Romney: Made In The USA Bitches

Welcome Birthers to the Romney Campaign! :eusa_clap:

So if the Communists endorse Obama, then you'll admit he's a Marxist, right? Or do only the Republicans get stuck with this logic?

I think it's more of, does Obama do a shout out to the communists, should we take that into account.

Like Romney did a shout out to the Birther-nuts.

Democrats really want to be offended, don't you? You go to so much effort to be offended on a constant basis.
When Osama attacked the Russian ... military ... it wasn't terrorism. When Osama blew up buildings and murdered civilians in the streets it was. That confuses you?

So the attack on the USS Cole wasn't terrorism?

The bombing of the barracks in Lebanon wasn't terrorism?

I'm not certain he's the confused one here.

No, they weren't terrorism. You have to be so mind numbingly specific with liberals, and then it isn't enough. But I'll waste one post actually making an argument and then I'll give it up in the next one when you still don't get it.

Terrorism is an attack which serves no purpose but to instill ... wait for it ... terror. It has no military value and no purpose other than the psychological impact of the attack. I can't believe I have to explain that.

Bin Laden was given to me as an example asking why his attack was not terrorism against the Russians in Afghanistan and it was against the US in NY. My answer did involve military attack against Russians and civilian attack against the US, so you took it to the mind numbing extreme I didn't say or mean that I was saying all attacks against the military are not terrorism and no attack against civilians are not terrorism. So, to address your examples, which if you give lucid replies to I will say serious and if you don't I'm not going to play catch the mouse with you.

Afghanistan - They were attacks against the Russian military who had invaded Afghanistan. Bin Laden was there fighting them to repel the invasion. A clear military objective. Tot terrorism.

NY - Bin Laden blew up a civilian office building in NY and murdered civilians. No military objective, no purpose but instilling terror. Terrorism.

Indians attacking whites. First, Joe in his bigotry lumps all Indians together as if they were the same, they weren't. But on the attacks against white civilians, the Indians who fought them were killing people who they viewed as invading their territory to drive them out. It was a clear military objective.

Lebanon and the Cole were attacks also on the military in a region of the world the people who attacked them felt did not belong there. They were for a purpose, not terrorism.

Attacks on the military are almost always not terrorism. The one I could think of that could be argued was the radical Muslim who opened fire in the cafeteria in North Carolina, it's hard to see a military objective in that.

Attacks on civilians can be, it depends ... wait for it ... why they did it. Note I did not argue right or wrong, just whether it's actually "terrorism" or not. Seriously, I can't believe you guys don't know what "terrorism" is. Then again, sadly I can believe it. Terrorism for liberals is like all words, the definition of the word changes based on what suits the interests of liberalism.
Things I've learned on this board (changing daily!)
1. The 2010 elections were an electoral college landslide for Republicans (Rottweiler)
2. South Africa was a "prosperous" and "civilized" country under Apartheid. (Uncensored)
3. Willowtree is going "to vote for Romney because he's white."

On #3, are you really that stupid that you can't recognize when someone is mocking you or are you a dick who does know it and takes it seriously to be offended? I just pointed out liberals like to do that.

On #2, not sure what you were disagreeing with.

On #1, wow, got him in a typo, congratulations. Well played, you're a beast...
The fact we can elect a black man is a sign of how much progress we've made in the last 50 years.

And then we see that same black man destroy at least 20 years of racial progress.

Really? How has he done that? And are you saying that we are now where we were 20 years ago in "racial progress"? Got some examples of that?
No one asked to see Mitt's birth certificate because he's white. We all know that. However, we have repeatedly asked to see his tax returns.

Maybe people asked to see it because his own book states he was born in Kenya.

I'm still not a birther, don't bother going there. But had a Republican done that you and yours would be OBSESSING over getting it and nothing provided would be good enough.

You also like to ignore that before there was Kenya, Democrats raised whether McCain was qualified because he was born on a US military base in Panama which clearly is a scenario the founding fathers didn't think of but meets the spirit of what they meant being born in the US in every possible way. And even as a technical argument, liberals then argue the US Constitution applies on foreign military bases because it is the US.

The ENDLESS double standards and hypocrisies of the left just get tired.
Things I've learned on this board (changing daily!)
1. The 2010 elections were an electoral college landslide for Republicans (Rottweiler)
2. South Africa was a "prosperous" and "civilized" country under Apartheid. (Uncensored)
3. Willowtree is going "to vote for Romney because he's white."

On #3, are you really that stupid that you can't recognize when someone is mocking you or are you a dick who does know it and takes it seriously to be offended? I just pointed out liberals like to do that.

