Rogers and Coats say WaPo is lying, Trump never asked Coats to intervene

what did russia do that he'd have to do that? you haven't stated that yet.
I'm really not being a smartass but you can't use the pronoun "he" without first establishing the person it refers to. I really don't understand the question. My point was the FBI and Senate investigations are different. So while Rogers and Coats avoiding answering the question, when they chose to answer questions they thought helped their boss, is interesting, I don't see that Rogers and Coats did anything the Senate can hurt them over.
your quote:
Their ducking the question about whether Trump asked them to sway the Russia probe shows to any thinking person that Trump did just that, but we already knew that

'he' referencing your inference of Trump and us not answering you. So, please share with us what exactly the russians did.
The ruskies hacked the election. US intelligence is unanimous. That is supposedly what the Senate is investigating - how they did, where, and when and what we might do in response. You can cry fake news or whatever the fuck but it happened. (and I'm not surprised at the fake news criest or the ruskies)

The question Coats and Rodgers ducked was whether Trump asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation

But Coats and Rogers refuse to answer whether Trump asked them to intervene. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sharply questioned the intelligence chiefs and told them, “I actually think if what is being said to the media is untrue, then it is unfair to the president of the United States, and if it is true, then it is something the American people deserve to know and we as an oversight committee need to know in order to conduct our job." Rubio then pressed Coats and Rogers on whether Trump had ever asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation. The two men refused to answer. "I just hate to keep repeating this," Coats said. "I am willing to come before the committee and tell you what I know and what I don’t know. What I’m not willing to do is share what I think is confidential information."
Key moments from intel chiefs' testimony on Trump and Russia

And you cannot us He in a topic sentence in English ... and possibly any other language either.

And more from your own link......moron....

Coats suggested he is open to discussing private conversations he may have had with the president but not in a public setting. “I don’t believe that it’s appropriate for me to address that in a public session,” he said.

go fuck yourself trumpot

Here you go........another quote you failed to post...since it makes you look like an ass....

Rogers says he's never been directed to do anything "illegal" or "immoral." The NSA chief declined to “talk about theoreticals” or address private conversations he may have had with the president. “But I will make the following comment,” he said. “In the three-plus years that I have been the director of the National Security Agency, to the best of my recollection, I have never been directed to do anything I believed to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate, and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service, I do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so.”
I'm really not being a smartass but you can't use the pronoun "he" without first establishing the person it refers to. I really don't understand the question. My point was the FBI and Senate investigations are different. So while Rogers and Coats avoiding answering the question, when they chose to answer questions they thought helped their boss, is interesting, I don't see that Rogers and Coats did anything the Senate can hurt them over.
your quote:
Their ducking the question about whether Trump asked them to sway the Russia probe shows to any thinking person that Trump did just that, but we already knew that

'he' referencing your inference of Trump and us not answering you. So, please share with us what exactly the russians did.
The ruskies hacked the election. US intelligence is unanimous. That is supposedly what the Senate is investigating - how they did, where, and when and what we might do in response. You can cry fake news or whatever the fuck but it happened. (and I'm not surprised at the fake news criest or the ruskies)

The question Coats and Rodgers ducked was whether Trump asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation

But Coats and Rogers refuse to answer whether Trump asked them to intervene. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sharply questioned the intelligence chiefs and told them, “I actually think if what is being said to the media is untrue, then it is unfair to the president of the United States, and if it is true, then it is something the American people deserve to know and we as an oversight committee need to know in order to conduct our job." Rubio then pressed Coats and Rogers on whether Trump had ever asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation. The two men refused to answer. "I just hate to keep repeating this," Coats said. "I am willing to come before the committee and tell you what I know and what I don’t know. What I’m not willing to do is share what I think is confidential information."
Key moments from intel chiefs' testimony on Trump and Russia

And you cannot us He in a topic sentence in English ... and possibly any other language either.

And more from your own link......moron....

Coats suggested he is open to discussing private conversations he may have had with the president but not in a public setting. “I don’t believe that it’s appropriate for me to address that in a public session,” he said.

go fuck yourself trumpot

Here you go........another quote you failed to post...since it makes you look like an ass....

Rogers says he's never been directed to do anything "illegal" or "immoral." The NSA chief declined to “talk about theoreticals” or address private conversations he may have had with the president. “But I will make the following comment,” he said. “In the three-plus years that I have been the director of the National Security Agency, to the best of my recollection, I have never been directed to do anything I believed to be illegal, immoral, unethical or inappropriate, and to the best of my recollection during that same period of service, I do not recall ever feeling pressured to do so.”
I didn't expect them to answer, btw. Their ducking the question about whether Trump asked them to sway the Russia probe shows to any thinking person that Trump did just that, but we already knew that. What was interesting to me was Coats saying he didn't know if he had a legal basis to not answer. I suppose the Senate could subpoena him and hold him in contempt if he refused, but I don't think that's going to happen. The FBI is doing the criminal investigation, and they can't duck that. The Senate is in theory investigating the Russian interference in the election.
what did russia do that he'd have to do that? you haven't stated that yet.
I'm really not being a smartass but you can't use the pronoun "he" without first establishing the person it refers to. I really don't understand the question. My point was the FBI and Senate investigations are different. So while Rogers and Coats avoiding answering the question, when they chose to answer questions they thought helped their boss, is interesting, I don't see that Rogers and Coats did anything the Senate can hurt them over.
your quote:
Their ducking the question about whether Trump asked them to sway the Russia probe shows to any thinking person that Trump did just that, but we already knew that

