Republicans Will Pay For This In Spades

At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

How does it look bad for Republican "naysayers?" Did they prove AGW is true? No? Then they look like a gang of fools. Nothing decided at that conference is binding on the United States unless the Senate approves it by 2/3 vote, and there is absolutely no chance of that.

We'll see about that. The president has had to figure ways to get things done without the Do_Nothing Republicans:

Earth to OP author: The climate is starting to cool, not warm. Polar ice has seen an aggregate increase over the last few decades, not a decrease. 2014 was not the "hottest year on record" but in fact set many records for cold temps. Polar bears are not going extinct. Etc., etc., etc. It's a hoax.

Ooops! New NASA study: Antarctica isn't losing ice mass after all !

Polar ice packs | Watts Up With That?

What a Load Of Shit:



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Earth to OP author: The climate is starting to cool, not warm. Polar ice has seen an aggregate increase over the last few decades, not a decrease. 2014 was not the "hottest year on record" but in fact set many records for cold temps. Polar bears are not going extinct. Etc., etc., etc. It's a hoax.

Ooops! New NASA study: Antarctica isn't losing ice mass after all !

Polar ice packs | Watts Up With That?

You're not supposed to bring up where it got colder. Last February, we broke a half-dozen records up north. No mention about it by the Global Warming people. We kept hearing about how warm it was instead.

This year we are having a pretty warm winter so far. I guarantee you now we will be in the spotlight for the GW crowd.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

Glut of Coal-Fired Plants Casts Doubts on China’s Energy Priorities

DONGXIANPO, China — Just outside the southwest border of Beijing, a new coal-fired power and heating plant is rising in Dongxianpo, a rural town in Hebei Province. Cement mixers roll onto the site. Cranes tower above a landscape of metal girders.When finished, the plant, run by a company owned by the Beijing government, is expected to have a generating capacity of 700 megawatts of power, more than the total of similar plants in Ohio. But whether it will actually be used to its fullest is questionable, despite the investment of $580 million.

That is because the plant is scheduled to come online in three years amid a glut of coal-fired power plants — an astounding 155 planned projects received a permit this year alone, with total capacity equal to nearly 40 percent of operational coal power plants in the United States.
As usual, leftists miss the point entirely. They have a President who is credibly accused of draft dodging, and they skate right past the "inappropriate methods" part of it and gleefully shout "draft dodger!" at anyone who hasn't been in the military, for whatever reason, as thought THAT were the relevant part of the story.

Okay, let's look at that.

Bill Clinton didn't just avoid military service. He actively protested against an ILLEGAL, IMMORAL and STUPID War, and we should be damned glad that he and others did that, because our own leaders had LIED to us about why we were fighting that war and why it was necessary. (Spoiler Alert- The Vietnamese didn't want our kind of government.) He took a principled stand.

Other Democrats like John Kerry and Al Gore did serve in Vietnam, not that they got any loving for their service. Quite the reverse, they were accused of things they never did.

Now, you compare that to the GOP Row of infamy of people who cheered on that war as long as other people were fighting it, and found dodgy methods to avoid service.

These include-

George W. Bush- Pulling strings to get int he TX NG, and then not even showing up for his drills.
Dick Cheney- Using student and marriage deferments
Donald Trump- Student and Medical Deferments
Newt Gingrich - Marriage deferments
Rush Limbaugh- claimed he had a cyst on his ass. (Common for closeted homosexuals)
Dan Quayle - Joined the Indiana National Guard. At least he showed up for his drills
Mitt Romney- Missionary Deferment

I could go on, but I won't. I do find it interesting that the few Republicans who do have pretty good military records like John McCain and Lindsey Grahamn, are the ones who the GOP Rank and File despise.
Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese?

That's the problem. We shouldn't do anything of the sort. We should tell them if htey move their plants to China, they will pay HUGE Tariffs to get those products back into this country.

