Right-wingers continue to embrace cancel culture. The latest is #BoycottMaybelline for giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.

Normative people had a problem with drinking a beer with a sexual pervert as a spokesperson. It wasn't a "boycott" at all, just people reacting to the image of the brand. BL didn't suffer at all with those who are admitted Perverts.

As far as Maybelline, the question that the brand needs to ask is "Are normative chicks going to be willing to buy and use a product marketed for crossdressers?" Since normative guys don't use makeup, its a different situation entirely from Bud Light.

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.
You are assuming all feminists are the same and all support the current activist tranny trend. News flash…they don’t. Or that only republicans boycott. Also not true.
Normative people had a problem with drinking a beer with a sexual pervert as a spokesperson. It wasn't a "boycott" at all, just people reacting to the image of the brand. BL didn't suffer at all with those who are admitted Perverts.

As far as Maybelline, the question that the brand needs to ask is "Are normative chicks going to be willing to buy and use a product marketed for crossdressers?" Since normative guys don't use makeup, its a different situation entirely from Bud Light.
Why do you use "normative" instead of normal?

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.
Not subscribing. Can you cut and paste where those calling for a boycott say they are right wing?
"RightWingers" are locked out of GOVT, MSM, courts, schools and many other.

All they have left is 400million firearms and 10X purchasing power over the Liberal maggots.

It is only "RIGHT" no pun intended, that they should use that power. Tune out the MSM.....Shop wisely where you can avoid contributions to LW woke BS outlets.
Why is it okay with the left to cancel women from employment. These fake stereotypical women are taking jobs from legitimate women. What is the point in this as far as the left is concerned?

Maybe it isn't about the products but it is a misdirection to keep you focused on that while they make inroads in getting to our children. Tangible and intangible.

As you read this....consider the condition of San Fran today. and consider the condition of the country. there are consequences.

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Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.
I was boycotting Starbucks a long time ago. I'm not paying that much for a cup of coffee.
Starbucks. It's not even good coffee. I heard some rumor about them going out of business. I find that hard to believe..these genzees are not going to give up their life defining coffees.

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.
A makeup company decides to use a spokesman that makes a parody of women to sell products to women. And you think the women are the problem here? You and Maybelline are retarded. You don’t make fun of your customer base you fucking moron. Jesus, it’s like Jerry Curl using someone in blackface to advertise for them,

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.
Lol, we just won't buy the product from a company the funds grooming of children or out to cancel real women.

Well well well, look who's getting their panties in a bunch over Maybelline giving makeup to Dylan Mulvaney!

It's the same group of fragile, right wing snowflakes who cried about Bud Light featuring Dylan Mulvaney on a beer. I mean, what's next? Will they boycott Starbucks because they overheard someone ordering a soy latte?
News flash, right-wingers: cancel culture goes both ways. If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it. Otherwise, stop whining and grow a thicker skin. Or maybe just stick to drinking water and wearing no makeup at all. That way, you won't have to worry about being offended by anything.
/——/ The image portrayed on the beer can is supposed to draw in more customers, not drive them away. The fact that Bud Light lost market share proves it was a bad campaign. Consumers didn’t want to be associated with a trans whatever freak pretending to be a girl. Would you but beer with Tucker Carlson, or Rush Limbaugh’s image on it? Marketing 101.

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