Roe v. Wade- A sensible discussion


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
This is not a discussion where we want to see pictures of fetuses in any condition, or screaming about what God wants, or doing moronic Godwin Law comparision between Nazis and abortionists. You guys have plenty of other thread for that level of crazy.

This is a sensible discussion on Roe V. Wade, and the improbability of it being overturned. Because honestly, as long as SCOTUS upholds Roe, everything else is sort of meaningless in this discussion.

Right now, you only have three justices (Thomas, Scalia and Alito) who would vote to overturn Roe.

You have four justices who will uphold it under any circumstances (Sotomayor, Kagen, Brier and Ginsburg), along with another who has upheld it under most circumstances (Kennedy).

Then you have Chief Justice Roberts, who would probably uphold it, because he's not the kind of guy who rocks the boat. He saved ObamaCare and it's unlikely he'd release this kind of chaos on the country.

On top of that, any vacancies in the next four years WILL be filled by President Obama.

So without your usual nonsense of abortion is murder and such, please let us know how you guys plan to get around this little problem.
What the fuck makes you think that YOU, of all people, are qualified to participate in any "reasonable" discussion? Who the hell are you kidding?
This is not a discussion where we want to see pictures of fetuses in any condition, or screaming about what God wants, or doing moronic Godwin Law comparision between Nazis and abortionists. You guys have plenty of other thread for that level of crazy.

This is a sensible discussion on Roe V. Wade, and the improbability of it being overturned. Because honestly, as long as SCOTUS upholds Roe, everything else is sort of meaningless in this discussion.

Right now, you only have three justices (Thomas, Scalia and Alito) who would vote to overturn Roe.

You have four justices who will uphold it under any circumstances (Sotomayor, Kagen, Brier and Ginsburg), along with another who has upheld it under most circumstances (Kennedy).

Then you have Chief Justice Roberts, who would probably uphold it, because he's not the kind of guy who rocks the boat. He saved ObamaCare and it's unlikely he'd release this kind of chaos on the country.

On top of that, any vacancies in the next four years WILL be filled by President Obama.

So without your usual nonsense of abortion is murder and such, please let us know how you guys plan to get around this little problem.

They get around it by continuing to restrict abortion at the state level, in certain states, pushing the envelope on Roe in the process, to see what they can get away with.
In the first place, the Supreme Court would have to agree to hear a case which challenges it's opinion on Roe v. Wade. No court typically revisits a decision UNLESS there is a case which raises serious issues about it. That's true no matter who sits on the bench. Historically, it's just not likely to happen, regardless of who Obama or any other President nominates.

Secondly, the Congress has the power to craft legislation which addresses the Constitutional issues raised by Roe. It might not be easy, but it still is well within their Constitutional authorities. That they have never attempted to do so, even during times when the GOP had full control of the government, should be instructive to you. They've had ample opportunity to present a bill overthrowing the Court's decision since 1973 and have not offered up one, single, solitary bill to do so.

Why? Because they have no intention of doing it. Abortion is an issue which almost literally splits this country right down the middle, and even the GOP would not DARE piss off half the electorate over it. They'll blather and moan and milk the base for money, but they are not going to directly challenge Roe v. Wade. The political cost would be too high.

The bottom line is that Roe is here to stay for the foreseeable future. To continue talking about it does nothing more than feed the divide because it amounts to little more than raging against the machine.
This is not a discussion where we want to see pictures of fetuses in any condition, or screaming about what God wants, or doing moronic Godwin Law comparision between Nazis and abortionists. You guys have plenty of other thread for that level of crazy.

This is a sensible discussion on Roe V. Wade, and the improbability of it being overturned. Because honestly, as long as SCOTUS upholds Roe, everything else is sort of meaningless in this discussion.

Right now, you only have three justices (Thomas, Scalia and Alito) who would vote to overturn Roe.

You have four justices who will uphold it under any circumstances (Sotomayor, Kagen, Brier and Ginsburg), along with another who has upheld it under most circumstances (Kennedy).

Then you have Chief Justice Roberts, who would probably uphold it, because he's not the kind of guy who rocks the boat. He saved ObamaCare and it's unlikely he'd release this kind of chaos on the country.

On top of that, any vacancies in the next four years WILL be filled by President Obama.

So without your usual nonsense of abortion is murder and such, please let us know how you guys plan to get around this little problem.

fuck you, go have your sensible discussion with an abortion doctor. he'll agree with ya.
What the fuck makes you think that YOU, of all people, are qualified to participate in any "reasonable" discussion? Who the hell are you kidding?

So you're admitting you can't meet the challenge, then.


we're admitting that the murderous demoncraps should abort all they babies they want. beats us having to feed em.
Roe vs. Wade is the law of the land. It will continue to be. None of us will ever see that change. Give it up already.

It does make me wonder why old joeb doesn't want to look at the murdered babies. It's okay to murder em just don't make us look at em. chickenshits.
Roe vs. Wade is the law of the land. It will continue to be. None of us will ever see that change. Give it up already.

