Romney called "traitor" at Obama rally


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
Heh. The dark heart of the Democrat Party is once again revealed... :lol:

Oh my: Audience member yells &#8220;traitor&#8221; at mention of Romney&#8217;s name during Obama rally « Hot Air


The shout from the crowd was clear. As President Barack Obama gave the first official campaign speech of his re-election bid at a sports arena in Ohio last weekend the first mention of his Republican opponent Mitt Romney prompted a male voice in the throng to yell: “Traitor!”

Earlier in the rally, held in the Ohio state capital of Columbus, several warm-up speakers for Obama had derided and mocked Romney for once using a Swiss bank account. Campaign videos played to the audience had prompted loud boos when Romney appeared or was mentioned…

“People look at Romney, and he is the personification of everything that is wrong with the system,” said Justin Ruben, executive director of, a web-based group that campaigns on progressive causes. Ruben said the group had recently taken an internal poll of its left-wing members and been surprised that 68% of them felt Romney was as bad as or worse than President George W Bush as an American politician. “That was striking. I was not sure that our members had a scale that went beyond Bush,” Ruben said.

Hating Mitt Romney: Democratic voters less motivated by love of Obama | World news |

Democratic base is divided by Obama's first-term achievements – or lack thereof – but increasingly united in anger at Romney

Follow the links to the latest outrageously outrageous outrage.
obama is getting ready for a distraction away from the espionage that just came out of the white house.
Heh. The dark heart of the Democrat Party is once again revealed... :lol:

Oh my: Audience member yells “traitor” at mention of Romney’s name during Obama rally « Hot Air


The shout from the crowd was clear. As President Barack Obama gave the first official campaign speech of his re-election bid at a sports arena in Ohio last weekend the first mention of his Republican opponent Mitt Romney prompted a male voice in the throng to yell: “Traitor!”

Earlier in the rally, held in the Ohio state capital of Columbus, several warm-up speakers for Obama had derided and mocked Romney for once using a Swiss bank account. Campaign videos played to the audience had prompted loud boos when Romney appeared or was mentioned…

“People look at Romney, and he is the personification of everything that is wrong with the system,” said Justin Ruben, executive director of, a web-based group that campaigns on progressive causes. Ruben said the group had recently taken an internal poll of its left-wing members and been surprised that 68% of them felt Romney was as bad as or worse than President George W Bush as an American politician. “That was striking. I was not sure that our members had a scale that went beyond Bush,” Ruben said.

Hating Mitt Romney: Democratic voters less motivated by love of Obama | World news |

Democratic base is divided by Obama's first-term achievements – or lack thereof – but increasingly united in anger at Romney

Follow the links to the latest outrageously outrageous outrage.

Obama probably assumed it was just another wingnut calling him a traitor. He's used to hearing it...
There's no way Theocrat Bishop Willard Mitt Romney is a traitor..

Heck..he protested FOR the Vietnam war..before going to France.

He made American companies much better places to work..for employees in China and Mexico.

He helps the economy...of Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

Yessiree..Romney is true blue..something..
And Obama is accused of treason at Romney rallies.

The circle of politics...

Don't forget the much more heinous crime of eating dog while living in a country that actually does eat dog. The nerve of him! :eusa_shhh:

For the record, Romney is not a traitor. He is a Republican

It is just difficult to tell the difference sometimes

There are a lot of rotton things about Romney, but traitor is not one of them. Who in their right mind that has the money and power he has would betray their country? No frigging way!


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