Rice tells Cain to stop playing the race card

Funny thing, I guess you are just assuming she was talking to Cain? And so is this Article. Because she never mentioned him by name.

Chalk it up to yet another Misleading Thread Title. She was saying to Everyone, not to play the Race Card, Both those on the Left, and the right.
1st post
And how was Obama the magic Negro defended? Just curious.

I told you and then you defend it by doing this.

Nevertheless, please explain why you consider doing an impression of Sharpton to be using "off the plantation sounding dialect".


Again, Repubs still cant name one instance in which they saw racism from a Republican. Its been what? 5 pages? Can any of you name one?

I can name several, what, is your point, exactly?

The point is...you haven't :eusa_shhh:
I told you and then you defend it by doing this.

Again, Repubs still cant name one instance in which they saw racism from a Republican. Its been what? 5 pages? Can any of you name one?

I can name several, what, is your point, exactly?

The point is...you haven't :eusa_shhh:

That's easy. over 50 Million Republicans refused to Fall for the Sales Job, and didn't vote for Obama. Clearly they are all Racists, and that is an example of Racism from over 50 Million Republicans.

Did I nail Liberal Thinking 101?
I told you and then you defend it by doing this.

Again, Repubs still cant name one instance in which they saw racism from a Republican. Its been what? 5 pages? Can any of you name one?

I can name several, what, is your point, exactly?

The point is...you haven't :eusa_shhh:

you are critically challenged, you are aware of that right?

I asked you what the point would be, anyway, here- george allen, jess helms, pat buchanan.

so, the point was what?
I can name several, what, is your point, exactly?

The point is...you haven't :eusa_shhh:

you are critically challenged, you are aware of that right?

I asked you what the point would be, anyway, here- george allen, jess helms, pat buchanan. so, the point was what?

They were All defended by the right. Here is the point - They are indifferent to racism, which is almost as bad as racism itself. Thats the point.
5th post
The point is...you haven't :eusa_shhh:

you are critically challenged, you are aware of that right?

I asked you what the point would be, anyway, here- george allen, jess helms, pat buchanan. so, the point was what?

They were All defended by the right. Here is the point - They are indifferent to racism, which is almost as bad as racism itself. Thats the point.
Let's see, he's on the right and he's not defending them.

I am on record saying Buchanan and Helms are idiots of the first degree.

I'm considered on the right.

Plenty others on the right have done the same.

You need to listen more.

Secondly, is there a racist who is not indifferent to their racism? I haven't seen one. Most are quite shameless.
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you are critically challenged, you are aware of that right?

I asked you what the point would be, anyway, here- george allen, jess helms, pat buchanan. so, the point was what?

They were All defended by the right. Here is the point - They are indifferent to racism, which is almost as bad as racism itself. Thats the point.
Let's see, he's on the right and he's not defending them.

I am on record saying Buchanan and Helms are idiots of the first degree.

I'm considered on the right.

Plenty others on the right have done the same.

You need to listen more.

Secondly, is there a racist who is not indifferent to their racism? I haven't seen one. Most are quite shameless.

Well you and Trajan arent represented well in your party. The big hitters on the right all defended and deflected every one of those. I know there are some repubs that might've said those guys were wrong.

But what is most visible, are the people who defend it.


Exactly how is claiming that Cain made it into an art form, and excusing it by saying it's 'used by everyone' calling out her own party?

What Ravi did was justify it, not condemn it.

Personally, I think Obama made it into an art form. Hell, he won an election by lying about it.
Really? When did Obama play the race card? Details, details.

You are kidding me, right?

There isn't enough bandwidth to cover every play of the race card by the Messiah. Every fucking day, a new card. The difference was that you didn't see it. You see it now though... because Cain's a black conservative instead of a black liberal.

Translation: "I'm talking out my ass again, and cannot give you any examples"
Really? When did Obama play the race card? Details, details.

You are kidding me, right?

There isn't enough bandwidth to cover every play of the race card by the Messiah. Every fucking day, a new card. The difference was that you didn't see it. You see it now though... because Cain's a black conservative instead of a black liberal.

Translation: "I'm talking out my ass again, and cannot give you any examples"

Too true. The most glaring is their treatment of those who go "off plantation".