'he' referencing your inference of Trump and us not answering you. So, please share with us what exactly the russians did.
The ruskies hacked the election. US intelligence is unanimous. That is supposedly what the Senate is investigating - how they did, where, and when and what we might do in response. You can cry fake news or whatever the fuck but it happened. (and I'm not surprised at the fake news criest or the ruskies)

The question Coats and Rodgers ducked was whether Trump asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation

But Coats and Rogers refuse to answer whether Trump asked them to intervene. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sharply questioned the intelligence chiefs and told them, “I actually think if what is being said to the media is untrue, then it is unfair to the president of the United States, and if it is true, then it is something the American people deserve to know and we as an oversight committee need to know in order to conduct our job." Rubio then pressed Coats and Rogers on whether Trump had ever asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation. The two men refused to answer. "I just hate to keep repeating this," Coats said. "I am willing to come before the committee and tell you what I know and what I don’t know. What I’m not willing to do is share what I think is confidential information."
Key moments from intel chiefs' testimony on Trump and Russia

And you cannot us He in a topic sentence in English ... and possibly any other language either. forgot to quote this from your link....but thanks for lying to us...

Key moments from intel chiefs' testimony on Trump and Russia

Coats "never felt pressure" to intervene in the Russia probe. The intelligence chief responded to a report in the Washington Post, which wrote Tuesday that Coats had told associates in March that the president asked him if he could intercede with then-FBI Director James Comey to encourage him to ease up on the FBI's investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“My response to that was in my time of service, which is in interacting with the president of the United States or anybody in his administration, I have never been pressured, I have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in any way with shaping intelligence in a political way or in relationship to an ongoing investigation,” Coats said, recounting his reaction to a request for comment from the Post.
well fk, where did the WAPO get the material they printed from Coats then? If not from him, from whom? Me thinks the post has a directive and fk the correct story.
what did russia do that he'd have to do that? you haven't stated that yet.
I'm really not being a smartass but you can't use the pronoun "he" without first establishing the person it refers to. I really don't understand the question. My point was the FBI and Senate investigations are different. So while Rogers and Coats avoiding answering the question, when they chose to answer questions they thought helped their boss, is interesting, I don't see that Rogers and Coats did anything the Senate can hurt them over.
your quote:
Their ducking the question about whether Trump asked them to sway the Russia probe shows to any thinking person that Trump did just that, but we already knew that

'he' referencing your inference of Trump and us not answering you. So, please share with us what exactly the russians did.
The ruskies hacked the election. US intelligence is unanimous. That is supposedly what the Senate is investigating - how they did, where, and when and what we might do in response. You can cry fake news or whatever the fuck but it happened. (and I'm not surprised at the fake news criest or the ruskies)

The question Coats and Rodgers ducked was whether Trump asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation

But Coats and Rogers refuse to answer whether Trump asked them to intervene. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sharply questioned the intelligence chiefs and told them, “I actually think if what is being said to the media is untrue, then it is unfair to the president of the United States, and if it is true, then it is something the American people deserve to know and we as an oversight committee need to know in order to conduct our job." Rubio then pressed Coats and Rogers on whether Trump had ever asked them to intervene in the FBI investigation. The two men refused to answer. "I just hate to keep repeating this," Coats said. "I am willing to come before the committee and tell you what I know and what I don’t know. What I’m not willing to do is share what I think is confidential information."
Key moments from intel chiefs' testimony on Trump and Russia

And you cannot us He in a topic sentence in English ... and possibly any other language either. forgot to quote this from your link....but thanks for lying to us...

Key moments from intel chiefs' testimony on Trump and Russia

Coats "never felt pressure" to intervene in the Russia probe. The intelligence chief responded to a report in the Washington Post, which wrote Tuesday that Coats had told associates in March that the president asked him if he could intercede with then-FBI Director James Comey to encourage him to ease up on the FBI's investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“My response to that was in my time of service, which is in interacting with the president of the United States or anybody in his administration, I have never been pressured, I have never felt pressure to intervene or interfere in any way with shaping intelligence in a political way or in relationship to an ongoing investigation,” Coats said, recounting his reaction to a request for comment from the Post.
well fk, where did the WAPO get the material they printed from Coats then? If not from him, from whom? Me thinks the post has a directive and fk the correct story.

They make it up.
Or they count on dweebs like that chick that was just arrested for turning NSA docs over to some online news site. They canoodle with little trolls and in return the trolls will say anything they're told to say, and the *journalist* cites "a close associate who knows how Trump thinks said...."

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