RNC Platform From 2016: Never Even Heard Of Pandemic--All Four Years!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Wishful thinking of Republicans becoming Anti-Trumpers Again--"Making Anti-Trumpers Great Again! RNC pretends instead that a four-year memory loss is what they have to offer: Consistent with what the voters all want(?), GOP with nothing to show for their recent four years--in print! They praise nothing about the Trump Administration!

The recent weeks are more likely to be ascendant. No more unemployment benefits from a federal stimulus, having ended. No Republican Senate pandemic plan, capable of even a presentation for a vote. 2.1 mil. federal employees instead put on the hunt for Antifa from Mars(?): The Republican version of National Security, 2020. No mention even of lockdowns, closures, anti-pandemic measures or guidance.

100 agents in Portland, OR--running away from federal Court House protection, dressed up like Right Wing Militia, in rental cars--prowling neighborhoods, raping close to the residents happened. Local Democrats got them to leave. Many can say that even Republican Senate was so embarrassed, they all left town, for parts unknown.

Nothing to show, nothing to say, nothing to do: Its in their platform, approved when Obama was President--so-stated. On the lookout for landing Martians, even then!

Anyone compares Obama-Biden responding to the National Emergency, versus Trumped-Up RNC--responding to the national emergency. That is even pretending there is none, now: After their four years in office!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, casting 1/3 of labor into "Outer Darkness!")
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