Romney Advisor: No Obamacare Repeal


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Romney Advisor: No Obamacare Repeal | RedState

As Ben Domenech notes in his Transom, Mitt Romney’s advisors have now advised him to support “a $2 gas tax, a VAT, and open Taliban talks.” Add to that list not repealing Obamacare. Norm Coleman, an advisor to Romney, went on record saying

We’re not going to do repeal. You’re not going to repeal Obamacare… It’s not a total repeal… You will not repeal the act in its entirety, but you will see major changes, particularly if there is a Republican president… You can’t whole-cloth throw it out. But you can substantially change what’s been done.​

We’ve had this dribble out at the Romney Fan Club over at National Review too — just fix it, don’t repeal it. There are practical reasons for doing so, but we should not lose our perspective. The base of the Republican party is energized by the prospects of complete repeal. All the candidates have said they would repeal it. Mitt Romney, within the past two years, flipped his position going from nibbling to full repeal.

In the South Carolina debate on CNN last week, Newt Gingrich said he did not trust the congressional staffs (plural) and would therefore insist on full repeal via reconciliation, which is how the Democrats passed it in the first place through the Senate. His was a wise point. The congressional staffs, both Democrat and Republican, have started functioning as an entrenched legislative branch bureaucracy both doing what they think best for the country even when the voters want otherwise.

In fact, the entrenched legislative bureaucracy has a great deal to do with congressional disapproval in the public. Republican staffers want to inch the ball down the field instead of fighting. Democrat staffers are far more aggressive.

If a Republican gets into the White House and does not sweat blood trying to repeal Obamacare in its entirety (regardless of success), I predict the end of the Republican Party legitimately. It won’t be worth fighting for if the party itself does not think it worth fighting for its voters. If the GOP takes back the White House, it’s voters will expect a real fight, not a half-hearted attempt.
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?
I actually support a President who will go through the bill, line by line, and fix it so it works, doesn't cost us fucking billions in taxes, and is Constitutional. A total repeal is not practical and parts of the bill should remain. Logic over politics. *Bows*
you will not end SS

You will not end the health care reform.

You will not end public education.

You will not end the post office

you will not end Unions

You will not end regulations.

Your party is about to fall ass appart.

your fractured and for good reason.

Your party has failed mirserably.

enjoy your obsurity.

It will be a boon for the American people
[ame=]CNN: Mitt Romney 'I will repeal Obamacare' - YouTube[/ame]

If this is correct...Romney's already lying. Not just making a promise that when reality hits him in the face about how government works..he already knows that it's not something he will do.
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?

people will not be able to afford the premiums opening the door to a public option...and all will be forced into it...not by chouice....financially, they will not be able to handle the higher premiums.

You see...the "pre-existing conditions caluse" as bad as it was, was necessary to keep premiums down. People were not buying insuracne until they had a catastrophic issue arise.

Now, even with the madate, premiums are going to HAVE to rise dramatically to cover the influx of "use" of the policies...

Furthermore, with the "26 year old" child policies have more dependants for a longer again, to compensate, premiums are going to rise dramatically.

Now, contrary to popular belief, the insurance industry has been earning about a 4% profit they can not dip into that to make up for the increase in policy they will need to increase policy premiums.
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?

More people wont be buying into it, more people will be added onto it with the same amount of people paying even more to cover those people. It's unsustainable.
And I am sure Romneys advisers advised him to go along with it just through the election cycle, maybe get him more votes if he says he wont repeal, then after being elected go all out on the repeal.
Besides, even if he doesnt want to repeal, if the GOP keeps the house and wins the senate filibuster proof they can do away with it without the presidents approval, checks and balances fellas...checks and balances.
you will not end SS

You will not end the health care reform.

You will not end public education.

You will not end the post office

you will not end Unions

You will not end regulations.

Your party is about to fall ass appart.

your fractured and for good reason.

Your party has failed mirserably.

enjoy your obsurity.

