Romney never create one job.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Consumers created those jobs he said he created while Governor of Mass and through his business investments. That is why he cannot tell us how he will create 12 million jobs if he is elected president. He don’t have a clue. Did Romney ever build a business on his own? Because he made investments that paid off does not make him successful businessman. Businesses succeed because consumers buy their products or services and thus create jobs. Bankruptcy is another way Romney succeeded when Bain left a bank in the red for $10 million of banks clients which paid with higher bank charges. Without consumers, the 47%ers, he would not have millions. No once has he gave consumers credit for his millions. Romney don’ know how the government create jobs. Especially the federal Government and states cannot create jobs without the help of the federal Government. Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs, but Romney has a different plan that don’t mathematically add up. Through the federal Government, Obama created 5 million jobs, making up for the jobs lost during the past four years plus.
Romney never created one job, but his investments made him a millionaire. If jobs were created in Massachusetts while he was Governor it was not because of anything he used his head to do.
Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer
Oct 15, 2012
Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Mitt Romney was not a businessman; He was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. (Charles Ommanney / Getty Images)
David Stockman: Mitt Romney and the Bain Drain - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
So Did Mitt Romney Really 'Create Jobs' at Staples?

Did Mitt Romney really "create 100,000 jobs" with Staples? Simple answer: only if no one else was selling office supplies, stationery, etc. before Staples came along. What Staples did was force many competing stationery, office supply and computer stores out of business, probably shifting their employees into lower-wage jobs. Staples was just one more part of the Wal-Martization of our economy in the last few decades. In our system the wealthy few have the power to lay people off or force pay cuts and then pocket the difference for themselves. We have to come to grips with that, and fix the system.

Low Wages?

How do these "Romney job creator" jobs stack up against other jobs? Average Staples salaries for job postings nationwide are 51 percent lower than average salaries for all job postings. The pay at Staples appears to be around $8-10 an hour. That's $16-20,000 a year, certainly not enough to support a family, or even pay rent in many areas, never mind buying food. (The 2012 poverty guideline for family of four is $23,050.)
lol, back with the consumers creates jobs..

man oh man...

Those companies must just MAGICALLY appear out of thin air that consumers go to shop at.
Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs,

And don't you love that Obama successfully used the Federal Government to create all these wonderful jobs that you, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren will now get to PAY for

he be some hero huh
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Hmm, didn't take my advice about getting your prescriptions refilled did you? You are a perfect example of why I believe people should be tested in reading comprehension, civics, English and 20th century history prior to be allowed to vote. We force people to take classes, pass a test and get a license to paint someone's toe nails or cut their hair, but we allow any dumbass moron to vote. No wonder obama is not only our president, but has a decent chance of being re-elected.

Y'know, it really is okay for the private sector to create jobs.

Yes, some people get "rich" in the process. There are "rich" people in Russia and Venezuela too.

Maybe if we liked the private sector, they could create even more.

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Consumers created those jobs he said he created while Governor of Mass and through his business investments. That is why he cannot tell us how he will create 12 million jobs if he is elected president. He don’t have a clue. Did Romney ever build a business on his own? Because he made investments that paid off does not make him successful businessman. Businesses succeed because consumers buy their products or services and thus create jobs. Bankruptcy is another way Romney succeeded when Bain left a bank in the red for $10 million of banks clients which paid with higher bank charges. Without consumers, the 47%ers, he would not have millions. No once has he gave consumers credit for his millions. Romney don’ know how the government create jobs. Especially the federal Government and states cannot create jobs without the help of the federal Government. Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs, but Romney has a different plan that don’t mathematically add up. Through the federal Government, Obama created 5 million jobs, making up for the jobs lost during the past four years plus.
Romney never created one job, but his investments made him a millionaire. If jobs were created in Massachusetts while he was Governor it was not because of anything he used his head to do.
Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer
Oct 15, 2012
Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Mitt Romney was not a businessman; He was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. (Charles Ommanney / Getty Images)
David Stockman: Mitt Romney and the Bain Drain - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Romney never create one job

Most interesting.
consumers create jobs --- OMG --- how can people really be this dense?

I thought last week they were telling us Obama created 5 million jobs...