I still like my idea. When some Corporate Asshole moves his plant to China, we put his picture on TV and tell everyone where he and his family live.
You're not supposed to bring up where it got colder. Last February, we broke a half-dozen records up north. No mention about it by the Global Warming people. We kept hearing about how warm it was instead.

This year we are having a pretty warm winter so far. I guarantee you now we will be in the spotlight for the GW crowd.

weather isn't climate. The fact that the ice caps and permafrost is melting and sea levels are rising SHOULD be a major concern.
Now everyone can see how the left actually thinks..............look at good ole Joe there, businesses think the government has gone crazy, and along with high corporate tax rates, decide to bail out. Does Joe want them to stay? Yes! Will he change the policies that are chasing them away? No! He is going to try and FORCE them, kind of like living in a totalitarian country, to stay. He is going to punish them big time, and everybody is supposed to cheer because his ideas screw big business.

When someone stands up and says the policies are wrong, the left tells everyone that WE are for big business. No! We are against the government controlling everything, in an attempt guessed it..........CONTROL the climate, lololol! They are NOT trying to control the climate people, almost all of Europe is running out of money again, so they have to devise a NEW tax, and you guessed it...........climate is the vehicle for it!
Now everyone can see how the left actually thinks..............look at good ole Joe there, businesses think the government has gone crazy, and along with high corporate tax rates, decide to bail out. Does Joe want them to stay? Yes! Will he change the policies that are chasing them away? No! He is going to try and FORCE them, kind of like living in a totalitarian country, to stay. He is going to punish them big time, and everybody is supposed to cheer because his ideas screw big business.

When someone stands up and says the policies are wrong, the left tells everyone that WE are for big business. No! We are against the government controlling everything, in an attempt guessed it..........CONTROL the climate, lololol! They are NOT trying to control the climate people, almost all of Europe is running out of money again, so they have to devise a NEW tax, and you guessed it...........climate is the vehicle for it!

Liberals and Communists control people through money. When in power, they threaten states with cutting funds if they don't march in lockstep with the Democrats. They've forced the purchase of health insurance by threatening to take away people's money. They've even suggested taxing ammunition so as to get around the right to own guns. And if they had the power, they would have done it too.

This is why it's more important than ever to make sure they never have any kind of leadership in this country. They are control freaks that could care less what the will of the people are. Do you think consumers want to pay much more for electricity because DumBama closed those coal fired power plants and forced the remaining open ones to invest millions of dollars to make cleaner electricity? Of course not, but again, they don't care what the people want--just what they want.
You're not supposed to bring up where it got colder. Last February, we broke a half-dozen records up north. No mention about it by the Global Warming people. We kept hearing about how warm it was instead.

This year we are having a pretty warm winter so far. I guarantee you now we will be in the spotlight for the GW crowd.

weather isn't climate. The fact that the ice caps and permafrost is melting and sea levels are rising SHOULD be a major concern.

It's only a concern to people that think human beings control the weather and climate; to people that believe the earth has never changed until we opened up factories and started driving cars.
That is correct, CLIMATE is the vehicle for the new tax! Imagine, we have a hot summer, more tax will fix it. Cold winter, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, raise the climate tax! We stay absolutely average? See, the climate tax is working, lolol!

Seriously people, are you actually going to buy into this nonsense that these world politicians are putting out, and believe it can be fixed by a tax? Every person knows that has gone to elementary school, that the earths climate is constantly changing; and now you are to believe that THIS change is because of you! And it will be fixed by a TAX, lol!

The op is disingenuous, because a poster was correct that the ice caps are not melting, and the polar bears are not dying. The OP then put a pic of a polar bear out on an ice block as proof. He knows better, and those pictures are circulated to pull on heart strings. That poor polar bear, lolol. It is all bull, and he probably knows it. He for sure knows that picture was taken for the specific purpose that it was, POSTING..........and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the bear, He was fat, on an ice flow, getting ready to go swimming for lunch, lolol!

These people are scary, they really are. Most of them know they are deceiving you, and yet they keep doing it for the agenda.

