Romney in 2016?

I think Romney would have saved America by now! His ideas were fresh and perfectly reasonable!

His style is impetuous! His defense is impregnable! He's just ferocious! He wants your heart!!!! He wants to eat your children!!!

Romeny 2016 baby!!!! Let's roll mothafuckaaaaz

Funniest post evah!!!! Thanks...time to leave for yoga but dahm!
Did any of you read the entire OP, or are four sentences beyond your attention span? Obama's approval rating has dropped 10 points since the election, so the assertion that he would do as well or better in an election today than he did in November is asinine.

Yours is a wholly unsophisticated view of political science. Got your attention?
GWB looks good now because he's not in office making decisions that will piss off 50% of the electorate. A president's approval rating during normal times (absent a war or depression) usually hovers around 50% or so. That he has dropped only ten points in a second term during a scandal and a lot of other controversies is likely a credit to his inherent popularity.

If the election were held today and Romney had to run a campaign for 4-6 months, his "plans" would be highlighted and compared to those of Mr. Obama's and he would lose again by a very wide margin.

Really, are you this unaware of politics?
Republicans didn't want him in 2012, why would they want him now? Has he improved that much in 4 years? Has he released all his tax returns?
The difference between 2012 and now is that everything Romney said in 2012 has been proven correct. However much the democrats will imagine another Romney candidacy, there won't be one. He's not going to run and didn't even go to the recent republican meeting in Massachusettes.

Romney doesn't lie. When he said that was his last attempt he meant it.

Democrats are just going to have to find another candidate to masturbate over. Try Sarah Palin. She's not running either.
The difference between 2012 and now is that everything Romney said in 2012 has been proven correct.
You mean about the 47%, yep, I'm sure he still feels the same.

However much the democrats will imagine another Romney candidacy, there won't be one. He's not going to run and didn't even go to the recent republican meeting in Massachusettes.
I'm not imagining another Romney, I thought the OP was rw?

Romney doesn't lie. When he said that was his last attempt he meant it.
Well, now, that's a lie in itself.

Democrats are just going to have to find another candidate to masturbate over. Try Sarah Palin. She's not running either.
Don't worry, Rand, Christie, Rubio, Cruz, they all have plenty of humor for us.
The difference between 2012 and now is that everything Romney said in 2012 has been proven correct.
You mean about the 47%, yep, I'm sure he still feels the same.

However much the democrats will imagine another Romney candidacy, there won't be one. He's not going to run and didn't even go to the recent republican meeting in Massachusettes.
I'm not imagining another Romney, I thought the OP was rw?

Romney doesn't lie. When he said that was his last attempt he meant it.
Well, now, that's a lie in itself.

Democrats are just going to have to find another candidate to masturbate over. Try Sarah Palin. She's not running either.
Don't worry, Rand, Christie, Rubio, Cruz, they all have plenty of humor for us.

Of course you will. We all know that. Democrats will just recoil in horror when the same thing is done to sleazebag Hillary. There is no doubt that democrats will complain when that screech "What difference does it make" is played over and over again just as a reminder of what the sacred is capable of.
The difference between 2012 and now is that everything Romney said in 2012 has been proven correct.
You mean about the 47%, yep, I'm sure he still feels the same.

I'm not imagining another Romney, I thought the OP was rw?

Well, now, that's a lie in itself.

Democrats are just going to have to find another candidate to masturbate over. Try Sarah Palin. She's not running either.
Don't worry, Rand, Christie, Rubio, Cruz, they all have plenty of humor for us.

Of course you will. We all know that. Democrats will just recoil in horror when the same thing is done to sleazebag Hillary. There is no doubt that democrats will complain when that screech "What difference does it make" is played over and over again just as a reminder of what the sacred is capable of.

Just like the rw does Obama. It's a two-way street, you know. (Like you are doing just now to Hillary, but think that you are exempt)! :lol:
Romney was a great candidate and Obama ran a shitty campaign and still won a rigged election. Simple as that. These libtard blowhards don't want to acknowledge the reality cos they're scoundrels who support corruption. NUFF SAID.

