Rishq: The Tunisian Revolution was the Arab world's bridge towards freedom

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
TUNIS, (PIC)-- The delegation of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas", led by politburo chief Khaled Mishaal, arrived today Wednesday to Tunisia for the first time to attend the Ninth Conference of al-Nahdha movement.

Izzat al-Rishq, member of the Political Bureau of the movement thanked, in statements to "Quds Press" Agency, al-Nahdha leader, Rashid Ghannouchi, for inviting the Hamas delegation to attend the movement's Ninth Conference and for receiving the delegation at the airport.

He also noted that the delegation's visit to Tunisia represents an appropriate opportunity to congratulate all Tunisians for their revolution, which “paved the way for the Arab spring and represented a bridge before the Arab world toward freedom, human dignity and democracy," Rishq said.

Rishq: The Tunisian Revolution was the Arab world's bridge towards freedom
TUNIS, (PIC)-- Tunisian president Al-Muncef Al-Marzouqi received political bureau chairman of Hamas Khaled Mishaal and the accompanying delegation at Carthage Palace on Wednesday night.

A Hamas statement quoted Mishaal as expressing pleasure for visiting Tunisia after its victorious revolution, which, he said, was an inspiration for other Arab countries.

Mishaal also briefed the president on latest Palestinian developments and reconciliation efforts.

For his part, the Tunisian president affirmed his country’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights, adding that the Palestine cause was backed by all spectrums of the Tunisian political arena.

Tunisian president receives Mishaal, Hamas delegation
TUNIS, (PIC)-- The delegation of the Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas", led by politburo chief Khaled Mishaal, arrived today Wednesday to Tunisia for the first time to attend the Ninth Conference of al-Nahdha movement.

Izzat al-Rishq, member of the Political Bureau of the movement thanked, in statements to "Quds Press" Agency, al-Nahdha leader, Rashid Ghannouchi, for inviting the Hamas delegation to attend the movement's Ninth Conference and for receiving the delegation at the airport.

He also noted that the delegation's visit to Tunisia represents an appropriate opportunity to congratulate all Tunisians for their revolution, which “paved the way for the Arab spring and represented a bridge before the Arab world toward freedom, human dignity and democracy," Rishq said.

Rishq: The Tunisian Revolution was the Arab world's bridge towards freedom
If by freedom you mean Islamization, then yes. You have no idea how much worse it's going to get for the "Arab world" do you? I believe this plan has been hatched by the West to sink most of these countries into never ending ethnic and sectarian civil wars and mayhem, to end with a redrawing of the geographical boundaries of some of these countries. Wait and see.
Muslamics threatenin' Tunisia's infant democracy...
Tunisia: Hardline Islam threatens democracy gains
July 30, 2012 — Thousands of hardcore Muslims chant against Jews. Youths rampage through cities at night in protest of "blasphemous" art. A sit-in by religious students degenerates into fist fights and the desecration of Tunisia's flag.
In the birthplace of the Arab Spring, the transition from dictatorship to democracy has been mostly smoother than in neighboring countries, with no power-hungry military or armed militias to stifle the process. But as a moderate Islamist party rules with the help of secular forces, an unexpected threat has emerged: the increasing boldness of ultraconservative Muslims known loosely as Salafis, who want to turn this North African country of 10 million into a strict Islamic state. Tunisia's hardcore Salafis are estimated to number only in the tens of thousands. But their organized and frequent protests against perceived insults to Islam, especially by artists, have rocked the country and succeeded in mobilizing disaffected and angry youth much more effectively than secular opposition parties.

Experts warn that an economic downturn could turn these spasms of religious-tinged rage into the new language of the opposition. Tunisia's economy shrank by 2 percent last year and unemployment stands at 18 percent — even higher among young people. "There's no question that unemployment aggravates the situation," said William Lawrence, the North Africa representative for the International Crisis Group think tank. "They go to Salafism because they have nowhere better to go socially, politically and spiritually." As Salafis thrive in the new atmosphere of freedom of expression, they are aggressively attacking the free expression of those they see as insulting Islam. Their main target: artists who themselves have used democratic upheaval to raise sharp, often provocative, questions about the relationship between religion and society.

Tensions that were bottled during the regime of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali are bubbling to the surface. A film called "Neither Allah nor Master" about secularism by an atheist director, an animated film portraying God as an old man that was broadcast on TV, and most recently an art exhibit dabbling in religious themes have all provoked the wrath of the Salafis. The Spring of the Arts exhibit in the wealthy Tunis suburb of La Marsa triggered June riots that left one dead and 100 injured. Many of the paintings questioned religion's role in society, including some clearly skewering Salafis. There were images of veiled women hanging from punching bags in a boxing ring, veiled women buried in stones, and paintings of demonic bearded faces.

