"BIRTHER" ARAPIO platform for SEN, I'm going to resume challenge of Obama birth certificate


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Now there's a smart,TIMELY salient ARGUMENT and PLATFORM to run a campaign on for this tin-badge double digit IQ idiot! Says he proved it before. Yet he's going to prove it AGAIN? I'm confused!

Isn't he like about 100??

(I'll assume we are running someone against him. I hope it's FOREIGN BORN BLACK TRANSGENDER WOMAN!)

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected

BY JOHN BOWDEN - 03/27/18 04:49 PM EDT 829 - The Hill

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected[/B][/SIZE]

Former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio says he will resume his controversial campaign challenging the legality of former President Obama's birth certificate if he is elected to the Senate.

In remarks first reported by Right Wing Watch, Arpaio, now running in a GOP Senate primary, told a roomful of supporters in Arizona that he has remained silent about his accusations pertaining to Obama's birthplace while campaigning. But Arpaio said he plans to resume his attacks if elected.

“I don’t talk about it anymore, until I become a U.S. senator. … So I’m kind of dropping that right now," Arpaio told the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix.

"But I’m going to tell you something," Arpaio continued, "One hundred percent we proved that’s a fake document. One hundred.”

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected
Makes sense. He was super successful in the endeavor last time.
Why? Gonna make us forfeit his 8 years?

Democrats give up 4 draft picks?

Democrats automatically lose in 2020?
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Makes sense. He was super successful in the endeavor last time.

You would think that a Sheriff who had evidence of a crime would .....I don't know....report it to the District Attorney? State Attorney General? Hawaii State police? FBI?

Why is he concealing evidence from law enforcement?
This is great news. I'm all for it. Arpaio after a lengthy investigation using the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office found Obama's long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 to be a 100% forgery that never existed in paper form. Again, I'm all for it.

From 2004


Picture taken by British reporter in Obama's Kenyan grandmothers house of 2005 calender on her wall.
I am fascinated that so many who maintain a ridiculous fantasy that The Donald colluded with the Ruskies to get the DNC emails, yet cannot comprehend that the Shadow Government came up with a fake ass Photoshop job of an Hussaine Obama birth certificate. In other words, how can democrats be such suckers?

As former Sheriff Joe Arpaio says, the Barry Hussaine Sorento Obama's (or whatever his name really is) birth certificate is a total fake. It was created by The Deep State or Shadow Government clowns who were not that good at Adobe products, after The Donald said he had investigators in Hawaii trying to find it! Do the math!
Makes sense. He was super successful in the endeavor last time.

You would think that a Sheriff who had evidence of a crime would .....I don't know....report it to the District Attorney? State Attorney General? Hawaii State police? FBI?

Why is he concealing evidence from law enforcement?
Bless his pea picking little heart--he TRIED to get us own AZ AG to take it own (I think it was a 'girl'). And since he had his own FORGED document of Obama's birth certificate and was passing it around as a forgergy, why wasn't he CHARGED with tampering with government documents or fraud? He sucked up a lot AZ tax dollars on that bullshit. Cause it's AZ? Remember his 'COLD CASE POSSE' to determine that it was a forgery, the truth, for the good of the country?

(Fucking batshit LOONS)
I am fascinated that so many who maintain a ridiculous fantasy that The Donald colluded with the Ruskies to get the DNC emails, yet cannot comprehend that the Shadow Government came up with a fake ass Photoshop job of an Hussaine Obama birth certificate. In other words, how can democrats be such suckers?

As former Sheriff Joe Arpaio says, the Barry Hussaine Sorento Obama's (or whatever his name really is) birth certificate is a total fake. It was created after The Donald said he had investigators in Hawaii trying to find it! Do the math!

REALLY? So Hawaii had PHOTOSHOP and FACEBOOK and fake news in 1964? And KRUSHCHEV was nosing around in the HI vital statistics "computers" then? Damn they were better than I thought. Probably used their SPUTNIK technology. I know, I know, KENYA had that technology and 'planted' an original LOOKING birth certificate for a little half negro Kenyan boy in HIWAII's bureau of vital statistics so SOMEDAY when he might become president, the paperwork would back him up).

(For the FOOLS who have forgotten, the HI vital statistics has ORIGINALS on file! They thought it was hoot--for awhile--and was even making some money for NEWS SOURCES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD to come and view it. Finally, they shut the shit down. It was not funny and was costing way too much HI taxpayer $$. As I remember they put up with that shit for at least 2 or 3 years. They quit showing the original!).

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This is great news. I'm all for it. Arpaio after a lengthy investigation using the full resources of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office found Obama's long form birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 to be a 100% forgery that never existed in paper form. Again, I'm all for it.

From 2004


Picture taken by British reporter in Obama's Kenyan grandmothers house of 2005 calender on her wall.
Dd you REALLY put up Breitbart? Have you learned NOTHING? Are you so stupid to think that we are so stupid?