It's so hard for the right-wing fringe to accept defeat! :eusa_boohoo:
Did any of you read the entire OP, or are four sentences beyond your attention span? Obama's approval rating has dropped 10 points since the election, so the assertion that he would do as well or better in an election today than he did in November is asinine.

As far as prognostication about the 2016 election, it seems like none of the erstwhile GOP candidates will do any better at uniting the party than Romney did in 2012. Remember, he was running against an incumbent who used all of the powers of the Presidency to ensure reelection (not to mention Sandy).
Assuming Hillary will be nominated in 2016, who else would be better able to remind people of the foreign policy fiasco under her watch as Secretary of State?

All this being said, the next President will likely have to deal with the explosion of the debt/interest bomb we have been constructing. Only an ideological megalomaniac who wants to complete the transformation of America should interested in that job. On that basis, I'm not sure Romney qualifies.
What’s asinine was the rightist notion of Obama and the ham sandwich candidate.
I don't think Romney will run in 2016. However, his experience in losing may help him run a successful campaign.

It's all speculation.
Romney was a great candidate and Obama ran a shitty campaign and still won a rigged election. Simple as that. These libtard blowhards don't want to acknowledge the reality cos they're scoundrels who support corruption. NUFF SAID.

It's so hard for the right-wing fringe to accept defeat! :eusa_boohoo:

Its worse than you think; [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] not only thinks (if you want to use that word) that the election was rigged but the the Presidency is just another seat in the government
Romney will get my vote if he runs against Obama.

(Yes I know that is not happening)
Romney won't run again. The miistake he and McCain made was the same one. Being nice. Democrats are down and dirty fighters. What republicans need is a punch below the belt street fighter.
Romney was a great candidate and Obama ran a shitty campaign and still won a rigged election. Simple as that. These libtard blowhards don't want to acknowledge the reality cos they're scoundrels who support corruption. NUFF SAID.

It's so hard for the right-wing fringe to accept defeat! :eusa_boohoo:

Its worse than you think; [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] not only thinks (if you want to use that word) that the election was rigged but the the Presidency is just another seat in the government

:lmao: The fact that you don't (and believe that is a position of dictatorship) is hilarious and also illustrates your profound ignorance. But like most libtards, you have zero concept of balance of powers or the Constitution
Best thread ever.


Smell that? That's Zona's fear... :eusa_whistle:

(Hint: libtards promote conservatives they don't fear and believe they can beat, they relentlessly bash and pretend to "want" conservatives they know are a danger to their nazi goose-step march to collapse society - like they did Detroit)
Did any of you read the entire OP, or are four sentences beyond your attention span? Obama's approval rating has dropped 10 points since the election, so the assertion that he would do as well or better in an election today than he did in November is asinine.

Yours is a wholly unsophisticated view of political science. Got your attention?
GWB looks good now because he's not in office making decisions that will piss off 50% of the electorate. A president's approval rating during normal times (absent a war or depression) usually hovers around 50% or so. That he has dropped only ten points in a second term during a scandal and a lot of other controversies is likely a credit to his inherent popularity.

If the election were held today and Romney had to run a campaign for 4-6 months, his "plans" would be highlighted and compared to those of Mr. Obama's and he would lose again by a very wide margin.

Really, are you this unaware of politics?

By "politics" do you mean that we had to reelect our First Black President, despite his obvious incompetence, in order to avoid being branded as "racist?" It may be wishful thinking, but I think recent revelations (aka "phony scandals") have taken the bloom off that stinkwort.
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

A lot of people changed their minds in 2012. Obama took his illegal overseas campaign contributions and paid for a rigged election.

Absolutely and we're just beginning to see the depths of which libruls will slime to for power.. Using the IRS to win an election, allowing Americans to die in Benghazi because it doesn't fit your election narrative of the enemy being decimated.. voting machines voting Odumbo all over when the vote was placed for Romney, Illegals given amnesty with the stroke of a pen, over 1 million, USURPING the US Constitution-- all adds up to a stolen election.. and we all know it.. It won't be that easy this time for you lowlifes.

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