Republicans Will Pay For This In Spades

The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves
And kill off our aristocratic leadership?

Are you calling Obama an aristocrat?
"Sewing uncertainty" ? You gotta be freaking kidding. After congress (with 36 % democrats) approved the resolution for boots on the ground in Iraq the democrat party (with the cooperation of the liberal media) not only sewed the seeds of uncertainty but engaged in freaking treason by undermining the mission. Who purchased the $10,000 ad in the NY Times calling the ground commander of U.S. Troops "betray-us"? The democrat senate majority leader tried to get U.S. Troops to lay down their arms when he pronounced the Iraq conflict to be lost just before the Troops surge. Anti war demonstrators were hanging the president in effigy and then suddenly they faded away when Barry Hussein was elected. Americans are smarter than the democrat party assumes. They are fully aware that Barry Hussein desperately tried to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq and Afghanistan and his pandering to his muslem brotherhood base caused the power vaccum in the Mid East and the subsequent rise of ISIS. Now he is going to use left wing propaganda and an unproven theory to sell the U.S. economy down the drain by limiting fossil fuel production while the rest of the world including Russia and China and the hypocrite European union gobbles it up.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves
And kill off our aristocratic leadership?

Are you calling Obama an aristocrat?
I am calling them all aristocrats, especially the ultra wealthy ones....
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.


"69 percent of Americans believed that global warming is caused mainly by human activities (57%), or caused equally by humans and natural changes (12%), while only 29 percent believed it is caused mostly by natural changes in the environment. - See more at:

American Opinions on Global Warming: A Yale/Gallup/Clearvision Poll
What do you expect them to think when all they hear in the MSM is how global warming is an undisputed fact? Of course they're gonna agree when they're only given one side of the story as if it's settled science (which it ISN'T). Even if 100% of Americans believe it that doesn't make it a fact. You must think polls = fact.

So you don't believe that co2 and methane are green house gases to trap ir energy??? So you're going to go against 150 years of science!

From the beginning global warming was simply a means to scare people into tax increases, justify more regulations, justify bigger government with more control over how we live our lives, and fatten up the government grant slush fund for scientists who can't find a real job.

The only settled science which is not in dispute and is proven beyond any doubt is that there WILL be another ice age. NY City will be ground to bedrock by glaciers a mile high.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

How about the democrats that supported the war? Put Mrs Clinton's face out there on the front lines and I will bet the Teliban would have complained about WMD.

I agree though, everyone who vote for war should have at least sent a son or themselves. You know like Palin.
Palin could have gone herself

Her son was an adult
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

Should FDR have stormed the Normandy beaches himself?
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

How about the democrats that supported the war? Put Mrs Clinton's face out there on the front lines and I will bet the Teliban would have complained about WMD.

I agree though, everyone who vote for war should have at least sent a son or themselves. You know like Palin.

Palin was never in a position to vote on the war.
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

Should FDR have stormed the Normandy beaches himself?
They didn't have crippled people storming war zones then..
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

How about the democrats that supported the war? Put Mrs Clinton's face out there on the front lines and I will bet the Teliban would have complained about WMD.

I agree though, everyone who vote for war should have at least sent a son or themselves. You know like Palin.

Palin was never in a position to vote on the war.

She still supported it
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

It is called debate and democracy. I think other countries are going to have to get use to it if they want to deal with us.

It is sad people can't see the authoritarian thinking behind this but as long as the deception is working then the president will always be expected to unilaterally decide how every branch of government is suppose to operate. When do we vote for our next dictator?
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

It is called debate and democracy. I think other countries are going to have to get use to it if they want to deal with us.

It is sad people can't see the authoritarian thinking behind this but as long as the deception is working then the president will always be expected to unilaterally decide how every branch of government is suppose to operate. When do we vote for our next dictator?
November 2016
Nobody will be going to the voting booth next year worried about "climate change "

Worried? Weird word choice.

I consider it when choosing a candidate.

You are part of a small minority. The number one issue everyone votes on is the state of the economy and how they fair in their own personal situation at home helps determine whom they support. Your climate change religion isn't even in the top ten of most people's thoughts when casting their votes.
Last edited:
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged
He can start by reducing his carbon footprint...
Yes, and Republicans who supported invading Iraq should have gone themselves

How about the democrats that supported the war? Put Mrs Clinton's face out there on the front lines and I will bet the Teliban would have complained about WMD.

I agree though, everyone who vote for war should have at least sent a son or themselves. You know like Palin.

Palin was never in a position to vote on the war.

