Right-Wing Terrorists Attacked the Third Precinct, not BLM, not Antifa

Boogaloo Bois did it. Because all this violence has come from the Right.


Now that the corruption ticket has been exposed (Biden/Harris).

The left is throwing the full bag of shit at us......trying to deflect.

But the Reichstag fire is jaw dropping, even for a pile of shit like Synthaholic

Well, we knew the democrats were nothing more that the Nazis reborn - the Brown Shirts gave it away.
Right because no one has seen the multiple attacks by the lefties in Burn Loot Murder & amifa. Nice try though. Once this narrative fails just go back to the old stand by. The Russians did it. The sad thing is you try to equate fringe anarchist groups into Trump supporters. These dudes are straight anti-govt. You all start shit, you're gonna draw files

Thought we could only have one account on USMB?
Right because no one has seen the multiple attacks by the lefties in Burn Loot Murder & amifa. Nice try though. Once this narrative fails just go back to the old stand by. The Russians did it. The sad thing is you try to equate fringe anarchist groups into Trump supporters. These dudes are straight anti-govt. You all start shit, you're gonna draw files

Thought we could only have one account on USMB?
I do have a single account. JGalt or whoever else may have a similar name is not me. I have only been posting about a week
Boogaloo Bois did it. Because all this violence has come from the Right.

That's so stupid, it would take a leftist to believe it.

Oh, hey, Synthia.

They have arrested the guy and have his communications with the cop killer Boogaloo in California.

So you have a guy.

A. Guy.

And so, therefore, according to what leftists use instead of logic, ALL violence comes from the right.

You do nothing to disprove my claim: That's so stupid, it would take a leftist to believe it.
Texas member of Boogaloo Bois charged with opening fire on Minneapolis police precinct during protests over George Floyd

Feds say Texas adherent of far-right group fired on precinct building, conspired with cop killer to ignite civil war.
These are leftwing losers on Facebook. What do they have to do with “right wingers”? We support cops, not shooting at them. They went to BLM riots and joined in, they are leftwingers. Provide proof they are “right wingers”, because your article provides none.
From the original complaint: "Justice for George Floyd!"

That's not something anyone on the right would say.
Texas member of Boogaloo Bois charged with opening fire on Minneapolis police precinct during protests over George Floyd

Feds say Texas adherent of far-right group fired on precinct building, conspired with cop killer to ignite civil war.
These are leftwing losers on Facebook. What do they have to do with “right wingers”? We support cops, not shooting at them. They went to BLM riots and joined in, they are leftwingers. Provide proof they are “right wingers”, because your article provides none.
From the original complaint: "Justice for George Floyd!"

That's not something anyone on the right would say.
No, that's what some Rightwing terrorist would yell if he's trying to impersonate a BLM/Antifa protestor, dumbfuck.
Texas member of Boogaloo Bois charged with opening fire on Minneapolis police precinct during protests over George Floyd

Feds say Texas adherent of far-right group fired on precinct building, conspired with cop killer to ignite civil war.
These are leftwing losers on Facebook. What do they have to do with “right wingers”? We support cops, not shooting at them. They went to BLM riots and joined in, they are leftwingers. Provide proof they are “right wingers”, because your article provides none.
From the original complaint: "Justice for George Floyd!"

That's not something anyone on the right would say.
No, that's what some Rightwing terrorist would yell if he's trying to impersonate a BLM/Antifa protestor, dumbfuck.
:auiqs.jpg: You're so gullible.
Texas member of Boogaloo Bois charged with opening fire on Minneapolis police precinct during protests over George Floyd

Feds say Texas adherent of far-right group fired on precinct building, conspired with cop killer to ignite civil war.
These are leftwing losers on Facebook. What do they have to do with “right wingers”? We support cops, not shooting at them. They went to BLM riots and joined in, they are leftwingers. Provide proof they are “right wingers”, because your article provides none.
From the original complaint: "Justice for George Floyd!"

That's not something anyone on the right would say.
No, that's what some Rightwing terrorist would yell if he's trying to impersonate a BLM/Antifa protestor, dumbfuck.
You're full of shit as usual.

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