By the way, start looking up on GOOGLE what these people predicted would happen 30 years ago, then 2o years ago, then 10 years ago. Come back and tell us how many of them actually happened! LOLOLOLOLOL, NONE! Then look up who the biggest SCIENTIFIC minds who are behind this, and low-and-behold, they are the same people that predicted the disasters that did NOT happen when they said they would.

Use some elementary school logic after you look up those disasters and scientists, and it goes something like this........Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But if we allow them to keep fooling us over, and over, and over, again, we are all dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!!!!
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."

Have you even read the proposed agreement, Campbell? China...the country that is by FAR the biggest polluter right now agrees to cap it's carbon pollution by the year 2030...which means for the next FIFTEEN years they are free to increase the amount of pollution they are putting into the atmosphere while WE will be cutting our carbon levels! Who negotiated that? John Kerry? Barry? It's a joke! The Chinese get to keep right on polluting while keeping their energy costs low while we decrease our pollution and incur higher energy costs. Then we turn around and ask American industry to "compete" with the Chinese? Say what you will about Donald Trump but he's right about one thing...the Chinese are OWNING us when it comes to negotiations!

I wasn't glued to the news while they were holding the conference but I thought they all set a top rise of 2 degree Celsius by the end of the century as a goal for all countries at the conference. Anyway....what went on looks bad for the Republican naysayers. They are addressing it.

So you really have no clue what's IN the proposed agreement...but you're sure that Republicans are "naysayers" because they have a problem with it? That says volumes about you, Campbell!
That is correct, CLIMATE is the vehicle for the new tax! Imagine, we have a hot summer, more tax will fix it. Cold winter, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, raise the climate tax! We stay absolutely average? See, the climate tax is working, lolol!

Seriously people, are you actually going to buy into this nonsense that these world politicians are putting out, and believe it can be fixed by a tax? Every person knows that has gone to elementary school, that the earths climate is constantly changing; and now you are to believe that THIS change is because of you! And it will be fixed by a TAX, lol!

The op is disingenuous, because a poster was correct that the ice caps are not melting, and the polar bears are not dying. The OP then put a pic of a polar bear out on an ice block as proof. He knows better, and those pictures are circulated to pull on heart strings. That poor polar bear, lolol. It is all bull, and he probably knows it. He for sure knows that picture was taken for the specific purpose that it was, POSTING..........and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the bear, He was fat, on an ice flow, getting ready to go swimming for lunch, lolol!

These people are scary, they really are. Most of them know they are deceiving you, and yet they keep doing it for the agenda.

By the way, start looking up on GOOGLE what these people predicted would happen 30 years ago, then 2o years ago, then 10 years ago. Come back and tell us how many of them actually happened! LOLOLOLOLOL, NONE! Then look up who the biggest SCIENTIFIC minds who are behind this, and low-and-behold, they are the same people that predicted the disasters that did NOT happen when they said they would.

Use some elementary school logic after you look up those disasters and scientists, and it goes something like this........Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But if we allow them to keep fooling us over, and over, and over, again, we are all dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!!!!

The problem with all this global warming nonsense is that it's a bottomless money pit. There isn't enough money in this country to make environmentalists happy. We've been doing it most of my life, and in spite of the trillions we've dumped into this farce, they are more unhappy today than they've ever been.

Most of the money we pay for "green" is intrinsic in the products we buy today. Think of it: how much would your electric and gas bill be today without all those government mandates? What about the cost of your automobile? What about the price of gasoline? Hell, they even have mandates on snowblowers and lawnmowers.

With the urging of his fat ass wife, DumBama forced restaurants to put calorie counts on the menus of the food they sell. I say we do the same thing with global warming. Every product should have the dollar amount of the price we have to pay that went towards producing that product greener.

