a rally in the suburbs of Detroit, Romney told a crowd of about 5,000 that he and his wife were happy to be back near their childhood home. "They know that this is the place that we were born and raised," the candidate said.

The remark was a clear reference to the discredited claims that Obama was not born in the United States and thus ineligible to be president. Hawaii officials have repeatedly verified Obama's citizenship, and courts have rebuffed lawsuits over the issue. The Obama campaign decried the remark, saying Romney was embracing "the most strident voices in his party instead of standing up to them."

Go get him Mitt...:clap2::clap2::clap2:

romney doesn't have a third of the class that mccain did.
Perhaps he was saying it because unlike Obama he never mislead people as to where was born. Which Obama clearly did. He clearly led people to believe he was born in Kenya when that would benefit him and bring him more Attention. It's right there in black and white from his own Publisher.

He "led people to believe he was born in Kenya"? How did he do that?
Perhaps he was saying it because unlike Obama he never mislead people as to where was born. Which Obama clearly did. He clearly led people to believe he was born in Kenya when that would benefit him and bring him more Attention. It's right there in black and white from his own Publisher.

He "led people to believe he was born in Kenya"? How did he do that?

It was on a brochure that someone else prepared... doncha know.

Apparently, there was some big benefit to claiming you were from Keyna in 1979 or something.
Kind of presumptuous of Romney to assume people know where he was born. Where was he born, BTW?

Who said he was born.

He was constructed on a secret lab on the Planet Kolob to infiltrate human society... His construction was authorized by Evil Space Lord Zenu himself.

(Romney has said his favorite book is L. Ron Hubbard's Battlefield Earth. If that isn't a good enough reason to vote against him, I'm not sure what is.)

Mitt Romney - I'm white. Ha ha Obama. I'm white and you're not.

"My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard. One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president."

Quotations from Romney


Afro-American Soldiers


Formation of black soldiers after the Spanish-American War


Fighting for Freedom--At Home and Abroad: PBS Doc Tells Story of Black American Soliders | International Documentary Association


Barack Obama makes secret visit to Afghanistan | World news

Why should a Romney die in battle, when Romney's make money sending the poor inner city youths to war instead.
Three generations of Romneys refuse military service

My name is Mitt Romney and I'm white. Ha ha. We put our money overseas. We laugh at Americans who aren't white. We make them show their birth certificate. I DON'T HAVE TO SHOW MINE! Ha ha. I squat on you. So funny. Ha ha. Why aren't you laughing? I'm laughing. I'M LAUGHING AT YOU AMERICA. I'm white and you're not.

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