Republicans Support Gang Violence

Libtards are pussies.

get back to your cave of deplorables. :itsok:

Yet another thread about the Proud Boys? What's that, like 5 already?

Tell ya what: You put your antifa cur dogs on a leash and they'll stop getting their puny little asses beat.
Your lame little club lacks the numbers. The alt-right is dead and buried, these Proud kids’ “movement” is next.
True, there arent many violent people on the right. Thank you for admitting that democrats are the most violent party.
Violence must be met with violence.
Yep, thats why they formed in the first place. Democrats were attacking Trump supporters and eventually this group was created as a result.
Your people hoped to start violence amd they did. Now we’re seeing they didn’t have the balls to finish what they started. The alt-right is done and buried. Your Proud fags are next.
Violence must be met with violence.
Yep, thats why they formed in the first place. Democrats were attacking Trump supporters and eventually this group was created as a result.
Your people hoped to start violence amd they did. Now we’re seeing they didn’t have the balls to finish what they started. The alt-right is done and buried. Your Proud fags are next.
Your faggy ANTIFA block has been busting windows and throwing rocks at people for YEARS. Nice try though.
Yet another thread about the Proud Boys? What's that, like 5 already?

Tell ya what: You put your antifa cur dogs on a leash and they'll stop getting their puny little asses beat.

Don't you love it how these a.h. only see part of a video, and or they edited it cutting out what they really did, then comes a long morons like the one who posted this who really believe the BS they post as being fully factual. LMFAO

Meanwhile the entire video is out there proving who the COMMUNIST PRICKS really are and who really started it all...

Unlike the pussy left people who need to defend themselves, where as leftist kunts want people to lay on the ground like they would do and get their asses beat up.

Also they are doing this on purpose ot try and kick of a civil war , the patriots are smarter than these dumb fks who can't fight their way out of a wet paper bab.
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Violence must be met with violence.
Yep, thats why they formed in the first place. Democrats were attacking Trump supporters and eventually this group was created as a result.
Your people hoped to start violence amd they did. Now we’re seeing they didn’t have the balls to finish what they started. The alt-right is done and buried. Your Proud fags are next.
Your faggy ANTIFA block has been busting windows and throwing rocks at people for YEARS. Nice try though.
For as long as your movement has existed. Your movement is getting soundly beaten into submission.
Then why are you mutant freaks crawling back into your holes? Where are your marches this year? Unite the Right was chased out of D.C. with only a handful of marchers daring to show. You all had to mask yourselves to avoid violence for over a hundred years. You get one of your own installed in the White House and suddenly you think it’s okay to be open in your Naziism. Boy were you wrong.
I'm neither a Proud Boy nor a republican nor a Nazi....I'm an anarcho-capitalist, who minds his own fucking business....I know scores of others of my kind...We're totally calm and peaceful until we aren't....And at that point, violent alligator mouth fuckchops like you are going to have a seriously bad day.
Then why are you mutant freaks crawling back into your holes? Where are your marches this year? Unite the Right was chased out of D.C. with only a handful of marchers daring to show. You all had to mask yourselves to avoid violence for over a hundred years. You get one of your own installed in the White House and suddenly you think it’s okay to be open in your Naziism. Boy were you wrong.
I'm neither a Proud Boy nor a republican nor a Nazi....I'm an anarcho-capitalist, who minds his own fucking business....I know scores of others of my kind...We're totally calm and peaceful until we aren't....And at that point, alligator mouth fuckchops like you are going to have a seriously bad day.
You mind your own business, but you support your Proud fags marching on a peaceful vigil. Don’t lie, you piece of shit. I know what you voted for.
Then why are you mutant freaks crawling back into your holes? Where are your marches this year? Unite the Right was chased out of D.C. with only a handful of marchers daring to show. You all had to mask yourselves to avoid violence for over a hundred years. You get one of your own installed in the White House and suddenly you think it’s okay to be open in your Naziism. Boy were you wrong.
I'm neither a Proud Boy nor a republican nor a Nazi....I'm an anarcho-capitalist, who minds his own fucking business....I know scores of others of my kind...We're totally calm and peaceful until we aren't....And at that point, alligator mouth fuckchops like you are going to have a seriously bad day.
You mind your own business, but you support your Proud fags marching on a peaceful vigil. Don’t lie, you piece of shit. I know what you voted for.

You mind your own business, but you support your Proud fags marching on a peaceful vigil.

Why not?

You promoted your 'proud fags' marching of a peaceful protest in Charleston.
deplorables have been melting down over the supposed loss of their American heritage...

...demonizing half the country ALL because the Democrats had the gall to elect a black man as POTUS!

rethuglicans SOLD THEIR SOUL to the teflon traitor who would embrace ANY deplorable agenda just to gain power.


Donald Trump is a big Andrew Jackson fan — here's how the 7th president of the United States ran the country

During his presidency, Andrew Jackson's populist rhetoric and popularity with "the common man" earned him the nickname "King Mob." :eusa_clap:
...demonize half the country ALL because the Democrats had the gall to elect a black man as POTUS!

No evidence whatsoever that the election of a black man had anything to do with anything outside a small minority of actual neo-Nazis and hold over KKK members who have next to no influence in society. You're just spewing the typical ignorant, divisive propaganda of the left. Many people who voted for Trump also voted for Obama as evidenced by the fact both men won swing states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Iowa.
Your most famous member is currently living out of his parents basement. Too fucking funny.

Jason Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys due to his racist and other extremist views.
He was kicked out because he made your astroturfed “Proud Boys” look bad. Charlottesville was a PR disaster for the movement and they needed a scapegoat.

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