Wasn't the point.

"69 percent of Americans believed that global warming is caused mainly by human activities (57%), or caused equally by humans and natural changes (12%), while only 29 percent believed it is caused mostly by natural changes in the environment. - See more at:

American Opinions on Global Warming: A Yale/Gallup/Clearvision Poll
What do you expect them to think when all they hear in the MSM is how global warming is an undisputed fact? Of course they're gonna agree when they're only given one side of the story as if it's settled science (which it ISN'T). Even if 100% of Americans believe it that doesn't make it a fact. You must think polls = fact.

I know one thing....the Republican party doesn't like anything which benefits the common man unless big business comes up with the idea first and through their campaign donations use influence to get it initiated. Perfect Examples of the same thing on the other side is when FD Roosevelt initiated all the alphabet programs to help ordinary people and John Kennedy declared that by the end of the 60's decade we would put a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth. If he had not done that and put the government to work on it and if Lyndon Johnson had not followed through on it we would still be in a cold war with Russia and they would have a colony on the moon.

Right now some countries are powering nearly all their schools with solar power.....we should be at the forefront. Nuclear power is great but look at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the Japanese disaster last year to see why it isn't the most desirable:

View attachment 55862 View attachment 55861 View attachment 55863

The problem with this phony global warming nonsense is that it's an endless money pit. It doesn't matter what we do or how much we spend, it's never enough.

It's like what I've always said about global warming people: You can't make an environmentalist just isn't possible.

In my 55 years on this planet I've seen regulation after regulation--improvement after improvement, and today, global warming people are unhappier today than they were 30 years ago. If you took every last dollar....every last dime from Americans, spent it on global warming, there would still be plenty of complaining.

Nobody knows that more than I do. I'm a truck driver and I can't tell you the tens of thousands of dollars we had to spend because of unfounded global warming. During the Bush years they regulated diesel fuel so that it contains a very small amount of sulfur. Since that time, diesel fuel averaged a dollar per gallon more than gasoline. Before that, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gas.

Then they came out with all kinds of gadgets trucks had to have before they could be sold. The average truck now costs over 10K more than it did ten years ago thanks to all this pollution nonsense. A few years back, they made manufacturers install a device called Diesel Emission Fluid. It's a separate tank that contains DEF that squirts into your exhaust pipe to reduce emissions.

Now trucks break down all the time, and my estimation is that 80% of the time, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. We have to pass these losses on to our customers. Our customers have to pass that cost to consumers. It's a hidden tax that nobody sees.

When will it ever stop? Never. That's the point. It never stops no matter what we do. We just keep pouring more and more money into it.

Just because you can't do everything is not an excuse to do nothing

Global warming exists, it is a fact
Conservative denial in support of big oil borders on criminal

No, that's not criminal, but let me tell you what is:

Politicians, particularly Democrats, have wanted more control over the people. The only two vestiges left to conquer are control over energy and control over healthcare. Once government has control over those two things, they will have total control of the people.

So that's not an excuse to do nothing? Of course it is. If you see a two alarm house fire, does it make any sense to urinate on it? If you are on a cruse ship that's sinking, does it do any good for you to use your drink cup to try and bail out the water?

If these trillions of dollars we put into global warming won't stop global warming, then why are we wasting this money?

At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged

OMG, rightwinger strikes again, lol!

Alarm, alarm, alarm, BONG, BONG, DING, DING, Astro turfer at work known as rightwinger! Stand back so his BULLSHIT doesn't splatter on you-) Whew, smell his odor!!!

What a phony, no credibility, scam artist.....astro turfer, extraordinaire! Pathetic left winger, who calls himself rightwinger. He is begging, but we will never let his incompetence in, no matter how hard he begs, lol!!!!!

You young conservatives need to put this phony baloney dinosaur on ignore. He is incompetent, irrelevant, and not material, nor germain for that matter, to the conversation-)

All he is can be summed up like this........I am libby, hear me roar, make to much noise to ignore, but I make absolutely no sense so I preteeend.

But remember, I am still an embryo, and as long as you don't abort me, I will grow, and I will come back in the end!

Oh yes, I am wise, and I know it is a pain, oh yes I have paid the price, but look how much I have I gained..........if I had to, I could LIE ABOUT ANYTHING.......heheheheheheheheh!

Astro turfing libbys are so funny, let us just make fun of the new LOSERS!!!!!!!!
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
Only 3% of America thinks that ManMade GlowBull Warming is even real....

