Returning The Power To The People


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The explanation of the hatred of the establishment to any Trumpian success is the loss of power to the tyrants who oppose individualism, and limited constitutional governance.

When Franklin Roosevelt chose swimming with the sharks, his pals Mussolini, Hitler, and, above all, Stalin, over our Constitution, he couldn't imagine a Trump presidency

At the heart of Liberalism/Progressivism is the view that there are no restrictions on the power of government.

2. Witness it here:
[But the]" authors are left trying to shoehorn the Court’s New Deal decisions into a tale of constitutional “restoration.” Alas, this was the era in which the Court tore down the Constitution’s express limitations on federal power in order to clear the way for FDR’s massive increase in federal power.

The most extreme New Deal decision, Wickard v.Filburn (1942)—which upheld the power of the federal government to dictate how much wheat a farmer could grow for his own use—is depicted as “restoring the broad interpretation of national legislative power” asserted by Chief Justice John Marshall in the early years of the Republic. But that’s an odd kind of restoration—rather than restoring the Constitution’s text, the Court was restoring the (already-overbroad) interpretations that Marshall had asserted and that later courts had rejected.

In reality, the Court in Wickard did exactly what the Paulsens argue against: it rewrote the Constitution to further its desired policy goals."
Against Judicial Activism by Adam Freedman City Journal June 16 2015

3. In Trump's SOTU address, we find a return to the Constitution:

“…here we have government by the people, making laws through their own elected representatives, not government by unelected “experts” autocratically making rules that tell us what to do.

Implicit in the beginning of the speech was a repudiation of the Administrative State, which Supreme Court rulings from Wickard v. Filburn in 1942 down to the present day have authorized, giving bureaucrats power to overturn the checks and balances of limited government that the Framers built into the Constitution in 1787 and that Woodrow Wilson and FDR methodically and intentionally subverted.” Pro-American

4. "What I heard above all in President Trump’s moving, presidential, and authentically American State of the Union speech was a Hamiltonian assurance that, in America, no matter where you come from—like the brilliant illegitimate immigrant from Nevis who became our first Treasury secretary—“If you work hard, if you believe in yourself, if you believe in America, then you can dream anything, you can be anything.”

And that’s because in America our motto is ‘in God we trust’”—the God who guarantees, as the Declaration of Independence assures us, that we all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the right to work out our own fate, according to our own lights.

That individual right precedes government; government exists to protect it. There was something revolutionary, with a spark of a new birth of freedom, in Trump’s assertion that “In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of the American life.” How anti-Progressive! How anti-New Deal!"

Can I get an 'Amen!'

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