Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...

I know the Supreme Court is not supposed to be political or influenced by public opinion, but in a June 2019 poll,
Some 77% of Americans want the U.S. Supreme Court to keep Roe v. Wade in place, according to an NPR/PBS News/Marist poll released Friday, while just 13% want it overturned and another 11% are unsure.
Americans overwhelmingly support Roe v. Wade, but still favor abortion restrictions

There are many in the 13% on this board, but you are sorely outnumbered and you will NOT get your way in your states, either.

How many people in the poll think overturning Roe would mean a nationwide abortion ban?

How many?

it is a common misconception.

How many?
All abortions do not need to be outlawed, IMO.

The mother's right to choose should not be completely stripped. There are cases where it should be allowed, as in case the mother's life is in jeopardy, for example.

Barbaric late term abortions and shutting down the completely insane 'post-birth abortion' crowd should be no brainers.

There is a lot of intelligent, factual, even common-sense discussions that can and need to be had WITHOUT emotion and personal / political agendas overriding those. The 'extremists / extremisms' need to be avoided / excluded.

I often tell people I believe the NRA and Pro-Abortion crow is often alike in 1 major way: Both are afraid to give 'an inch' because they are afraid the other side will attempt to take 'a mile'...and in many cases in the past they have been right to believe so.

Case in point, I am a strong believer and defender of the 2nd Amendment...but I am not completely sold on the idea that the 'average Joe' should have the right to own mercury-tipped shells that can cut through an engine block like a hot poker through butter. At the same time I do not believe that anyone should have the right to shove a rod through the brain of a healthy viable baby and scramble its brains, hack it into pieces, and drag out the body parts...and 'hell no' on leaving a baby outside the womb fighting for its life that survived a failed abortion while you decide to kill it or not.

IMO, partisan stupidity hjacked this issue somewhere along the way.

I do not believe the extremes - either all abortions should be legal or none of them should be.
No, they'll need a greyhound ticket.

Are you OK with providing services to these unwanted kids?
No they wont, because they wont be getting any abortion.

I'm for providing services wherever warranted. If they're "unwanted" they shouldn't be with the adults who don't want them. If they get adopted, it's likely they'll be in good homes, and will get the services they need there.
No, they'll need a greyhound ticket.

Are you OK with providing services to these unwanted kids?
No they wont, because they wont be getting any abortion.

You don't think if Roe were overturned that women from red states would be getting abortions in blue states? How do you figure?

I'm for providing services wherever warranted. If they're "unwanted" they shouldn't be with the adults who don't want them. If they get adopted, it's likely they'll be in good homes, and will get the services they need there.

People who can't afford kids would likely be having more of them if their state outlaws abortion. Just want to make sure you're going to pay for their food, clothing and education. Or are you for forced adoption?
I know the Supreme Court is not supposed to be political or influenced by public opinion, but in a June 2019 poll,
Some 77% of Americans want the U.S. Supreme Court to keep Roe v. Wade in place, according to an NPR/PBS News/Marist poll released Friday, while just 13% want it overturned and another 11% are unsure.
Americans overwhelmingly support Roe v. Wade, but still favor abortion restrictions

There are many in the 13% on this board, but you are sorely outnumbered and you will NOT get your way in your states, either.

How many people in the poll think overturning Roe would mean a nationwide abortion ban?

How many?

it is a common misconception.

How many?

Don't have a number, but It is a common misconception.

Do you agree that children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws?

Can you explain why it is that you feel those rights should not begin when their lives do?

My issue is the balance between the right of the State to dictate to people vs. the right of people in general, born or unborn.

To me while abortion is abhorrent, banning it outright is a bridge I don't want to cross. My issue is Roe is horrible law, and States should be able to decide themselves based on our Constitution. I personally wouldn't vote to ban abortion, but to limit elective abortions to a certain time period.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.
To me the balance over "elective" abortions is viability. If you can figure it out by then, you are "pot committed" as the poker term goes.

In general I agree with you regarding viability and so does Roe.

Roe is terrible law, it made up a right out of thin air, and did nothing to end the debate on the issue.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.

I wouldn't call it humane for the fetus, but they tried to get the country past the issue, and failed miserably.

I think if it was left to the States the issue would have progressed naturally over time to be less restrictive, except for the States where they are wholly against it.
more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good
I know the Supreme Court is not supposed to be political or influenced by public opinion, but in a June 2019 poll,
Some 77% of Americans want the U.S. Supreme Court to keep Roe v. Wade in place, according to an NPR/PBS News/Marist poll released Friday, while just 13% want it overturned and another 11% are unsure.
Americans overwhelmingly support Roe v. Wade, but still favor abortion restrictions

There are many in the 13% on this board, but you are sorely outnumbered and you will NOT get your way in your states, either.

