Rhambo Using DOJ Lawsuit To Distract From $55 Mil Scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rahm Using Sanctuary City Lawsuit Against Trump To Distract From $55 Million Scandal

"Here’s some friendly advice to President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Remember that Mayor Rahm Emanuel is – well, let’s just say it – a liar. A calculating Chicago politician. He’s well-schooled in the sordid mores of “the Chicago Way.”

So don’t be fooled by
Rahm’s fake lawsuit against the Department of Justice. Emanuel’s token lawsuit against the DOJ’s sanctuary city funding threat is a just convenient diversion from a $55 million scandal in Chicago that broke last week.

Chicago aldermen and city watchdogs have
accused Emanuel of secretly redirecting $55 million in TIF funds earmarked to help a poor, predominantly black ward on Chicago’s South Side. Instead, the diverted property tax funds were poured into a popular tourist attraction in a wealthy area – another vanity project for the Mayor. Chicago taxpayers are on the hook for these funds too – but they’d never know it because it’s not disclosed on their tax bills.

What happens in Chicago – stays in Chicago."

Not totally true...I wish Obama had stayed in Chicago...but He came to Washington and brought Rhambo with him. Once tutored enough, Barry released Rhambo on Chicago.

"But, of course, the mainstream media is not covering the ‘Dead Fish’ ruse. Emanuel says he’s worried about the loss of $3 million if Chicago doesn’t comply with federal immigration law? He says he wants to use the $3.2million in federal funds to purchase police vehicles? How about the $55 million he diverted? Some city aldermen are calling this slush fund scheme “money laundering.”

Is it really different than criminal money laundering? Yes, because, in Chicago, a mayor can launder money and it’s legal."
"That $55 million could have helped Chicago’s struggling public schools. It could have purchased those police vehicles Rahm says he’s so concerned about or put more cops on the street. Chicago ended July with more than 400 murders, putting the city on pace to exceed the number of killings in 2016 with 781 homicides. Lord knows, Chicago could use more cops.

But this bloody mounting body count on Chicago’s South Side means nothing to Rahm. After the Laquan McDonald scandal, he knows he isn’t going to get any votes from the black community in the next election so he’s written them off. His only hope for re-election is the Hispanic community and that’s why – voila – all of a sudden Rahm is “Mr. Sanctuary City.”

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