Maybe then people will wake up and realize we don't have the money for all these fallacies.
At this point in the Bush years we had two hot wars and a stream of young dead Americans showing up at Dover each day:

Hamstrung by Congress, GOP opposition, Obama heads to Paris to clinch global climate agreement

"President Barack Obama is trying to negotiate a legacy-making climate change pact this coming week in Paris with one hand tied behind his back. Congress can't even agree whether global warming is real.

Scientists point to the global agreement, years in the making, as the last, best hope for averting the worst effects of global warming. Obama has spent months prodding other countries to make ambitious carbon-cutting pledges to the agreement, which he hopes will become the framework for countries to tackle the climate issue long beyond the end of his presidency in early 2017.

But Republicans have tried to undermine the president by sowing uncertainty about whether the U.S. will make good on its promises. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP leaders have warned other countries not to trust any deal Obama may strike; other GOP allies are working to nullify Obama's emissions-cutting steps at home."
Pay for in "spades"? I thought slavery was over.
That is correct, CLIMATE is the vehicle for the new tax! Imagine, we have a hot summer, more tax will fix it. Cold winter, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, raise the climate tax! We stay absolutely average? See, the climate tax is working, lolol!

Seriously people, are you actually going to buy into this nonsense that these world politicians are putting out, and believe it can be fixed by a tax? Every person knows that has gone to elementary school, that the earths climate is constantly changing; and now you are to believe that THIS change is because of you! And it will be fixed by a TAX, lol!

The op is disingenuous, because a poster was correct that the ice caps are not melting, and the polar bears are not dying. The OP then put a pic of a polar bear out on an ice block as proof. He knows better, and those pictures are circulated to pull on heart strings. That poor polar bear, lolol. It is all bull, and he probably knows it. He for sure knows that picture was taken for the specific purpose that it was, POSTING..........and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the bear, He was fat, on an ice flow, getting ready to go swimming for lunch, lolol!

These people are scary, they really are. Most of them know they are deceiving you, and yet they keep doing it for the agenda.

By the way, start looking up on GOOGLE what these people predicted would happen 30 years ago, then 2o years ago, then 10 years ago. Come back and tell us how many of them actually happened! LOLOLOLOLOL, NONE! Then look up who the biggest SCIENTIFIC minds who are behind this, and low-and-behold, they are the same people that predicted the disasters that did NOT happen when they said they would.

Use some elementary school logic after you look up those disasters and scientists, and it goes something like this........Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But if we allow them to keep fooling us over, and over, and over, again, we are all dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!!!!

The problem with all this global warming nonsense is that it's a bottomless money pit. There isn't enough money in this country to make environmentalists happy. We've been doing it most of my life, and in spite of the trillions we've dumped into this farce, they are more unhappy today than they've ever been.

Most of the money we pay for "green" is intrinsic in the products we buy today. Think of it: how much would your electric and gas bill be today without all those government mandates? What about the cost of your automobile? What about the price of gasoline? Hell, they even have mandates on snowblowers and lawnmowers.

With the urging of his fat ass wife, DumBama forced restaurants to put calorie counts on the menus of the food they sell. I say we do the same thing with global warming. Every product should have the dollar amount of the price we have to pay that went towards producing that product greener.

Maybe then people will wake up and realize we don't have the money for all these fallacies.

Did you see what they project the average electricity rate % to rise in 2 years as the cheaper power plants go offline! I certainly hope they are wrong but to many studies are saying it is so.
It's only a concern to people that think human beings control the weather and climate; to people that believe the earth has never changed until we opened up factories and started driving cars.

I realize Science is all confusing to you and stuff, Cleetus, but if you take hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon it took the earth MILLIONS of years to put into the ground and release it into the atmosphere in a few centuries, you really are going to change the climate.

Carbon Dioxide traps heat. this is proven scientific fact. If you increase the amount of it in the atmosphere, you trap more heat.