The Islamist-led government has tread carefully around Salafi demonstrations, conscious that they themselves were once victims of government oppression and fearful of further radicalizing the Salafis. That has exposed the government to accusations by the liberal and leftist opposition that they are unable to preserve stability, or even worse — complicity in the extremist violence.

Propaganda has painted all Muslims as extremists. Of course that is not true. We need to make that distinction and support those who want to join the rest of the world in peace and support them.
Propaganda has painted all Muslims as extremists. Of course that is not true. We need to make that distinction and support those who want to join the rest of the world in peace and support them.
What are you blabbering again? 5% of Muslims are the extremists like Hamas animals and Al queda, and the rest of the Muslim world are their cheerleaders.
The "arab spring" is simply YET ANOTHER "islamic revival" ------a periodic manefestation that is always barbaric and bloody
Propaganda has painted all Muslims as extremists. Of course that is not true. We need to make that distinction and support those who want to join the rest of the world in peace and support them.
What are you blabbering again? 5% of Muslims are the extremists like Hamas animals and Al queda, and the rest of the Muslim world are their cheerleaders.

Hamas does not like al Queda.

Remember Hamas rescued Alan Johnston from extremists.
Propaganda has painted all Muslims as extremists. Of course that is not true. We need to make that distinction and support those who want to join the rest of the world in peace and support them.
What are you blabbering again? 5% of Muslims are the extremists like Hamas animals and Al queda, and the rest of the Muslim world are their cheerleaders.

Hamas does not like al Queda.

Remember Hamas rescued Alan Johnston from extremists.

Was that before or after they spent their UN supplied welfare payments on explosives and materials for rockets to fire at Israel?
What are you blabbering again? 5% of Muslims are the extremists like Hamas animals and Al queda, and the rest of the Muslim world are their cheerleaders.

Hamas does not like al Queda.

Remember Hamas rescued Alan Johnston from extremists.

Was that before or after they spent their UN supplied welfare payments on explosives and materials for rockets to fire at Israel?

Propaganda has painted all Muslims as extremists. Of course that is not true. We need to make that distinction and support those who want to join the rest of the world in peace and support them.
What are you blabbering again? 5% of Muslims are the extremists like Hamas animals and Al queda, and the rest of the Muslim world are their cheerleaders.

Hamas does not like al Queda.

Remember Hamas rescued Alan Johnston from extremists.

Hamas said Bin Laden was a hero and a freedom fighter, they do indeed like Al Qaeda.
Remember Hamas rescued Alan Johnston from extremists.

yes SO? what is the significance of that fact? The Gazan criminals exist in groups----often in conflict with each other-------No one should be surprised if Hamas -----tries to discredit its opponent jihadists or engaged in acts designed to find allies. Pay close attention-----it is happening all over "ARAB SPRING" and beyond to the non arab islamic lands like Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia-------it is "par for the course"
I would prefer if the arabs did an Arab Spring Cleaning! :puke3:

you have something against arabs? more and more---you reflect the BUNDIST POINT OF VIEW Do you know any "arabs"? Do you have any idea what the word "arab" denotes? Long ago----when I was a college kid----I wrote a paper for a sociology class on the issue of South east asian migrants to england-------that was the "paki-bashing" era. and era of ENOCH POWELL I read newspaper articles---hundreds of them and discovered that one of the BIGGEST PROBLEMS idiot londoners had with peope from south east asia was the SMELL OF THE CURRY----it smelled "dirty to them" much later I was working in the same office with a young pakistani who was so self conscious of the smell of the lunch he brought from home----that he sprayed the place "air freshener" after eating. I was horrified--------the poor kid had been put down by people like you. One of the first thing bigots say about those they decide to put down is "they smell"
I would prefer if the arabs did an Arab Spring Cleaning! :puke3:

you have something against arabs? more and more---you reflect the BUNDIST POINT OF VIEW Do you know any "arabs"? Do you have any idea what the word "arab" denotes? Long ago----when I was a college kid----I wrote a paper for a sociology class on the issue of South east asian migrants to england-------that was the "paki-bashing" era. and era of ENOCH POWELL I read newspaper articles---hundreds of them and discovered that one of the BIGGEST PROBLEMS idiot londoners had with peope from south east asia was the SMELL OF THE CURRY----it smelled "dirty to them" much later I was working in the same office with a young pakistani who was so self conscious of the smell of the lunch he brought from home----that he sprayed the place "air freshener" after eating. I was horrified--------the poor kid had been put down by people like you. One of the first thing bigots say about those they decide to put down is "they smell"

If I say for example "elephant", what rant will you go off on? :D

Maybe the Paki sprayed the air freshener because he farted? :dunno: That stuff gives me gas.
And Micheal Jackson nearly barfed when he got off the plane in India.:lol:

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