*Rolling Blackouts Are Immoral*

*Can Or Should We Sue The Power Companies*?

  • 1. *I think so*

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. *If We Don't We Are Immoral So It Balances Out*

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But recently, here in Texas, the electric companies are coming to our houses, and kidnapping our old meters and installing a *smart meter*, which indeed they do *smart*, because now, some dude up in some tower, has the power to shut us all off, with a click of a mouse, this is infact making us a *THIRD WORLD COUNTRY*, which is *immoral*.
2. Its like they are standing in my garage, and turning off the main breaker, which is wrong, and *immoral*, he has no right to have this kind of control over my existance, if ice or wind makes a tree fall, and takes out my power, thats an act of God, thats not immoral, but some man, standing infront of a computer screen, clicking his mouse over a neighbothood, and pushing the "off* tab, is *IMMORAL*, folks, I know you don't see it, because more or less, you are *immoral*, and people who are *immoral* don't know when *immoral* things are done to them.
3. Thats why I'm here, to point out the painfully obvious *immoral* things that are happening to us as a whole.
4. I know I just *morally* kicked you in the seat of the pants, but we are all in this together, so lets fight the power!!!!:evil:
5. Can or should we sue?:evil:

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As someone who works for the third largest gas and electric utility company in the United States, let me see if I can do a better job of explaining what "Smart Grid" actually does, so you can be righteously upset about the RIGHT THINGS when it comes to the program.

"Smart Grid" is really about lowering the usage of the average customer in order to "conserve" electricity. Smart Meters will eventually be connected through wireless communication to all the major appliances in your home (Smart washers, dishwashers, dryers, etc.. should be coming in the next couple years). Once that is in place, the appliance will inform you of added charges to your bill if you use it during peak load times. For the moment it simply looks at the total usage for the home and applies rate increases as necessary during high demand times. So your $0.16/per kWh may go to $0.22 per kWh if you decide to run that air conditioner in the middle of the summer, or do laundry at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon.

Additionally, "Smart Grid" allows for feeder balancing by shutting down areas of a feeder if another area of the feeder with customers whose power must be maintained (certain types of businesses are REQUIRED to be provided with constant power unless it is not at all possible) experience loss of voltage. Likewise, load may be turned off or reduced on one feeder to ensure another feeder doesn't "brown out". Those are not intended to be common occurances; only during very high demand situations where a mandated customer is under threat of losing power or where the demand is too high for the system to maintain.
Sorry bout that


As someone who works for the third largest gas and electric utility company in the United States, let me see if I can do a better job of explaining what "Smart Grid" actually does, so you can be righteously upset about the RIGHT THINGS when it comes to the program.

"Smart Grid" is really about lowering the usage of the average customer in order to "conserve" electricity. Smart Meters will eventually be connected through wireless communication to all the major appliances in your home (Smart washers, dishwashers, dryers, etc.. should be coming in the next couple years). Once that is in place, the appliance will inform you of added charges to your bill if you use it during peak load times. For the moment it simply looks at the total usage for the home and applies rate increases as necessary during high demand times. So your $0.16/per kWh may go to $0.22 per kWh if you decide to run that air conditioner in the middle of the summer, or do laundry at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon.

Additionally, "Smart Grid" allows for feeder balancing by shutting down areas of a feeder if another area of the feeder with customers whose power must be maintained (certain types of businesses are REQUIRED to be provided with constant power unless it is not at all possible) experience loss of voltage. Likewise, load may be turned off or reduced on one feeder to ensure another feeder doesn't "brown out". Those are not intended to be common occurances; only during very high demand situations where a mandated customer is under threat of losing power or where the demand is too high for the system to maintain.

1. Well I don't like the fact my appliances will be some day, alerting me, I'm about to have to pay more to use it.:evil:
2. Yup thats *IMMORAL* too.:evil:
3. When does the *moral code* say I have to listen to a feaking washing machine?:evil:
4. I should get a fair shake on this, I am not a freaking rat in a cage, my rate for electric service should be even flowed, normal and exact.
5. This whole things just a way to control me, and everyone else.
6. Yup its *IMMORAL*.
7. Most people can't see it.
8. But I am not *most people*.

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Sorry bout that,

No its not STFU

1. You're an idiot.
2. If you think its not immoral then you my friend are a fool.:lol:
3. Sorry, there's nothing that can change that.
4. We are slipping into the *third world* and no one else can see it, but me.
5. This is America, not some *third world slacker country*.
6. If you think its the right thing to do, have more and more things turned over to outside forces, then you got no clue.
7. Here's one reason its *immoral* if you can handle it.
8. Nice little old lady is using a breathing machine in order to breath, its late on a week end evening, and all of a sudden there goes *Frank the Fu**er* turning off her whole block.
9. Her air stops flowing and she kills over.
10. Its *immoral*, end of story.
11. If you people can't see that your just plain stupid, and its not my problem.:evil: You can't fix stupid!
12. The fact that some commercial users will be immune to these roving black outs is alone enough proof its immoral.
13. Dallas Cowboy stadium is immune to these roving black outs, and so are many other commercial locations, including government buildings.
14. Look *pawns* I'm just trying to give you the heads up.
15. Stop acting like a pig with your heads stuck in a trough.:cool:

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1. Well I don't like the fact my appliances will be some day, alerting me, I'm about to have to pay more to use it.:evil:
2. Yup thats *IMMORAL* too.:evil:
3. When does the *moral code* say I have to listen to a feaking washing machine?:evil:
4. I should get a fair shake on this, I am not a freaking rat in a cage, my rate for electric service should be even flowed, normal and exact.
5. This whole things just a way to control me, and everyone else.
6. Yup its *IMMORAL*.
7. Most people can't see it.
8. But I am not *most people*.