It's not a matter of the climate changing, which is does, it's a matter of how fast it changes. a change that occurs over hundreds of thousands of years means that life can adapt through evolution. (Again, another one of those confusing concepts for you guys who believe in a book about Talking Snakes and Naked Dude on a Stick)

If it happens over a few decades, it tends to be catostrophic, because life forms can't adapt quickly enough.
That is correct, CLIMATE is the vehicle for the new tax! Imagine, we have a hot summer, more tax will fix it. Cold winter, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, raise the climate tax! We stay absolutely average? See, the climate tax is working, lolol!

Seriously people, are you actually going to buy into this nonsense that these world politicians are putting out, and believe it can be fixed by a tax? Every person knows that has gone to elementary school, that the earths climate is constantly changing; and now you are to believe that THIS change is because of you! And it will be fixed by a TAX, lol!

The op is disingenuous, because a poster was correct that the ice caps are not melting, and the polar bears are not dying. The OP then put a pic of a polar bear out on an ice block as proof. He knows better, and those pictures are circulated to pull on heart strings. That poor polar bear, lolol. It is all bull, and he probably knows it. He for sure knows that picture was taken for the specific purpose that it was, POSTING..........and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the bear, He was fat, on an ice flow, getting ready to go swimming for lunch, lolol!

These people are scary, they really are. Most of them know they are deceiving you, and yet they keep doing it for the agenda.

By the way, start looking up on GOOGLE what these people predicted would happen 30 years ago, then 2o years ago, then 10 years ago. Come back and tell us how many of them actually happened! LOLOLOLOLOL, NONE! Then look up who the biggest SCIENTIFIC minds who are behind this, and low-and-behold, they are the same people that predicted the disasters that did NOT happen when they said they would.

Use some elementary school logic after you look up those disasters and scientists, and it goes something like this........Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But if we allow them to keep fooling us over, and over, and over, again, we are all dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!!!!

The problem with all this global warming nonsense is that it's a bottomless money pit. There isn't enough money in this country to make environmentalists happy. We've been doing it most of my life, and in spite of the trillions we've dumped into this farce, they are more unhappy today than they've ever been.

Most of the money we pay for "green" is intrinsic in the products we buy today. Think of it: how much would your electric and gas bill be today without all those government mandates? What about the cost of your automobile? What about the price of gasoline? Hell, they even have mandates on snowblowers and lawnmowers.

With the urging of his fat ass wife, DumBama forced restaurants to put calorie counts on the menus of the food they sell. I say we do the same thing with global warming. Every product should have the dollar amount of the price we have to pay that went towards producing that product greener.

Maybe then people will wake up and realize we don't have the money for all these fallacies.

Did you see what they project the average electricity rate % to rise in 2 years as the cheaper power plants go offline! I certainly hope they are wrong but to many studies are saying it is so.

How does any company survive with millions of dollars they didn't need to waste in the first place? They have to raise prices.

You see, nearly half of our population pays no income tax because those poor people just don't have the money to do that. But when government plagues them with higher costs for their agendas, well....... then they have plenty of money for those things
It's only a concern to people that think human beings control the weather and climate; to people that believe the earth has never changed until we opened up factories and started driving cars.

I realize Science is all confusing to you and stuff, Cleetus, but if you take hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon it took the earth MILLIONS of years to put into the ground and release it into the atmosphere in a few centuries, you really are going to change the climate.

Carbon Dioxide traps heat. this is proven scientific fact. If you increase the amount of it in the atmosphere, you trap more heat.

It's not a matter of the climate changing, which is does, it's a matter of how fast it changes. a change that occurs over hundreds of thousands of years means that life can adapt through evolution. (Again, another one of those confusing concepts for you guys who believe in a book about Talking Snakes and Naked Dude on a Stick)

If it happens over a few decades, it tends to be catostrophic, because life forms can't adapt quickly enough.

Oh please. Every time a cow farts, it emits global gasses. What's the most harmful global gas that we know of? Water vapor. What are you breathing out of your mouth right now Joe?

The earth is not as fragile as you think. God made this planet with the intent of human occupation. Just because we don't understand it all right now doesn't mean we control it.


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