Romney looking out of corporate buddies


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Watch: Romney Proposes Gutting or Privatizing FEMA, Leaving Disaster Relief to States
Tim Murphy
|Aug. 23, 2012
Watch: Romney Proposes Gutting or Privatizing FEMA, Leaving Disaster Relief to States | Mother Jones

Whenever Romney and other right wingers mention “privatization” it mean looking out for corporate buddies first and foremost. Bush “privatizing” contractors when he gave contracts to Halliburton and Black Water instead of giving contracts to government employees. Halliburton charged taxpayers $26 for a paper plate?

The Cheney - Halliburton Circle of Corruption
Cheney Halliburton Circle of Corruption
As many as 5,000 private security contractors will be protecting U.S. diplomats in Iraq. The U.S. Embassy compound (above) and several consulates will have about 15,000 workers, making it the largest diplomatic operation abroad.
No U.S. Troops, But An Army Of Contractors In Iraq : NPR

Romney starting a war with Iran will be a lucrative business venture for Romney's corporate buddies.
Do you get a nickel a post from some left-winged kook-fringed organization?

If she does, she's making less than a dollar a day.

OTOH, you spew toxic lies and insults all day, every day.

As to the op, she's right about Mittens but what we'll hear from him next is a denial that he wanted to get rid of FEMA. Mark my words, THAT will be his next lie.
Uh, you forgot to call him a Racist. You're welcome, for the assist.
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Disaster relief should be left to the states. Who is the most qualified to judge what kind of relief is needed?
Dat Romney wish the Hurricane only hit dark-skinned people. He soo damn Racist. Oh, and he likes money too. He very bad man.

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