On #2, not sure what you were disagreeing with.

On #1, wow, got him in a typo, congratulations. Well played, you're a beast...

On #3....Willow has stated on several occasions that she is only voting for white candidates. No mocking, fact.
Things I've learned on this board (changing daily!)
1. The 2010 elections were an electoral college landslide for Republicans (Rottweiler)
2. South Africa was a "prosperous" and "civilized" country under Apartheid. (Uncensored)
3. Willowtree is going "to vote for Romney because he's white."

On #3, are you really that stupid that you can't recognize when someone is mocking you or are you a dick who does know it and takes it seriously to be offended? I just pointed out liberals like to do that.

On #2, not sure what you were disagreeing with.

On #1, wow, got him in a typo, congratulations. Well played, you're a beast...

On #3....Willow has stated on several occasions that she is only voting for white candidates. No mocking, fact.

She also said she's voting for Romney because he's male. There's a point with the irrational where you stop trying to argue against it rationally.
When Osama attacked the Russian ... military ... it wasn't terrorism. When Osama blew up buildings and murdered civilians in the streets it was. That confuses you?

So the attack on the USS Cole wasn't terrorism?

The bombing of the barracks in Lebanon wasn't terrorism?

I'm not certain he's the confused one here.

No, they weren't terrorism. You have to be so mind numbingly specific with liberals, and then it isn't enough. But I'll waste one post actually making an argument and then I'll give it up in the next one when you still don't get it.

Terrorism is an attack which serves no purpose but to instill ... wait for it ... terror. It has no military value and no purpose other than the psychological impact of the attack. I can't believe I have to explain that.

Bin Laden was given to me as an example asking why his attack was not terrorism against the Russians in Afghanistan and it was against the US in NY. My answer did involve military attack against Russians and civilian attack against the US, so you took it to the mind numbing extreme I didn't say or mean that I was saying all attacks against the military are not terrorism and no attack against civilians are not terrorism. So, to address your examples, which if you give lucid replies to I will say serious and if you don't I'm not going to play catch the mouse with you.

Afghanistan - They were attacks against the Russian military who had invaded Afghanistan. Bin Laden was there fighting them to repel the invasion. A clear military objective. Tot terrorism.

NY - Bin Laden blew up a civilian office building in NY and murdered civilians. No military objective, no purpose but instilling terror. Terrorism.

Indians attacking whites. First, Joe in his bigotry lumps all Indians together as if they were the same, they weren't. But on the attacks against white civilians, the Indians who fought them were killing people who they viewed as invading their territory to drive them out. It was a clear military objective.

Lebanon and the Cole were attacks also on the military in a region of the world the people who attacked them felt did not belong there. They were for a purpose, not terrorism.

Attacks on the military are almost always not terrorism. The one I could think of that could be argued was the radical Muslim who opened fire in the cafeteria in North Carolina, it's hard to see a military objective in that.

Attacks on civilians can be, it depends ... wait for it ... why they did it. Note I did not argue right or wrong, just whether it's actually "terrorism" or not. Seriously, I can't believe you guys don't know what "terrorism" is. Then again, sadly I can believe it. Terrorism for liberals is like all words, the definition of the word changes based on what suits the interests of liberalism.

There you have it, folks! The USS Cole, the bombings in Lebanon? Those weren't terrorism.

you heard it here first.
Things I've learned on this board (changing daily!)
1. The 2010 elections were an electoral college landslide for Republicans (Rottweiler)
2. South Africa was a "prosperous" and "civilized" country under Apartheid. (Uncensored)
3. Willowtree is going "to vote for Romney because he's white."

On #3, are you really that stupid that you can't recognize when someone is mocking you or are you a dick who does know it and takes it seriously to be offended? I just pointed out liberals like to do that.

It's a quote. I can't be held accountable for other people's stupid, racist comments.

On #2, not sure what you were disagreeing with.

Oh, of course you can't. Is it really hard to understand that Apartheid was not civilized?
Mormonism got Romney out of serving the nation, if you can't serve in the military because of your religion, how then can you serve as commander in chief of that same army?

then Obama is not qualified b/c he had no military service either

The point was more inane then that. You can't underestimate the intelligence in a liberal post. Romney was on a mission trip, which all Mormons are supposed to do. When he returned and finished school the war was winding down and he drew a high number. Our liberal braniac is making the implication that somehow being Mormon prevented him from being in the military and President is among other things head of the military.

I cannot forecast to you the action of Liberalism. It is an idiocy, wrapped in stupidity, inside mental retardation; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Liberal's selfish interest.

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