This is ALL about "energy efficiency". It's right up there with areas FORCING electric companies to buy a certain percentage of "renewable" energy by 2020. In this area (the Northeast) I believe by 2020 all utility companies must be getting at least 35% of their power from Renewable sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc....)

If you don't like this idea you need to go to your Congressmen and Representatives and have them put the kabosh on it. That's the ONLY WAY it's not going to end up being the industry standard throughout the entire country within the next decade or so.

Trust me, we don't like it any more than you folks do, but it's mandated and we're in a regulated business.
What's funny about Texas is they don't have any of those awful Unions are are still 20 billion in debt. AND they have oil wells.

This is ALL about "energy efficiency". It's right up there with areas FORCING electric companies to buy a certain percentage of "renewable" energy by 2020. In this area (the Northeast) I believe by 2020 all utility companies must be getting at least 35% of their power from Renewable sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc....)

If you don't like this idea you need to go to your Congressmen and Representatives and have them put the kabosh on it. That's the ONLY WAY it's not going to end up being the industry standard throughout the entire country within the next decade or so.

Trust me, we don't like it any more than you folks do, but it's mandated and we're in a regulated business.

yeah, but it's more about efficent targeting, as opposed to really cutting energy waste Anachronism

it's mighty hard to legislate placing a fee on user waste for those who could care less how much energy costs
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If Texas would just allow the power companies to charge enough to upgrade their power generation and distribution facilities.
Saying that the physical limitation of a device, " a electrical grid" is immoral is not well informed in my opinion. You cannot get 5 gallons of anything out of a two gallon bucket, hospitals and coldbeer have certain inalienable and indisputable priorities.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well I don't like the fact my appliances will be some day, alerting me, I'm about to have to pay more to use it.:evil:
2. Yup thats *IMMORAL* too.:evil:
3. When does the *moral code* say I have to listen to a feaking washing machine?:evil:
4. I should get a fair shake on this, I am not a freaking rat in a cage, my rate for electric service should be even flowed, normal and exact.
5. This whole things just a way to control me, and everyone else.
6. Yup its *IMMORAL*.
7. Most people can't see it.
8. But I am not *most people*.


This is ALL about "energy efficiency". It's right up there with areas FORCING electric companies to buy a certain percentage of "renewable" energy by 2020. In this area (the Northeast) I believe by 2020 all utility companies must be getting at least 35% of their power from Renewable sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc....)

If you don't like this idea you need to go to your Congressmen and Representatives and have them put the kabosh on it. That's the ONLY WAY it's not going to end up being the industry standard throughout the entire country within the next decade or so.

Trust me, we don't like it any more than you folks do, but it's mandated and we're in a regulated business.

1. I don't think so, I think its all about control.
2. The bastards cut my power off for 30 minutes the other day.
3. Just to show me they can.:evil:
4. The power companies are on a power trip.
5. A *pawn* will never know when he gets sacrificed.

Sorry bout that,

This is ALL about "energy efficiency". It's right up there with areas FORCING electric companies to buy a certain percentage of "renewable" energy by 2020. In this area (the Northeast) I believe by 2020 all utility companies must be getting at least 35% of their power from Renewable sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc....)

If you don't like this idea you need to go to your Congressmen and Representatives and have them put the kabosh on it. That's the ONLY WAY it's not going to end up being the industry standard throughout the entire country within the next decade or so.

Trust me, we don't like it any more than you folks do, but it's mandated and we're in a regulated business.

yeah, but it's more about efficent targeting, as opposed to really cutting energy waste Anachronism

it's mighty hard to legislate placing a fee on user waste for those who could care less how much energy costs

1. Nope its all about control, has nothing to do with saving power.
2. Sure they can save power by not sending it to your house.
3. But who deserves that?
4. Do you?
5. And why does some pencil pusher have the right to click my grid with his mouse, and shut me off?
6. This isn't rocket science folks, its plain whats right and wrong.:evil:

Sorry bout that,

This is ALL about "energy efficiency". It's right up there with areas FORCING electric companies to buy a certain percentage of "renewable" energy by 2020. In this area (the Northeast) I believe by 2020 all utility companies must be getting at least 35% of their power from Renewable sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc....)

If you don't like this idea you need to go to your Congressmen and Representatives and have them put the kabosh on it. That's the ONLY WAY it's not going to end up being the industry standard throughout the entire country within the next decade or so.

Trust me, we don't like it any more than you folks do, but it's mandated and we're in a regulated business.

yeah, but it's more about efficent targeting, as opposed to really cutting energy waste Anachronism

it's mighty hard to legislate placing a fee on user waste for those who could care less how much energy costs

1. Nope its all about control, has nothing to do with saving power.
2. Sure they can save power by not sending it to your house.
3. But who deserves that?
4. Do you?
5. And why does some pencil pusher have the right to click my grid with his mouse, and shut me off?
6. This isn't rocket science folks, its plain whats right and wrong.:evil:


Wapner, gotta watch Wapner. There is a sale at K-Mart.


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