The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
After two years of trying to ruin the life of a highly decorated and honorable General Flynn, and after bankrupting him, finding nothing but the fact he did not file a form correctly; a so called process crime that Mueller and Comey let people like John Podesta avoid by filing the same forms "After The Fact" and let Hillary Clinton off the hook for far far worse; Flynn and his family are financially ruined and Robert Mueller is more wealthy than he can ever imagine. They even went after his son for Lord knows what...just to put a gold star next to their list of witch hunt targets.


One wonders why would Robert Mueller ever step down as The DeFacto unappointed and illegitimate head of The FBI? He has unlimited power, he obtained the job through unethical and illegitimate means. It's a job he desperately wanted. It's a job Rod Rosenstein walked hand in hand with him up to The Trump White House to beg for. It's a job that President Trump threw Mueller out on his ass for, telling him "You're not Hired!"
after reviewing Mueller's dismal record and charges of tampering with witness statements, manufacturing evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions in restitution. I wouldn't hire Mueller for county dog catcher and neither should anyone else. But yet, there he is, smug, entrenched, and cashing in on his own corruption, and negligence as if none of that EVER happened.

Hell, if I know Mueller, he is going to stay on that Gold Plated Gravy Train for as long as he can. He's Rich, he just inherited tons of friends in The Democrat Party, and he gets a big fat paycheck, lavish benefits, and a Government Pension some day that will pay him more money in a month than most of the working poor make in an entire year.

The entire Mueller "investigation" is a joke. It was born from a lie, perpetrated in a blanket of fraud and broiled in a soup of political and criminal corruption in a Partisan FBI and DOJ Hell Bent to disrupt our democracy and obstruct the current administration's ability to implement policy. The fact that in America, we'd allow the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to be appointed based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama, for the purposes of investigating Russian Influence in our elections, and THE SO CALLED INVESTIGATOR DECLARES the very thing that got him appointed OFF LIMITS TO INVESTIGATE should make every American SICK TO THEIR STOMACH. There should be riots in the streets over this injustice.

It's laughable, regrettable, and repulsive that Mueller took the hatchet to The Flynn Family's Christmas tree, and financially, socially and politically ruined a man's life that even The FBI said didn't lie while people like The Podestas, Clintons, Obamas, Mills, Lynch's, Mills, Rice famlies live in luxury and traffic in lies and criminality and still get paid, and get a pass on every crime they commit. I guess it pays to be so stupid you don't know you are breaking the law as long as people like Comey, Lynch and Mueller got their backs while sharpening their hypocritical knives to plunge in yours.

This is the stuff of legends, and political hit squads we used to villify The Soviet Union for, and read about in our history books that took place in Nazi Germany. You don't try to pull this stuff unless you fear your opposition. You only take this path when you are desperate for power, and Mueller once he was rejected for The FBI Director position by Trump, and the Democrat Party being rejected at the ballot box in 2016 are natural allies in their attempts to use Nazi tactics to regain power by 2020. Now what was once unthinkable for America and Americans is here.

Now its on our own doorstep, and half the country is cheering it on like some glassy eyed Germans in a trance enthralled at the sight of Hitler rolling down their street in a motorcade. Mueller to them is a hero of the same stature, and they just don't care how ugly the man is underneath or behind the scenes when they cheer him on.


That is a GUILTY VERDICT ON MUELLER and his own CORRUPT METHODS, not FLYNN's STELLAR SERVICE RECORD or anything he neglected to do during a chaotic transition.

Screw THAT!



He could let Jim Comey and Strozk write Flynn's Exoneration letter for him.

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Let's get this straight? Flynn did not file the correct form. Yes, that is what he was actually charged with when you boil it down to the actual facts. Most of the time, people are allowed to amend such forms after the fact. Podesta was permitted to do this numerous times. He incurred no penalties as he was a friend of The Clintons.

Mueller is a political hack that should have been fired after his Enron Bungling and criminal prosecutorial misconduct. He should have been fired after the Antrhax case and wasn't. He should have been fired for his involvement in The Rosatom - Uranium One Bribery Scandal, and he should be fired and prosecuted now.

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