'Here, let me think for you since, poor you, you cannot do so. I know what's best for you.'
Albiet they'll never state the latter openly, the intent is clear. And personally? I'd take it as a giant insult as a liberty-loving individual.
I would too. And I do whenever some big-gov bleeding heart lib thinks I need special legislation.

Fuck that!

Just make sure the field is level. I can do fine on my own.
Yep. Everyone has equal oppritunity to succeed or fail on thier own accord. Too many fail and whine in thier failure. And far too many don't even try. They've been told all thier lives mommy gubmint will, can and should take care of them.
10th post
He was asked outright by Krauthammer if he believed these latest attacks had anything to do with race and he said 'yes'.

So, if he thinks part of the reason for a smear campaign against him is because some of those perpetrating the smear are doing so on account of race, that's "playing the race card?" :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

God damn, but you are one stupid dishonest motherfucker.

Yes, when he follows it by saying he has no evidence to support it. He was thus manufacturing a racial component out of THIN AIR,

just to get it out there.

He was acknowledging that it was just a belief. He was, in short, being honest.

No wonder you're stumped.
Obama in no way plays the race card as do some of the Hard Right assholes.

That's the truth and Pubs better realize that is how most of America sees it as well. You have no stats at all to contradict what I just wrote.

Dems have racists, and some are bad, but they do not have the intensity of race hatred displayed by some on the Hard Right and some of the far right here.
i'm sure he believes it. I'm also sure if the president ever said the words "it's because i'm black" or assented to them, the entire right-leaning side of the country would keel over in a collective fit of laughter.

I would laugh out loud, indeed.

The man got elected President. So obviously he is not a deeply wounded victim of racism.

Nonetheless, if he were to say that some of the criticism he has gotten IS race-based (i.e., "racist") I not only wouldn't deny it, I'd have to acknowledge it. I've SEEN it. I have even criticized that kind of racist spew when I have noticed it. Like, USAR with his racist simian-based images of the President and the First Lady in his avie. Disgusting racism. It cheapens and undermines ANY criticism he might have of anything done by the President.

I agree 100%. But to his credit, he's never talked about the race-based criticism. Cain is being challenged politically like every other frontrunner would be. He should have been prepared for it. And his being challenged has nothing to do with race. Someone running against him, or who wants him to lose, leaked it. (There are those who opine it was Karl Rove and it wouldn't shock me too terribly if it turns out it was). But it isn't race-based. If he wants to be president, he has to grow a thicker skin.

This response is a bit of a quibble. But I think you've over-stated your case. The President HAS talked about the belief he has that SOME of the criticism he gets is based on racism.

Obama says healthcare reform criticism not about racism - FRANCE 24

That said, I don't disagree with him. AND, more importantly, I agree with you to the extent that I have never heard or read anything he's said where he claims race is "the" issue or even a significant or primary issue. And that is to his credit.

Now, is the attack against Mr. Cain race based? I don't know. That does not appear obvious to me. Instead, I'd say it is position based. HE is leading (in many of the present polls, that is). And so, he drew a politically motivated smear attack. That's my read. This doesn't rule out the possibility that some of it is based on the fact that as the present frontrunner, Mr. Cain is subject to this attack partially because of race. (That is: maybe those who launched this attack would have behaved differently if he were not a black conservative.)
I hear some muttering from the Hard Right but nothing of worth from their trolls.
Dr. Rice is wrong.

Mr. Cain has not played the race card.

nigga, please
Totally. I think Liarbility must have bumped his head or had a stroke.

Nah. Disagreeing with your churlish and unsupported claim is a sign of mental health.

I can't help but notice that SOME folks here (liberals and others) are at least willing to entertain the discussion about what that dopey phrase even means when people talk about "playing the race card." You, not surprisingly, couldn't be bothered to address a basic underpinning of your stupid claim.

You remain a rancid petty little fraud, Rati.
Rice is correct.
And I see you agree with Rice as well.
So how do you feel about it when it is used by the other side? The same way?
Or do you believe it is not used by the other side?

Why are you retards so quick to derail a thread with the same old crying about double standards? Stay the hell on topic.

The Basshole is whining now about a set of replies that ARE on topic while pretending that those responses are not on topic. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Fraud. Pettty bitch. Shut the fuck up, Basshole, you self hating quiff.

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