It will be a boon for the American people
Romney Advisor: No Obamacare Repeal | RedState

As Ben Domenech notes in his Transom, Mitt Romney’s advisors have now advised him to support “a $2 gas tax, a VAT, and open Taliban talks.” Add to that list not repealing Obamacare. Norm Coleman, an advisor to Romney, went on record saying

We’re not going to do repeal. You’re not going to repeal Obamacare… It’s not a total repeal… You will not repeal the act in its entirety, but you will see major changes, particularly if there is a Republican president… You can’t whole-cloth throw it out. But you can substantially change what’s been done.​

We’ve had this dribble out at the Romney Fan Club over at National Review too — just fix it, don’t repeal it. There are practical reasons for doing so, but we should not lose our perspective. The base of the Republican party is energized by the prospects of complete repeal. All the candidates have said they would repeal it. Mitt Romney, within the past two years, flipped his position going from nibbling to full repeal.

In the South Carolina debate on CNN last week, Newt Gingrich said he did not trust the congressional staffs (plural) and would therefore insist on full repeal via reconciliation, which is how the Democrats passed it in the first place through the Senate. His was a wise point. The congressional staffs, both Democrat and Republican, have started functioning as an entrenched legislative branch bureaucracy both doing what they think best for the country even when the voters want otherwise.

In fact, the entrenched legislative bureaucracy has a great deal to do with congressional disapproval in the public. Republican staffers want to inch the ball down the field instead of fighting. Democrat staffers are far more aggressive.

If a Republican gets into the White House and does not sweat blood trying to repeal Obamacare in its entirety (regardless of success), I predict the end of the Republican Party legitimately. It won’t be worth fighting for if the party itself does not think it worth fighting for its voters. If the GOP takes back the White House, it’s voters will expect a real fight, not a half-hearted attempt.

The GOP hasnt had any backbone for quite some time now.

So romney supports big government. I am just shocked.:lol:
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?

people will not be able to afford the premiums opening the door to a public option...and all will be forced into it...not by chouice....financially, they will not be able to handle the higher premiums.

You see...the "pre-existing conditions caluse" as bad as it was, was necessary to keep premiums down. People were not buying insuracne until they had a catastrophic issue arise.

Now, even with the madate, premiums are going to HAVE to rise dramatically to cover the influx of "use" of the policies...

Furthermore, with the "26 year old" child policies have more dependants for a longer again, to compensate, premiums are going to rise dramatically.

Now, contrary to popular belief, the insurance industry has been earning about a 4% profit they can not dip into that to make up for the increase in policy they will need to increase policy premiums. you are basically saying that HMOs are a bad way to go in terms of dealing with Americans that actually get sick?

:lol: Yeah..I think so too.
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?

it's got something to do with ampad, bain capital and the evil mormons.
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

A system that pleases a higher percentage of Canadians, than ours does Americans.

Public health care scores big in poll as MDs study privatization -

Canada overwhelmingly supports public health care | National Union of Public and General Employees

Change of Subject: Never mind the anecdotes: Do Canadians like their health-care system?
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?

it's got something to do with ampad, bain capital and the evil mormons.

This explains it all..

[ame=]Banned Mormon Cartoon - YouTube[/ame]
Once again, anyone who thinks Romney is going to repeal ObamaCare is delusional.

ObamaCare will collapse the private insurance industry, and then they will impose a Canada style system on us.

Can you explain how having more people buying into the private insurance system is going to "collapse" it?

More people wont be buying into it, more people will be added onto it with the same amount of people paying even more to cover those people. It's unsustainable.
And I am sure Romneys advisers advised him to go along with it just through the election cycle, maybe get him more votes if he says he wont repeal, then after being elected go all out on the repeal.
Besides, even if he doesnt want to repeal, if the GOP keeps the house and wins the senate filibuster proof they can do away with it without the presidents approval, checks and balances fellas...checks and balances.

How is it unsustainable? If everyone is required to purchase health insurance, that's millions more people BUYING insurance...that likely would not have before. How on earth will that "collapse" the private insurance system?

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