RNC steals Paul's delegates

Lol at Paul and his devoted bots

I know you don't like Paul but laughing about this seems beneath you. The guy's campaign and grassroots busted their asses playing the game fair and square and won delegates, why get dirty like this and cheat him out of them? Just let the fucking guy have his delegates.

its jsut more republican party cheating

jsut this time it you they are cheating so you care
The ron bots are NO better than the republicans.

they ONLY care because its them getting cheated.

They have yawned at the rest of the decades long court documented Republican cheating because they were cheating Dems and not them.

Its REALLY hard to feel bad for you
This doesn't have anything to do with LOLberals or voter fraud. This is a case of rule changing in the middle of the primary in order to solidify what they want. not by popular support, but by literally cheating to create consensus.

Why bother to hold a vote on the nominee, if this is goig to be the way the RNC handles opposition? Just tell the party who is the chosen one and don't bother wasting time. Of course that whole democratically elected representation thing kind of goes out the window, don't you think?

Your opinion that Romney would win anyway is fine. We're all entitled to opinion, but your not really on target by suggesting this has anything to do with LOLberals or voter fraud when it is the RNC that is cheating its constituency through rule changing. Whether YOU agree that Ron Paul is republican or not, is also a matter of opinion.

Exactly. If this was how they were going to treat anyone not connected to the inside that might have won some delegates, then why bother even holding the primaries? Just hand pick the choice for us and call it a day :rolleyes:
This doesn't have anything to do with LOLberals or voter fraud. This is a case of rule changing in the middle of the primary in order to solidify what they want. not by popular support, but by literally cheating to create consensus.

Why bother to hold a vote on the nominee, if this is goig to be the way the RNC handles opposition? Just tell the party who is the chosen one and don't bother wasting time. Of course that whole democratically elected representation thing kind of goes out the window, don't you think?

Your opinion that Romney would win anyway is fine. We're all entitled to opinion, but your not really on target by suggesting this has anything to do with LOLberals or voter fraud when it is the RNC that is cheating its constituency through rule changing. Whether YOU agree that Ron Paul is republican or not, is also a matter of opinion.

Exactly. If this was how they were going to treat anyone not connected to the inside that might have won some delegates, then why bother even holding the primaries? Just hand pick the choice for us and call it a day :rolleyes:

We told you the money already picked robmoney months ago
The ron bots are NO better than the republicans.

they ONLY care because its them getting cheated.

They have yawned at the rest of the decades long court documented Republican cheating because they were cheating Dems and not them.

Its REALLY hard to feel bad for you

Oh my god shut the fuck up. I guarantee you every Paul supporter here would not tolerate this kind of behavior no matter WHAT party was doing it.
Can you show me some links? I don't doubt it its politics as usual which is why after this I intend to change my voter registration to independent. I will write myself in if there is no Libertarian or other 3rd party candidate on the ballot. Hell I might just vote for the Democrat for congress in my district because the republican is a damn establishment tool.Plus the Democrat is a woman from my town I live in...Have to do some research on her.
you idiots all think the money people are better than you anyway.

Why not just do as they tell you to do.
Lol at Paul and his devoted bots

I know you don't like Paul but laughing about this seems beneath you. The guy's campaign and grassroots busted their asses playing the game fair and square and won delegates, why get dirty like this and cheat him out of them? Just let the fucking guy have his delegates.

What difference does it make? If it makes one I'll recend my lol
The ron bots are NO better than the republicans.

they ONLY care because its them getting cheated.

They have yawned at the rest of the decades long court documented Republican cheating because they were cheating Dems and not them.

Its REALLY hard to feel bad for you

Oh my god shut the fuck up. I guarantee you every Paul supporter here would not tolerate this kind of behavior no matter WHAT party was doing it.

Then why do you deny the decades long court documentation that the republicans have cheated the dem party?
Notice that you and I have done this dance before, and it went nowhere because you're more interested in being "right" then having any real discussion.

But let me twist your scenario. You move into my neighborhood, and my neighbors and I just don't like your attitude. Should we be able to vote you out? Throw you out of your own property?
No. But you can ostracize him and exclude him from things like neighborhood block parties, tell your kids they are not to play with his kids, etc.
How totalitarian of you to subvert the democratic process.
How absent of the grasp of reality....
This happens all the time.
Ultimately, contemporary community standards and the realization of home and community rule the day.
No legislation,no vote, no political decision can change those things.
What are you gunning for here? An argument over reality?
Lol at Paul and his devoted bots

I know you don't like Paul but laughing about this seems beneath you. The guy's campaign and grassroots busted their asses playing the game fair and square and won delegates, why get dirty like this and cheat him out of them? Just let the fucking guy have his delegates.

What difference does it make? If it makes one I'll recend my lol

Do you enjoy watching the party play dirty like this? The difference it makes is that they establish a set of rules and then they change them when someone they don't like manages to perform well playing by them.

You like that kind of politics?
Can you show me some links? I don't doubt it its politics as usual which is why after this I intend to change my voter registration to independent. I will write myself in if there is no Libertarian or other 3rd party candidate on the ballot. Hell I might just vote for the Democrat for congress in my district because the republican is a damn establishment tool.Plus the Democrat is a woman from my town I live in...Have to do some research on her.

Way to throw a tantrum.

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