Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena

Not being an American, could someone kindly explain to me as to what "right" the Congress has to summon a private person that holds no political office? or is Hunter Biden a politician?
It is done, all the time. In this case, they think he has information, that might let them come up with evidence for impeaching his dad, supposedly an oversight thing, though all knows, it is a political thing. Kind 3rd worldish, but legal since impeachment does not put anybody in jail, it only being a political trial for fun and political points, not law or justice.

Republicans to Initiate Contempt of Congress Proceedings​

After Hunter Biden Defies Subpoena​

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Hunter Biden on Wednesday arrived in DC and gave a press conference on Capitol Hill where he revealed he will only answer questions under his own rules despite a congressional subpoena.
Congressional Republicans subpoenaed Hunter Biden for a closed-door deposition related to his influence-peddling and family corruption.
Hunter Biden on Wednesday said he will only testify “at a public hearing.”
“My father was not financially involved in my business,” Hunter Biden said in the presser.
Hunter tacitly admitted that his father Joe Biden was involved in his overseas businesses in other ways.
House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Wednesday announced GOP lawmakers will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings after Hunter Biden brazenly defied a lawful subpoena.
“Hunter Biden today defied lawful subpoenas and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings,” Comer said.
“We will not provide special treatment because his last name is Biden,” Comer added.

Congress has the power to arrest and imprison Hunter for 1 year. Do it!.
The question remains... When Congress refers the proceedings to the DoJ, will Garland enforce the Congressional contempt charges against Hunter as they did with Bannon?


What a joke after all the subpoenas Republicans defied. Why are Republicans afraid to have public hearings?
It is done, all the time. In this case, they think he has information, that might let them come up with evidence for impeaching his dad, supposedly an oversight thing, though all knows, it is a political thing. Kind 3rd worldish, but legal since impeachment does not put anybody in jail, it only being a political trial for fun and political points, not law or justice.
Thanks - I am aware as to why they drag Hunter into this "lets get rid of senile Biden" issue. I was just surprised that in the "sooo democratic & freedom" loving USA, a parliamentarian (political) institution can summon a private citizen to testify - without a previous civil court having established/proven an involvement of that private person in a government related matter. e.g. corruption or undue influence.

But according to the source I checked just now - they can indeed

You are a private citizen. You do not work for the government nor is your business entwined with the affairs of the federal government. However, you just received a subpoena. The main question running through your head is: Can Congress subpoena me – a private citizen?
The answer?

Yes, it can.
Thanks - I am aware as to why they drag Hunter into this "lets get rid of senile Biden" issue. I was just surprised that in the "sooo democratic & freedom" loving USA, a parliamentarian (political) institution can summon a private citizen to testify - without a previous civil court having established/proven an involvement of that private person in a government related matter. e.g. corruption or undue influence.

But according to the source I checked just now - they can indeed

You are a private citizen. You do not work for the government nor is your business entwined with the affairs of the federal government. However, you just received a subpoena. The main question running through your head is: Can Congress subpoena me – a private citizen?
The answer?

Yes, it can.
No. In actuality, anybody can be subpoenaed before congress on the pretense they may have some light to shed on an issue parts of congress has a semblance of oversight to. They might have to pay your way to attend and get home if you live in some distant town and it would be a hardship, but yes, you can be brought to testify. It is just more common, the higher up the food chain, especially the political food chain.

In this case, Hunter is facing some serious charges with serious jail time and fines on the line all his own, and some of this is what they think might shed light on a way to get at his dad. That won't be enough to keep him from the jeopardy of that testimony on his own trial, so it is unlikely to happen prior to his court trial.
No. In actuality, anybody can be subpoenaed before congress on the pretense they may have some light to shed on an issue parts of congress has a semblance of oversight to. They might have to pay your way to attend and get home if you live in some distant town and it would be a hardship, but yes, you can be brought to testify. It is just more common, the higher up the food chain, especially the political food chain.

In this case, Hunter is facing some serious charges with serious jail time and fines on the line all his own, and some of this is what they think might shed light on a way to get at his dad. That won't be enough to keep him from the jeopardy of that testimony on his own trial, so it is unlikely to happen prior to his court trial.
Well he can always state a 88 times? I can't remember.
Well he can always state a 88 times? I can't remember.
Pointless for him, and whether legal as an answer or if he took the 5th, that tactic still has a prejudicial effect.
I don't see it happening. Sorry. You's just have to wait.
Refusal to let it be live on c-span by the Republicans.
Behind closed doors where they can tape, but he cannot.
Behind closed doors, where they can release what they please, but he has nothing to release.
No testimony can be used to clear, but all testimony can be used against him in actual courts, where rules apply, on Federal Charges he is facing trial and possible imprisonment at the same time.
What possible reason would he have to testify?
I would be contemptuous, also.
Fk them.
I understand your fears and I think they are legit

Biden would be at a disadvantage

But the House repubs have that power and they should use it
I understand your fears and I think they are legit

Biden would be at a disadvantage

But the House repubs have that power and they should use it
Well, they are trying. But, remember they are primarily Republican lawyers and use Republican lawyer. Not knowing how the law works or being very effective at (as proven countless times since trump started fighting his loss at the polls) I wouldn't be expecting too much success if I were you. As for me fearing anything, no. It is unlikely I would be called, nor really care. Like I said, I have plenty of popcorn and beer to watch the game, as well as Christmas snacks. As a matter of fact, PJ just made two fantastic loaves of her homemade bread, so the whole houses is smelling great, and we keep real butter and honey, so I have been enjoying that, while you guys whine at Hunter's answer to their initial attempt. Have fun, and good luck to ya. You'll need it.:cool:
Well, they are trying. But, remember they are primarily Republican lawyers and use Republican lawyer. Not knowing how the law works or being very effective at (as proven countless times since trump started fighting his loss at the polls) I wouldn't be expecting too much success if I were you. As for me fearing anything, no. It is unlikely I would be called, nor really care. Like I said, I have plenty of popcorn and beer to watch the game, as well as Christmas snacks. As a matter of fact, PJ just made two fantastic loaves of her homemade bread, so the whole houses is smelling great, and we keep real butter and honey, so I have been enjoying that, while you guys whine at Hunter's answer to their initial attempt. Have fun, and good luck to ya. You'll need it.:cool:
And you cheering at Hunter telling Congress to go fuck themselves.
Pointless for him, and whether legal as an answer or if he took the 5th, that tactic still has a prejudicial effect.
I don't see it happening. Sorry. You's just have to wait.
He is already doomed - no matter what he says. And IMO it won't matter in regards to senile Biden anyhow. It's just part of the ludicrous ongoing pre-election show - and a desperate attempt by Trump and Co. to issue some childish payback.
Well, they are trying. But, remember they are primarily Republican lawyers and use Republican lawyer. Not knowing how the law works or being very effective at (as proven countless times since trump started fighting his loss at the polls) I wouldn't be expecting too much success if I were you. As for me fearing anything, no. It is unlikely I would be called, nor really care. Like I said, I have plenty of popcorn and beer to watch the game, as well as Christmas snacks. As a matter of fact, PJ just made two fantastic loaves of her homemade bread, so the whole houses is smelling great, and we keep real butter and honey, so I have been enjoying that, while you guys whine at Hunter's answer to their initial attempt. Have fun, and good luck to ya. You'll need it.:cool:
Like I said, I have plenty of popcorn and beer to watch the game, as well as Christmas snacks. As a matter of fact, PJ just made two fantastic loaves of her homemade bread, so the whole houses is smelling great

I must admit to low expectation for the repubs in congress

I hope you get tooth decay after hunter walks
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