RNC steals Paul's delegates

time for you dumb asses to jsut accept your orders from the wealthy and do their bidding.

They are your gods and you think they are better than you anyway.

You all need to stop pretending and doing your pretend dance of democracy and just be the slave you want us all to be.
I know you don't like Paul but laughing about this seems beneath you. The guy's campaign and grassroots busted their asses playing the game fair and square and won delegates, why get dirty like this and cheat him out of them? Just let the fucking guy have his delegates.

What difference does it make? If it makes one I'll recend my lol

Do you enjoy watching the party play dirty like this? The difference it makes is that they establish a set of rules and then they change them when someone they don't like manages to perform well playing by them.

You like that kind of politics?

So it affects nothing I gather
Your the party of cheating.

the party of racism

the party of slaves.

get to slaving
TruthMatters, do us all a favor and go drool, piss and shit somewhere else, mkay?

Even though this is the internet and almost nothing surprises me, I can say with 100% certainty that this chick is the most certifiable nut case that isn't locked in a padded room somewhere.
Keep it up ya worthless piece of shit...we will see how much of a bad ass you think you are...Oh yeah I hope the "anarchists" destroy the convention...enjoy losing in november bitch.

Stop crying.
You must realize your ideology makes up roughly 1% of the electorate.
Write in candidates get more votes than Libertarians.
Libertarians cannot get on all 50 state's ballots for Christ's sake.
You people want small government. Voting for Obama out of spite is not the way to get that done.
Yeah that's true... But it might be a good way to get the Republican party to change it's platform to something worth voting for. Because it sure as hell isn't worth voting for now.
Please provide examples of changes you believe are necessary.
Do you enjoy watching the party play dirty like this? The difference it makes is that they establish a set of rules and then they change them when someone they don't like manages to perform well playing by them.

You like that kind of politics?

So it affects nothing I gather

Enjoy your day :thup:

Correct, it affects nothing. Except of course the rules established by the RNC on choosing a candidate in the primary election. Which is apparently of no meaning or consequence. Next time, they shouldn't even bother holding the primary and just pick the one that is agreed upon and tell the base who it is.

people have really lost any sense of integrity in politics. But I repeat myself.
Yep, we had no shot, so stealing our delegates made no sense.
Don't play stupid. Paul had no chance of wining the nomination. He should not wasted his time running.
Do you people think those delegates simply disappear or do not participate in the convention as voting delegates?
Who cares about Paul anymore. Nobody. He's not part of the equation. He's not participating in the convention. So please, you Paul supporters should go quietly into the night.
Perhaps you over reactors should consider the over all picture and come in for the big win.
Be realistic instead of a fan.

Yes, we should come in for the big "win." After you've cheated us. Yep.
Here's a newsflash. You Paul people did not get cheated. The reality is Romney got more primary votes than all other candidates. Case closed.
Do Paulites have any basis, whatsoever, to believe that Ron Paul actually got a majority of votes during the primary?
Then why steal the delegates? The fact is, and everybody knows it, Mitt Romney is the nominee. He's going to be the nominee. He's going to be the nominee whether Ron Paul had the delegations from five states or not. So why steal his delegates? Because it would have been an embarrassment to the GOP and to the Romney campaign to have even a hint of a challenge at the convention. If the process doesn't work out in their favor then they'll just ignore the process and do whatever they want regardless. That's the nature of this political system, and it should be pointed out that the Democrats would do the exact same thing.

But don't call us "whiners" just because we don't go silently into the night, or if we have no desire to support the people who cheat us. Get real.

Why is the concept of "possession of delegates" so bloody important to you people?
The delegates are useless to Paul.
Now on to something important.

If it's so unimportant then why did they steal them? Ron Paul supporters earned their position as delegates, and it was taken from them. You say it's unimportant regardless, but why the trouble of taking them then?
Stop asking the same question and dying to get the answer you want to see, Cuz it isn't coming.
Grasp this. In the end, it doesn't make a difference. So stop it.
What are you a romneytard?
I fully support Romney's proposed fiscal fixes to America. It's up to Americans who care to fix it. Obamabots are satisfied with themselves getting all the benefits of government to the exclusion of those conservatives who worked for keeping America employed; no public ownership of private businesses; protection of the Bill of Rights freedoms; support for American veterans whose war wounds make it necessary for their care as long as they need it; no child left behind and parental authority over child education if public education interferes with their personal religion by brainwashing children into alternative lifestyles or militant atheism which has not yet built a Christian hospital nor a caring shelter for abused children, much less a refuge for those persecuted for being Christians.

It's too bad you're satisfied with petty name-calling. I refuse to join you in that capacity of abusing free speech.
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So it affects nothing I gather

Enjoy your day :thup:

Correct, it affects nothing. Except of course the rules established by the RNC on choosing a candidate in the primary election. Which is apparently of no meaning or consequence. Next time, they shouldn't even bother holding the primary and just pick the one that is agreed upon and tell the base who it is.

people have really lost any sense of integrity in politics. But I repeat myself.

We had an election. Ron Paul lost. Everything else is fluff
Primary and State conventions are 2 different things. He got a little more than 1 million votes total in the primaries. He won the majority of delegates in


They are not screwing him. They took 7 of his delegates from Louisiana most of them from Mass and so far looks like ALL from Maine.It shocks me that they would piss off that many people who voted for Paul and then you gotta include people who were democrats that voted for Paul and might have voted for him in the general election...the RNC just insured romney will lose with these stunts.
Enjoy your day :thup:

Correct, it affects nothing. Except of course the rules established by the RNC on choosing a candidate in the primary election. Which is apparently of no meaning or consequence. Next time, they shouldn't even bother holding the primary and just pick the one that is agreed upon and tell the base who it is.

people have really lost any sense of integrity in politics. But I repeat myself.

We had an election. Ron Paul lost. Everything else is fluff

Oh, no wonder the rules of the process dont matter. You don't know the rules or the process.

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