Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Oh looky! Fakey thinks people shouldn't be forced to provide services against their consciences.

This must mean that Christian bakers don't have to bake gay wedding cakes and Catholic nuns don't have to pay for abortions.
Oh, looky, I said I supported the company if it wanted to make them perform. Boedi, you are in the egg nog, are you not?

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

So the Rockettes are not required. But your ilk has been having a 6 month hissy fit over trump not required to show his tax returns?

What's up with that? And who gives a fuck who preforms... He is president no matter what..
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Liberals always like to brag about all the drug addicted, undereducated, delusional Hollywood artists and musicians that support them. As if it makes any difference whatsoever. It certainly didn't help Hillary.
25 times on the Lolita Express and not a peep from the left wing assholes. And the Lolita Express trips are verified by the SS.

More fake news...

Really? Flight logs confirm Clinton was on the Lolita Express 26 times oh and that he had ditched the Secret Service 5 times.

And the news is all over the place not just FOX. So don't hand me any shit that FOX is fake news.

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

I think, personally, if the business had told them to perform for the OrangeCreep, I would have supported the company. However, the company did the right thing, imo.

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says
So the Rockettes are not required. But your ilk has been having a 6 month hissy fit over trump not required to show his tax returns? What's up with that? And who gives a fuck who preforms... He is president no matter what...
Until he is not. Sooner or later his tax returns will be leaked or released. It is going to happen.
25 times on the Lolita Express and not a peep from the left wing assholes. And the Lolita Express trips are verified by the SS.

More fake news...

Really? Flight logs confirm Clinton was on the Lolita Express 26 times oh and that he had ditched the Secret Service 5 times.

And the news is all over the place not just FOX. So don't hand me any shit that FOX is fake news.

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Trump flew with the pedo, too, I remember you saying, td.
Really? Flight logs confirm Clinton was on the Lolita Express 26 times oh and that he had ditched the Secret Service 5 times.

And the news is all over the place not just FOX. So don't hand me any shit that FOX is fake news.

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known


Trump went too. And? Nothing solid in any of those reports that Clinton did anything wrong.
Sorry Jakey. I don't drink. How about refuting anything in my quote.

If any traitorous president deserved to be harassed, it is this man
Just like all the rappers that preformed in the white house for Obama. With their bitches and whores? I wonder if Obama calls his daughters his little bitches. He already thinks of them as whores, since he stated a few years back. He is glad they can get an abortion, so they won't be burdened with a child. Little bitches.

Rappers were singing about bitches and whores at the inauguration?? Wow. That BS aside, how come whenever people bring up how bad Trump's behaviour is none of you loons address it. You try and justify it by going well "Bill Clinton...' blah, blah, blah. Couple of things about Clinton. I have never heard anybody from the left or us normal folk justify his behaviour in that regard. Never. Whether you like the idea of Lewinsky blowing him or not, it was consensual. She was old enough to die for her country, drink, vote, fuck and drive a car. Yet, when The Orange One says these things, you deplorables don't bat an eye lid. Instead you try and shift the focus. Can't for the life of me see why you guys were called deplorables. Makes no sense....<oh, and I know you guys aren't the brightest, but that last bit? that was sarcasm>
You dumb shit, I said that preformed at the white house. Not the ignaguration. Learn to read before you talk to me.
I know during the Clinton blow job thing. To me it wasn't the actual blow job thing I really cared about, even though that made us a laughing stock in the world. But when he waved his finger at the world and lied to us made the difference. Liberals were even saying that a blow job wasn't sex. Even though all the ones I personally talked to, wouldn't let their wives or girlfriends give me one after I asked.

I can see why he didn't tell the truth. He was embarrassed and it was nobody's business but his, Hilary's and Lewinsky's. Starr went way outside the purview of what the SP was supposed to be investigating.
If the Clintons didn't try to hide things, nothing would've mattered. That lying thing sucks.
This just in! There won't be a drugged out thug, a slut, or delusional leftist hypocrite performing at Trump's inauguration. Oh what a fookin' tragedy!

News at 11!
People like this only see the sins of the OTHER side.

No mirrors in their homes.

I've lambasted Bubba many times on this board.
Now, your thoughts on Trump and his penchant for grabbing pussies? Mocking women who ask hard questions that he doesn't like about their time of the month? Hassling a journo with a disability? Saying Obama is a birther? Denigrating a Gold Star family?

Not interested in what you think about Clinton. I know that. What about your boy's behaviour?
Terrible. The examples you use are examples I used.

That's why I voted for Hillary, who I thought was slightly less terrible.

hj, do your own reading, please. Please? They don't have to dance if they don't want to. However, I would have supported the company if it had made performing for Trump mandatory.
Does anybody give a shit which asshole celebrity shows up at an inauguration? Only empty, shallow, whiny, anti American commie leftists.
When I was a kid in the early 50's my mom decided I had to learn how to play the piano and tap dance. Piano lessons didn't last teacher slapped my hand with a ruler for making a mistake...I took the ruler away from her and slapped her hand with it....bringing about a ban from her home and a return to the ball fields where I belonged. Anyway, my tap instructor was a former Rockette and I was quite enamored with her. Her name was Joan Wilcox. She wore black mesh stockings on a set of gams I couldn't stop staring at. I won a number of bamboo canes as prizes in her dance contests. She told my mom I was like rubber when I danced and should stick with it....same thing my first karate sensei told me. Tough guys DO dance. Women know a guy who can dance will show them a good time in bed....rhythm baby.

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