It does make me wonder why old joeb doesn't want to look at the murdered babies. It's okay to murder em just don't make us look at em. chickenshits.

Well, go ahead, post a picture of an aborted fetus, get it out of your system, and then we can all happily move on to the sensible portion of the discussion.

Fair enough?
What the fuck makes you think that YOU, of all people, are qualified to participate in any "reasonable" discussion? Who the hell are you kidding?

So you're admitting you can't meet the challenge, then.


we're admitting that the murderous demoncraps should abort all they babies they want. beats us having to feed em.

That's ironic coming from someone who voted for the guys who wanted to 'fix' our budget problems by focusing almost all of the budget cuts on programs such as food stamps.
Roe vs. Wade is the law of the land. It will continue to be. None of us will ever see that change. Give it up already.

It does make me wonder why old joeb doesn't want to look at the murdered babies. It's okay to murder em just don't make us look at em. chickenshits.

Well, go ahead, post a picture of an aborted fetus, get it out of your system, and then we can all happily move on to the sensible portion of the discussion.

Fair enough?

Nothing he posted leads to sensible. and you know it, as usual you're just looking for a fight. You have unlimited abortions why do you keep whining about abortions.. and why don't you want to look at the murdered baby? chickenshits.
So you're admitting you can't meet the challenge, then.


we're admitting that the murderous demoncraps should abort all they babies they want. beats us having to feed em.

That's ironic coming from someone who voted for the guys who wanted to 'fix' our budget problems by focusing almost all of the budget cuts on programs such as food stamps.

if you would have more abortions we could do with less food stamps. spread the word.
Roe vs. Wade is the law of the land. It will continue to be. None of us will ever see that change. Give it up already.

It does make me wonder why old joeb doesn't want to look at the murdered babies. It's okay to murder em just don't make us look at em. chickenshits.

Well, go ahead, post a picture of an aborted fetus, get it out of your system, and then we can all happily move on to the sensible portion of the discussion.

Fair enough?

You were quite diligent in changing the language there, Beaner. Now I'll change it back.
Well, go ahead, post a picture of a murdered baby, get it out of your system, and then we can all happily move on to the sensible portion of the discussion.

The use of these 'sanitary' terms when discussing abortion is what gets most of you wannabe killers through it without tossing your lunch. Y'all are some serious chickenshits.

"Abortion should be legal, safe and RARE." is what you death dealers say, but there have been 50+ MILLION murdered babies since Roe v. Wade. So much for the 'rare' part.
This is not a discussion where we want to see pictures of fetuses in any condition, or screaming about what God wants, or doing moronic Godwin Law comparision between Nazis and abortionists. You guys have plenty of other thread for that level of crazy.

This is a sensible discussion on Roe V. Wade, and the improbability of it being overturned. Because honestly, as long as SCOTUS upholds Roe, everything else is sort of meaningless in this discussion.

Right now, you only have three justices (Thomas, Scalia and Alito) who would vote to overturn Roe.

You have four justices who will uphold it under any circumstances (Sotomayor, Kagen, Brier and Ginsburg), along with another who has upheld it under most circumstances (Kennedy).

Then you have Chief Justice Roberts, who would probably uphold it, because he's not the kind of guy who rocks the boat. He saved ObamaCare and it's unlikely he'd release this kind of chaos on the country.

On top of that, any vacancies in the next four years WILL be filled by President Obama.

So without your usual nonsense of abortion is murder and such, please let us know how you guys plan to get around this little problem.

They get around it by continuing to restrict abortion at the state level, in certain states, pushing the envelope on Roe in the process, to see what they can get away with.

Just like you do to the right to bear arms.


that makes you a hypocrite

True story
A sensible discussion would center on the right of a person to determine their own fate. Regardless of what their mom says.
This is not a discussion where we want to see pictures of fetuses in any condition, or screaming about what God wants, or doing moronic Godwin Law comparision between Nazis and abortionists. You guys have plenty of other thread for that level of crazy.

This is a sensible discussion on Roe V. Wade, and the improbability of it being overturned. Because honestly, as long as SCOTUS upholds Roe, everything else is sort of meaningless in this discussion.

Right now, you only have three justices (Thomas, Scalia and Alito) who would vote to overturn Roe.

You have four justices who will uphold it under any circumstances (Sotomayor, Kagen, Brier and Ginsburg), along with another who has upheld it under most circumstances (Kennedy).

Then you have Chief Justice Roberts, who would probably uphold it, because he's not the kind of guy who rocks the boat. He saved ObamaCare and it's unlikely he'd release this kind of chaos on the country.

On top of that, any vacancies in the next four years WILL be filled by President Obama.

So without your usual nonsense of abortion is murder and such, please let us know how you guys plan to get around this little problem.

Liberals made it clear long ago that rights can be regulated at the state level.

And so heavily regulated that they become an expensive privilege.

Don't get mad when the RR plays the same game using your rules.
When the Supreme Court starts walking on water and and returning from the dead, I'll worry about their poor judgement.

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