How many people in the poll think overturning Roe would mean a nationwide abortion ban?

How many?

it is a common misconception.

How many?

Don't have a number, but It is a common misconception.

How common? Close to 80% of Americans do not want Roe overturned. Do you not share that opinion?
My issue is the balance between the right of the State to dictate to people vs. the right of people in general, born or unborn.

To me while abortion is abhorrent, banning it outright is a bridge I don't want to cross. My issue is Roe is horrible law, and States should be able to decide themselves based on our Constitution. I personally wouldn't vote to ban abortion, but to limit elective abortions to a certain time period.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.
To me the balance over "elective" abortions is viability. If you can figure it out by then, you are "pot committed" as the poker term goes.

In general I agree with you regarding viability and so does Roe.

Roe is terrible law, it made up a right out of thin air, and did nothing to end the debate on the issue.
It tried to reach a humane, social solution to a political problem. And that's generally not a role for courts.

I wouldn't call it humane for the fetus, but they tried to get the country past the issue, and failed miserably.

I think if it was left to the States the issue would have progressed naturally over time to be less restrictive, except for the States where they are wholly against it.
more humane than a coat hanger. But imo anything we can do to move to more contraception and earlier access to medical abortions with drugs is good

That's way too reasonable, this is USMB.
Roe v Wade will not be reversed

What will happen is women in Red States will have birth control and abortion services restricted and will have to travel to receive abortions

I really don’t care, women in Red States deserve what they voted for
Women in red states won't get abortions freely like Democrats do.

ALL women get abortions. 13% of the women receiving abortions are evangelical Christians. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.
Actually not.

Most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy – including some red states such as Arizona and Alaska.

And although ‘illegal,’ abortion will still take place in repressive rightwing states hostile to privacy rights.

Moreover, women seeking abortions will need only travel to free states to have the procedure; indeed, overturning Roe would do little to end abortions.

‘Banning’ abortion will only have the effect of satisfying the authoritarian right in its desire to increase the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Lysistrata said:
The only way a person could be considered to be a "pro-abort" if they go around encouraging people to have an abortion rather than take a pregnancy to term.
Like Planned Parenthood Locating Near The Slums ??
'Planned Parenthood', Another Euphemism....

Euphemise This:

View attachment 302235

Of course PP should be located nearer the poorer sections of town. Why should poor women not be given options? The whole history of contraception in the U.S. involved poor women who did not want to be having baby after baby and wanted it stopped, including poor Irish Americans and poor Italian Americans in the 1800's and early 1900's. They wanted to find an answer.

Exactly what do you anti-choicers want to do with unwanted infants? What's your plan? Orphanages? How are you going to compensate poor people who are forced to bear these infants to satisfy your emotional needs for pain and suffering, lost wages, lost jobs, the possible destruction of their relationships? You should be making these plans and presenting them to the public. will still be possible to get an abortion in certain states, like New York and California.

Question for pro-aborts: What's your plan for after this happens?

My plan will be to support a Human Life Amendment to the United States Constitution, so that it is recognized that all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death, have an inalienable right to life.

I have never met a "pro-abort".
Likely because there is no such thing.
You don't think if Roe were overturned that women from red states would be getting abortions in blue states? How do you figure?
Because they are against abortion.

All women in red states are against abortion? Doubtful. Please go ahead and provide a poll where 100% of all women in Alabama are anti-choice. Good luck.

Abortions would have not been performed in red states if people didn't want them. The number of abortions performed in any state is evidence that residents of these states want abortion to continue to be legal. I would think that people who actually have made the decision to have an abortion would support the pro-choice position. Is there a reason to think that they would not?
Of course PP should be located nearer the poorer sections of town. Why should poor women not be given options? The whole history of contraception in the U.S. involved poor women who did not want to be having baby after baby and wanted it stopped, including poor Irish Americans and poor Italian Americans in the 1800's and early 1900's. They wanted to find an answer.

And now it's mostly black women having abortions. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. I really don't know why some conservatives are complaining. I'm not. I do not think Roe vs. Wade will be overturned. I could be wrong, but too many women want this freedom, just in case. And there are more women than men, and more of us vote. Just saying.
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You don't think if Roe were overturned that women from red states would be getting abortions in blue states? How do you figure?
Because they are against abortion.

All women in red states are against abortion? Doubtful. Please go ahead and provide a poll where 100% of all women in Alabama are anti-choice. Good luck.

Abortions would have not been performed in red states if people didn't want them. The number of abortions performed in any state is evidence that residents of these states want abortion to continue to be legal. I would think that people who actually have made the decision to have an abortion would support the pro-choice position. Is there a reason to think that they would not?

That's protectionist's point of view I guess.

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