Obama the great consumer!
Consumers created those jobs he said he created while Governor of Mass and through his business investments. That is why he cannot tell us how he will create 12 million jobs if he is elected president. He don’t have a clue. Did Romney ever build a business on his own? Because he made investments that paid off does not make him successful businessman. Businesses succeed because consumers buy their products or services and thus create jobs. Bankruptcy is another way Romney succeeded when Bain left a bank in the red for $10 million of banks clients which paid with higher bank charges. Without consumers, the 47%ers, he would not have millions. No once has he gave consumers credit for his millions. Romney don’ know how the government create jobs. Especially the federal Government and states cannot create jobs without the help of the federal Government. Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs, but Romney has a different plan that don’t mathematically add up. Through the federal Government, Obama created 5 million jobs, making up for the jobs lost during the past four years plus.
Romney never created one job, but his investments made him a millionaire. If jobs were created in Massachusetts while he was Governor it was not because of anything he used his head to do.
Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer
Oct 15, 2012
Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Mitt Romney was not a businessman; He was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. (Charles Ommanney / Getty Images)
David Stockman: Mitt Romney and the Bain Drain - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Oh too funny. You are chinese. I'll keep working at this till I get your province.

And I'm good.

You are chinese posing as a MS victim out of Vegas.

Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs,

And don't you love that Obama successfully used the Federal Government to create all these wonderful jobs that you, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren will now get to PAY for

he be some hero huh[/QUOTE

You have a depressing view of the future of the United States,You think Romney is a Messiah.........Think where was I,that's it Obama has spent less than the two Georgie Porgies(each)......they ensured you are now in debt to the Chinese and Japanese for two to three generations........Think ON

OR SHOULD THAT BE "DREAM ON":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::mad::mad::mad::mad::redface::redface:

see you around:cool:
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David Stockman

Mitt Romney: The Great Deformer
Oct 15, 2012 1:00 AM EDT

Is Romney really a job creator? Ronald Reagan’s budget director, David Stockman, takes a scalpel to the claims.

Bain Capital is a product of the Great Deformation. It has garnered fabulous winnings through leveraged speculation in financial markets that have been perverted and deformed by decades of money printing and Wall Street coddling by the Fed. So Bain’s billions of profits were not rewards for capitalist creation; they were mainly windfalls collected from gambling in markets that were rigged to rise.

Nevertheless, Mitt Romney claims that his essential qualification to be president is grounded in his 15 years as head of Bain Capital, from 1984 through early 1999. According to the campaign’s narrative, it was then that he became immersed in the toils of business enterprise, learning along the way the true secrets of how to grow the economy and create jobs. The fact that Bain’s returns reputedly averaged more than 50 percent annually during this period is purportedly proof of the case—real-world validation that Romney not only was a striking business success but also has been uniquely trained and seasoned for the task of restarting the nation’s sputtering engines of capitalism.

Except Mitt Romney was not a businessman; he was a master financial speculator who bought, sold, flipped, and stripped businesses. He did not build enterprises the old-fashioned way—out of inspiration, perspiration, and a long slog in the free market fostering a new product, service, or process of production. Instead, he spent his 15 years raising debt in prodigious amounts on Wall Street so that Bain could purchase the pots and pans and castoffs of corporate America, leverage them to the hilt, gussy them up as reborn “roll-ups,” and then deliver them back to Wall Street for resale—the faster the better.
Love it! the left is already graping at straws....

give up already and prepare to WORK for your money!
No once has he gave consumers credit for his millions.

You are a complete fabrication. Too funny. Still trying to work on your province just for fun.
Obama successfully used the federal government to create jobs,

And don't you love that Obama successfully used the Federal Government to create all these wonderful jobs that you, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren will now get to PAY for

he be some hero huh[/QUOTE

You have a depressing view of the future of the United State,You think Romney is a Messiah.........Think where was I,that's it Obama has spent less than the two Georgie Porgies(each)......they ensured you are now in debt to the Chinese and Japanese for two to three generations........Think ON

OR SHOULD THAT BE "DREAM ON":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::mad::mad::mad::mad::redface::redface:

see you around:cool:

I just needed to grab this to make sure it entered my hall of fame.

Thank you so much.

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