These people can vote?
The whole birther issue was just as stupid when hitlery's apparatchiks tried to use it.

Granted the fact the meat puppet faggot was not vetted very well and never should have qualified for a secret clearance due to his admitted drug abuse it still ended up in office.

I'm confident that the reason for the secrecy and release of clearly forged documents is because the big eared parasite's "father" was actually Frank Marshal Davis.


That said, even if minutes after the moonbat messiah was sworn into office in 2009 to our detriment, and someone produced photographic proof on an 8mm movie film of that piece of shit being born in Kenya, with Khrushchev delivering it, and Mao Se Tung in the background performing a satanic ritual sacrificing a 13 year old white virgin female, the democrooks would have tied up the process to remove that asshole from office with every string that could be pulled.

So drop it already. The meat puppet faggot was the 44th and WORST president of the USA. Hopefully it will succumb to some painful disease in the near future and we can celebrate the return of some nitrogen into our soil.

The whole birther issue was just as stupid when hitlery's apparatchiks tried to use it.

Granted the fact the meat puppet faggot was not vetted very well and never should have qualified for a secret clearance due to his admitted drug abuse it still ended up in office.

I'm confident that the reason for the secrecy and release of clearly forged documents is because the big eared parasite's "father" was actually Frank Marshal Davis.


That said, even if minutes after the moonbat messiah was sworn into office in 2009 to our detriment, and someone produced photographic proof on an 8mm movie film of that piece of shit being born in Kenya, with Khrushchev delivering it, and Mao Se Tung in the background performing a satanic ritual sacrificing a 13 year old white virgin female, the democrooks would have tied up the process to remove that asshole from office with every string that could be pulled.

So drop it already. The meat puppet faggot was the 44th and WORST president of the USA. Hopefully it will succumb to some painful disease in the near future and we can celebrate the return of some nitrogen into our soil.
He was the 44th, will NEVER ever in 25 or 100 year history from now found to be the WORST. #3-5 (depends on which list) is about 17 years post presidency and the #1 WORST is the subject of most of the threads here right now..
REALLY? So Hawaii had PHOTOSHOP and FACEBOOK and fake news in 1964?

First of all Facebook is a contractor with The Shadow Government. Second, the fake ass birth certificate did not exist until they created after The Donald said he had investigators in Hawaii.

Now there's a smart,TIMELY salient ARGUMENT and PLATFORM to run a campaign on for this tin-badge double digit IQ idiot! Says he proved it before. Yet he's going to prove it AGAIN? I'm confused!

Isn't he like about 100??

(I'll assume we are running someone against him. I hope it's FOREIGN BORN BLACK TRANSGENDER WOMAN!)

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected

BY JOHN BOWDEN - 03/27/18 04:49 PM EDT 829 - The Hill

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected[/B][/SIZE]

Former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio says he will resume his controversial campaign challenging the legality of former President Obama's birth certificate if he is elected to the Senate.

In remarks first reported by Right Wing Watch, Arpaio, now running in a GOP Senate primary, told a roomful of supporters in Arizona that he has remained silent about his accusations pertaining to Obama's birthplace while campaigning. But Arpaio said he plans to resume his attacks if elected.

“I don’t talk about it anymore, until I become a U.S. senator. … So I’m kind of dropping that right now," Arpaio told the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix.

"But I’m going to tell you something," Arpaio continued, "One hundred percent we proved that’s a fake document. One hundred.”

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected
This guy could be president
Now there's a smart,TIMELY salient ARGUMENT and PLATFORM to run a campaign on for this tin-badge double digit IQ idiot! Says he proved it before. Yet he's going to prove it AGAIN? I'm confused!

Isn't he like about 100??

(I'll assume we are running someone against him. I hope it's FOREIGN BORN BLACK TRANSGENDER WOMAN!)

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected

BY JOHN BOWDEN - 03/27/18 04:49 PM EDT 829 - The Hill

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected[/B][/SIZE]

Former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio says he will resume his controversial campaign challenging the legality of former President Obama's birth certificate if he is elected to the Senate.

In remarks first reported by Right Wing Watch, Arpaio, now running in a GOP Senate primary, told a roomful of supporters in Arizona that he has remained silent about his accusations pertaining to Obama's birthplace while campaigning. But Arpaio said he plans to resume his attacks if elected.

“I don’t talk about it anymore, until I become a U.S. senator. … So I’m kind of dropping that right now," Arpaio told the Western Conservative Conference in Phoenix.

"But I’m going to tell you something," Arpaio continued, "One hundred percent we proved that’s a fake document. One hundred.”

Arpaio says he will resume challenging Obama's birth certificate if elected
This guy could be president
He'll be 91 years old when Trump retires. Maybe he'll run as a Democrat.

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