Review: My Scientology Movie... this is a good one, MUST SEE


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill

It is a documentary, and I think a good one.
The 2nd in command person within the organization "defected" some years ago. And comes out to tell all.
Backed by several other prominent members who say pretty much the same things...
This organization is ran by a set of sociopaths. Just pure insanity.
But the words of these folks isn't the most compelling testimony as to what kind of organization it is - it is the actions of the "church" itself when they find out the documentary is being made that truly tells all.

It is a modern day cult that uses mass intimidation and outright brutal harassment to keep members in line and silent.

It is a documentary, and I think a good one.
The 2nd in command person within the organization "defected" some years ago. And comes out to tell all.
Backed by several other prominent members who say pretty much the same things...
This organization is ran by a set of sociopaths. Just pure insanity.
But the words of these folks isn't the most compelling testimony as to what kind of organization it is - it is the actions of the "church" itself when they find out the documentary is being made that truly tells all.

It is a modern day cult that uses mass intimidation and outright brutal harassment to keep members in line and silent.

Thanks for the post.
The other part I found interesting, was how the "church" was founded.
I knew it was based on writings from a Sci-Fi writer, but I didn't know it was based on a "self-help" theory he basically made up and called it Dianetics. Having no intention of it being a religion, he and others started an organization to promote his theory of self psychology.. and went bankrupt owing over $200,000.
The man was, by several accounts of those who were around him, was impossible to get along with or work with. Series of failed jobs/marriages and even tried to kidnap his own children.
Somehow... this guy... is the absolute exalted center of a massive cult.

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