Retiring but delaying social security.

Golfing Gator
Good for you. Hope you and the wife enjoy retirement when you get there.

I do to! I am looking forward to it. She started her career much later than I did and still has a true passion for her job (she is an RN). Thus I will keep making money till she is ready.
Golfing Gator
Have a friend who's an RN and those folks work hard.

This friend is a guy which is a little unusual but he's been and RN for 20 years and still loves the job. Even Covid couldn't dissuade him from the RN life.
Golfing Gator
Have a friend who's an RN and those folks work hard.

This friend is a guy which is a little unusual but he's been and RN for 20 years and still loves the job. Even Covid couldn't dissuade him from the RN life.

It is a very hard job if you are a nurse in any hospital, which my wife is. I suspect her body will tell her it is time to retire long before her heart does.

But they need people like your friend and my wife, you can always tell the nurses that have the passion
That is not the way it works. You paid into it, you get it back at the end. No matter how much money you have when that time comes

^^ This is correct.

As for the OP's question. I always trust myself with MY money more than the government holding onto it. I take the money as soon as it's available to invest. Plus at that age there are no guarantees of how long you will live.
Golfing Gator
Yup and wait until you are 66 to put in for it. If you wait till 66 you will get your full benefits without having to subtract any if you are still working.

If you file at 66 you can still work and make up to 46 thousand a year with no penalty. That's what I did. The SS is paying for my truck which I bought new in 2019. First new truck I've bought since 1992. I almost had heart attack at the price. Imagiine 35 thousand dollars for a truck. When I bought new in 92 to price was around 7 thousand and I flipped out at that. Good Lord.

I have no desire to work nor buy a new truck.
Golfing Gator@pknopp
Well good for you. My new truck was a Christmas present from me to myself. Keep not working and drive the old piece of crap you drive. Happy trails. LOL
Golfing Gator@pknopp
Well good for you. My new truck was a Christmas present from me to myself. Keep not working and drive the old piece of crap you drive. Happy trails. LOL

There is more to life than transportation
If it turns over when you turn the key….you win
Seems to be the new thing.

For better-off Americans, the pandemic economy created some of the strongest incentives to retire in modern history, with generous federal stimulus, incredible market gains, skyrocketing home values and health concerns drawing many Americans into early retirement.

The surprising twist? Many of these retirees also opted to put off claiming Social Security benefits, an exclusive Washington Post analysis shows. By delaying their benefits, these retirees can expect to collect higher monthly checks in the future.

So, this just seems a not a great idea. I am not there yet, but have started serious retirement planning in the last year.

Using the numbers from the article...

Someone who turned 65 this year and last earned $60,000 could see their monthly payment jump from $1,418 to $1,550, a 9% increase, by delaying their retirement by a year, according to Social Security's calculations.

So, people are saying no to $85,080 over those 5 years so they can make an extra $132 a month after they turn 70? Seems you would have to live to at least 79 to really see the benefit of this move. Would it not make more sense to take it and invest if it you do not need it to live on?

If you do not need it to live, why not take it and invest it then when those 5 years are up you could easily have an extra 100 grand.

What do you all think? What am I missing here?
Yeah, my husband did that and he is getting a lot more than I am from SS. He liked the idea all along. Well, you can invest excess cash any time, after all, whenever you get it.

I retired early-ish so that was the other side of the issue.

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