What do you expect them to think when all they hear in the MSM is how global warming is an undisputed fact? Of course they're gonna agree when they're only given one side of the story as if it's settled science (which it ISN'T). Even if 100% of Americans believe it that doesn't make it a fact. You must think polls = fact.

I know one thing....the Republican party doesn't like anything which benefits the common man unless big business comes up with the idea first and through their campaign donations use influence to get it initiated. Perfect Examples of the same thing on the other side is when FD Roosevelt initiated all the alphabet programs to help ordinary people and John Kennedy declared that by the end of the 60's decade we would put a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth. If he had not done that and put the government to work on it and if Lyndon Johnson had not followed through on it we would still be in a cold war with Russia and they would have a colony on the moon.

Right now some countries are powering nearly all their schools with solar power.....we should be at the forefront. Nuclear power is great but look at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and the Japanese disaster last year to see why it isn't the most desirable:

View attachment 55862 View attachment 55861 View attachment 55863

The problem with this phony global warming nonsense is that it's an endless money pit. It doesn't matter what we do or how much we spend, it's never enough.

It's like what I've always said about global warming people: You can't make an environmentalist just isn't possible.

In my 55 years on this planet I've seen regulation after regulation--improvement after improvement, and today, global warming people are unhappier today than they were 30 years ago. If you took every last dollar....every last dime from Americans, spent it on global warming, there would still be plenty of complaining.

Nobody knows that more than I do. I'm a truck driver and I can't tell you the tens of thousands of dollars we had to spend because of unfounded global warming. During the Bush years they regulated diesel fuel so that it contains a very small amount of sulfur. Since that time, diesel fuel averaged a dollar per gallon more than gasoline. Before that, diesel fuel was always cheaper than gas.

Then they came out with all kinds of gadgets trucks had to have before they could be sold. The average truck now costs over 10K more than it did ten years ago thanks to all this pollution nonsense. A few years back, they made manufacturers install a device called Diesel Emission Fluid. It's a separate tank that contains DEF that squirts into your exhaust pipe to reduce emissions.

Now trucks break down all the time, and my estimation is that 80% of the time, it's some pollution gadget that went haywire. We have to pass these losses on to our customers. Our customers have to pass that cost to consumers. It's a hidden tax that nobody sees.

When will it ever stop? Never. That's the point. It never stops no matter what we do. We just keep pouring more and more money into it.

Just because you can't do everything is not an excuse to do nothing

Global warming exists, it is a fact
Conservative denial in support of big oil borders on criminal

No, that's not criminal, but let me tell you what is:

Politicians, particularly Democrats, have wanted more control over the people. The only two vestiges left to conquer are control over energy and control over healthcare. Once government has control over those two things, they will have total control of the people.

So that's not an excuse to do nothing? Of course it is. If you see a two alarm house fire, does it make any sense to urinate on it? If you are on a cruse ship that's sinking, does it do any good for you to use your drink cup to try and bail out the water?

If these trillions of dollars we put into global warming won't stop global warming, then why are we wasting this money?

At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
The problem with "global warming" is that it was thought up by a Bunco artist named Al Gore. Less then 7% of Americans see it as a threat. That is NOT going to harm us a bit.
If Al Gore lived a modest life in modest home, he might have more credibility..But I for one refuse to listen to his propaganda while he lives in excess of the common man or woman...
If Gore was advocating total cuts in emissions you might have a point

But he is advocating sensible, achievable goals that have conservatives outraged

OMG, rightwinger strikes again, lol!

Alarm, alarm, alarm, BONG, BONG, DING, DING, Astro turfer at work known as rightwinger! Stand back so his BULLSHIT doesn't splatter on you-) Whew, smell his odor!!!

What a phony, no credibility, scam artist.....astro turfer, extraordinaire! Pathetic left winger, who calls himself rightwinger. He is begging, but we will never let his incompetence in, no matter how hard he begs, lol!!!!!

You young conservatives need to put this phony baloney dinosaur on ignore. He is incompetent, irrelevant, and not material, nor germain for that matter, to the conversation-)

All he is can be summed up like this........I am libby, hear me roar, make to much noise to ignore, but I make absolutely no sense so I preteeend.

But remember, I am still an embryo, and as long as you don't abort me, I will grow, and I will come back in the end!

Oh yes, I am wise, and I know it is a pain, oh yes I have paid the price, but look how much I have I gained..........if I had to, I could LIE ABOUT ANYTHING.......heheheheheheheheh!

Astro turfing libbys are so funny, let us just make fun of the new LOSERS!!!!!!!!
Shit...all that typing, so little content

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