Republicans, what is the bottom line end game of this declassification thing?

I know that this has been a huge story in certain circles, and it appears now that Trump is going along with it.

Just so I can keep up, is it safe to assume that the ultimate goal here is to discredit enough people that Mueller will be forced to drop his ongoing investigation?

And if that's it, do you think that the whole case would just go away?

It is to show that the steele dossier was used to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump. Also, to show the coordinated effort to spy on Trump. And lastly, to show that the entire Russian story was made up as a reason to spy on Trump......

The FISA warrants weren't illegal.

Wow I am impressed you are privy to some of the most heavily protected information in the US government and to top it off
you are the most authoritative legal mind in this country. I am impressed.
Vermin Dems not interested in the truth. Only interested in delay and obstruction to the detriment of the country.

I know that this has been a huge story in certain circles, and it appears now that Trump is going along with it.

Just so I can keep up, is it safe to assume that the ultimate goal here is to discredit enough people that Mueller will be forced to drop his ongoing investigation?

And if that's it, do you think that the whole case would just go away?
What could possibly make Mueller drop his ongoing investigation? Does any sane person really believe that is possible?

If the Republicans were as willing to play dirty as the Dems, Mueller’s investigation would probably have long been history by now.
This will point Mueller in the direction of the real corruption case which was the misuse of DOJ and FBI assets for political purposes by the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and the KenyanBastard Administration.

Go Mueller!
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I know that this has been a huge story in certain circles, and it appears now that Trump is going along with it.

Just so I can keep up, is it safe to assume that the ultimate goal here is to discredit enough people that Mueller will be forced to drop his ongoing investigation?

And if that's it, do you think that the whole case would just go away?

It is to show that the steele dossier was used to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump. Also, to show the coordinated effort to spy on Trump. And lastly, to show that the entire Russian story was made up as a reason to spy on Trump......

The FISA warrants weren't illegal.

Wow I am impressed you are privy to some of the most heavily protected information in the US government and to top it off
you are the most authoritative legal mind in this country. I am impressed.

Nope. No protected information, and no special legal knowledge. I guess the main advantage I have is that I get my information from more sources than just fox and Hannity. Just because they didn't tell you doesn't mean that information isn't available.
It is to show that the steele dossier was used to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump. Also, to show the coordinated effort to spy on Trump. And lastly, to show that the entire Russian story was made up as a reason to spy on Trump......
Merely a move to inform the American people what's been happening, and allow them an opportunity to gather their torches and pitchforks.
Okay, thanks, but what effect would that have on anything else, specifically the Mueller investigation?

On would show definitively there was no Russian-Trump connection...which is the entire fake reason the Mueller investigation was allegedly started.
My limited understanding of this is that Mueller's directive is pretty much open-ended, i.e., if he finds anything else that real, it's fair game. No?

Yep....but the only reason it was started was Russia....and if there was no Russia to begin the investigation, then there is no basis for it to continue.

Capt. Kirk's posts are consistently on point. You, sir are outstanding. Thank you.
I know that this has been a huge story in certain circles, and it appears now that Trump is going along with it.

Just so I can keep up, is it safe to assume that the ultimate goal here is to discredit enough people that Mueller will be forced to drop his ongoing investigation?

And if that's it, do you think that the whole case would just go away?

It is to show that the steele dossier was used to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump. Also, to show the coordinated effort to spy on Trump. And lastly, to show that the entire Russian story was made up as a reason to spy on Trump......

The FISA warrants weren't illegal.

Wow I am impressed you are privy to some of the most heavily protected information in the US government and to top it off
you are the most authoritative legal mind in this country. I am impressed.

Nope. No protected information, and no special legal knowledge. I guess the main advantage I have is that I get my information from more sources than just fox and Hannity. Just because they didn't tell you doesn't mean that information isn't available.

If you are using US sources you have fooled yourself. There are sources and there are sources I like German, Japanese and Russian as well as some US and British. If you have no access to classified information or very advanced legal knowledge then you must be psychic to categorically claim the FISA warrants are not tainted. I am still impressed not quite so much but still impressed.
The really bad aspect of this declassification is not exposing sources, that ain't going to happen and everyone with a brain knows that. Nor will methods that are not known to everyone who wants to know be exposed. What is bad about this is that Trump is not going to get maximum value out of the declassification by dragging it out for years.
I know that this has been a huge story in certain circles, and it appears now that Trump is going along with it.

Just so I can keep up, is it safe to assume that the ultimate goal here is to discredit enough people that Mueller will be forced to drop his ongoing investigation?

And if that's it, do you think that the whole case would just go away?
If the evidence doesn’t support indictment and everyone that Mueler has is shown to be corrupt. Then yes it should go away. That how the legal system works.
I know that this has been a huge story in certain circles, and it appears now that Trump is going along with it.

Just so I can keep up, is it safe to assume that the ultimate goal here is to discredit enough people that Mueller will be forced to drop his ongoing investigation?

And if that's it, do you think that the whole case would just go away?
If the evidence doesn’t support indictment and everyone that Mueler has is shown to be corrupt. Then yes it should go away. That how the legal system works.

Mueller's team, Comey's cohorts at DOJ and possibly their congressional allies have committed multiple felonies if there is any trace of perjury in any of the FISA warrants like the Steele dossier or any use of CIA assets for domestic counter-intelligence in a partisan fashion requires further investigations into the Blue Deep state. The republic will not be safe until at least the ring leaders they are in jail and their cohorts are fired with loss of all pensions and benefits.
So if the mueller investigation is still going this time next month…what does that mean? That all of the trump supporters are more full of shit than we have long suspected?
So if the mueller investigation is still going this time next month…what does that mean? That all of the trump supporters are more full of shit than we have long suspected?

Who is the "we" in your sentence? Do you mean "I"? Do you have multiple personalities?
So if the mueller investigation is still going this time next month…what does that mean? That all of the trump supporters are more full of shit than we have long suspected?

Who is the "we" in your sentence? Do you mean "I"? Do you have multiple personalities?

I was speaking of people who didn’t buy the snake oil that you have ingested by the liter.

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