RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Ties To Farraklan


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
It's A Party! RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Ties To 'America's Leading Anti-Semite' Louis Farrakhan

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called on her Democratic National Committee counterpart, Tom Perez, Friday to address the ties DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and other members of the party have to Louis Farrakhan.

What a waste of time.

We are not actually even talking about a "political party" unless you can stretch the term far enough to be able to call the mafia a political party. The mafia does employ some political whores also, but in both cases these are still criminal enterprises. Just for the sake of illustrating the sort of characters the DNC keeps in it's ranks I've compiled a list of people in which Farraklan is actually one of the least offensive if you ask me.

Ted Kennedy.

Drove off a bridge in the middle of the night, presumably drunk, staggers home and goes to sleep. Wakes up the next day and after being informed that police had recovered his vehicle with the remains of a woman inside and then calls his lawyer before reporting to police. Anyone else would have served a 5-15 year sentence in prison but servile democrook parasites preferred to be represented by him in the senate for decades until he finally died in office.

Not to be outdone as sociopaths go we have...

Bill Ayers.

A violent bomb throwing commie terrorist who wished he had killed more people in promoting a treasonous agenda, who hosted the announcement of the meat puppet faggot's political career in his Shitcago home rather than serving a life sentence for his involvement in the murder of a police officer.

Ira Einhorn.

Founder of "Earth Day" who spent decades avoiding extradition in france after his former girlfriend's decomposed corpse was found in his abandoned apartment.

Then we have the standard corrupt pieces of shit like...

Alcee Hastings.

Hastings was charged with conspiracy and obstruction of justice for soliciting a $150,000 bribe in return for reducing the sentences of two mob-connected felons convicted in Hastings’ court. A year after Borders was convicted of conspiracy, the result of an FBI sting effort, Hastings's case came before the criminal court. Despite Borders’ conviction, and the fact that Hastings had indeed reduced the sentences of the two felons, he was acquitted in a criminal court in 1983 and returned to his judicial post.

Subsequently, suspicions arose that Hastings had lied and falsified evidence during the trial in order to obtain an acquittal. A special committee of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals began a new probe into the Hastings case. The resulting three-year investigation ended with the panel concluding that Hastings did indeed commit perjury, tamper with evidence, and conspire to gain financially by accepting bribes.

Rod Blagojevich

Sentenced to 14 years in federal prison following for corruption including the soliciting of bribes for political appointments including the 2008 vacant U.S. Senate seat of then-President-Elect Meat Puppet Faggot

Marion Barry

Another moonbat who was elected Mayor of DC in spite of having zero qualifications and not having worked a day in his life. He was busted smoking crack with a whore, was actually sentenced to prison and returned to office by leftist drones who recently erected a statue of this perfect example of democrook "character".

This list could go on for days. The mafia would not tolerate having people this contemptible among them. Of all the pieces of diseased, worm infested shit associated with the democrook party, Farraklan actually comes out looking good in comparison.

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It's A Party! RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Ties To 'America's Leading Anti-Semite' Louis Farrakhan

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called on her Democratic National Committee counterpart, Tom Perez, Friday to address the ties DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and other members of the party have to Louis Farrakhan.

What a waste of time.

We are not actually even talking about a "political party" unless you can stretch the term far enough to be able to call the mafia a political party. The mafia does employ some political whores also, but in both cases these are still criminal enterprises. Just for the sake of illustrating the sort of characters the DNC keeps in it's ranks I've compiled a list of people in which Farraklan is actually one of the least offensive if you ask me.

Ted Kennedy.

Drove off a bridge in the middle of the night, presumably drunk, staggers home and goes to sleep. Wakes up the next day and after being informed that police had recovered his vehicle with the remains of a woman inside and then calls his lawyer before reporting to police. Anyone else would have served a 5-15 year sentence in prison but servile democrook parasites preferred to be represented by him in the senate for decades until he finally died in office.

Not to be outdone as sociopaths go we have...

Bill Ayers.

A violent bomb throwing commie terrorist who wished he had killed more people in promoting a treasonous agenda, who hosted the announcement of the meat puppet faggot's political career in his Shitcago home rather than serving a life sentence for his involvement in the murder of a police officer.

Ira Einhorn.

Founder of "Earth Day" who spent decades avoiding extradition in france after his former girlfriend's decomposed corpse was found in his abandoned apartment.

Then we have the standard corrupt pieces of shit like...

Alcee Hastings.

Hastings was charged with conspiracy and obstruction of justice for soliciting a $150,000 bribe in return for reducing the sentences of two mob-connected felons convicted in Hastings’ court. A year after Borders was convicted of conspiracy, the result of an FBI sting effort, Hastings's case came before the criminal court. Despite Borders’ conviction, and the fact that Hastings had indeed reduced the sentences of the two felons, he was acquitted in a criminal court in 1983 and returned to his judicial post.

Subsequently, suspicions arose that Hastings had lied and falsified evidence during the trial in order to obtain an acquittal. A special committee of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals began a new probe into the Hastings case. The resulting three-year investigation ended with the panel concluding that Hastings did indeed commit perjury, tamper with evidence, and conspire to gain financially by accepting bribes.

Rod Blagojevich

Sentenced to 14 years in federal prison following for corruption including the soliciting of bribes for political appointments including the 2008 vacant U.S. Senate seat of then-President-Elect Meat Puppet Faggot

Marion Barry

Another moonbat who was elected Mayor of DC in spite of having zero qualifications and not having worked a day in his life. He was busted smoking crack with a whore, was actually sentenced to prison and returned to office by leftist drones who recently erected a statue of this perfect example of democrook "character".

This list could go on for days. The mafia would not tolerate having people this contemptible among them. Of all the pieces of diseased, worm infested shit associated with the democrook party, Farraklan actually comes out looking good in comparison.

it has become more then obvious that Ellison lied about his dealings with antisemetic organization
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it has become more then obvious that Ellison lied about his dealings with antisemetic organization

Remember this always...

If a democrook is communicating, they're either lying, or repeating a lie someone else fed them.


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