Republicans have this strange double speak about socialism and how it is defined

Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
Every socialist Party in every modern country is for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. End of story. And anyone who is against it is a brainwashed functional moron GOP voter.
Like in Canada where they have all the benefits and a safety net? So many brainwashed functional morons so little time.
Stop trying to fuck up the US, Comrade Asshole ... move to Canada.
You can't unless you marry one....
Wait ... what? You mean Canada strictly controls who can and who cannot immigrate? What are they ... racists?
It's only racist when America has immigration laws.
the GOP has refused an ID card that would end illegal immigration and illegal workers forever, dumbass dupe. Which works in every other modern country that has this problem. The wall is stupid and won't work. The GOP scam goes on and on and on and only racist bigot Slash dupes like you make it possible. I don't blame you I blame the GOP garbage misinformation and character assassination phony Scandal GOP propaganda machine. A disgrace. The entire world of law enforcement and journalism is aghast...

ID card? whats that going to do? Democrats want to abolish ICE, give free health care to illegal immigrants, free education, etc etc. You think an ID card is going to deter anyone from coming here illegally? Democrats are the ones who set up sanctuary cities and turn their eyes the other way when illegals vote. They encourage illegal immigration and refuse to call them illegal really... they are residents living in the shadows thats all. You can see your Democrat leadership panders to them as if they were the ones who put them in office. If anything they are looking to the future, as they know millions of children of illegals who were born here are now, or nearing voting age will vote democrat, because they know they will allow all their family members to come here as well. Hell, If i was from Mexico, I'd vote Democrat too.. why not? Nothing to lose, no risk in it.

Democrats are not idiots, thats why in the last 5- 10 years they all changed their tune when it comes to immigration in a 180 turn as demographics changed. They want citizens who don't give a shit about the constitution or the rule of law and would trade them for citizens who are more easily controlled.
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
Every socialist Party in every modern country is for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. End of story. And anyone who is against it is a brainwashed functional moron GOP voter.
That is not true. You just do not know when to draw the line. We have bills that are not paid for with socialist policies that we owe other people and it does not bother you. How does a ghetto never change even after adding more and more social programs to get people out of it?
Another dimocrap scum 'I Hate America' Thread??

Haven't you idiots learned your lesson the last few days?
View attachment 269967
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place
Try reading Trump's tweets.

As far as worker-self-directed-enterprises are concerned, they pose a real threat to corporate fascists like Trump, so naturally his Chump's will WHINE about bringing democracy to the workplace.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"The following are the top three reasons WSDEs or a democratic workplace initiative would lead to a more democratic and egalitarian economic system:

"1. The economy would become democratic

"In capitalism, the laborer sells himself to a capitalist who uses the worker’s labor as he sees fit to create a product and eventually a profit.

"The capitalist then gives the worker a share of the profit known as a wage.

"This system is inherently exploitive since the worker is paid less than what they produce.

"Creating a system in which everyone is a decision maker and a boss would ease this exploitation.

"Since work is a place where many people spend a large amount of their time, WSDEs simply make everyday life democratic."
Socialism is the Republican name for almost everything that helps all the people:

"Senator Bernie Sanders, the only avowed socialist in the Presidential race, delivered a speech on Wednesday that presented his brand of democratic socialism as an unthreatening egalitarianism, in the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Martin Luther King, Jr.

"He called it 'the unfinished business of the New Deal' and recited an 'economic bill of rights' that included the right to a living wage, health care, a secure retirement, and a clean environment.

"'Socialism,' Sanders quoted President Harry Truman as saying, in 1952, ' is the epithet they have hurled at every advance that people have made in the last twenty years.

"'Socialism is what they called Social Security.'

"'Socialism is what they called farm-price supports.'

"'Socialism is what they called bank-deposit insurance.'

"'Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor.'

"'Socialism is their name for almost everything that helps all of the people.'"

The Many, Tangled American Definitions of Socialism

The rich would never acquire their fortunes without government supplied welfare in the form of tax and trade policies.

Socialism for the rich and cut-throat capitalism for the rest.
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
You posted that already. It was just as stupid then as it is now.
You posted that already. It was just as stupid then as it is now
Your ignorance is truly Trumpian:19:

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"2. The working class has struggled under Capitalism since the 1970s

"In the United States, the real average weekly wage for production and non-supervisory employees has been declining since 1972.

"As illustrated in Figure 1 below, it peaked at $345.62 in 1972, and it was as low as $263.95 in 1996.

"As of July 2015, the real average weekly wage was $303.70, which is still below the real average weekly wage in 1964.

"Source: Data adapted from 'Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National),' Bureau of Labor Statistics, 9/16/15, Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"Additionally, income inequality has been increasing for some time.

'Similar to the decline in wages, inequality has been increasing since the 1970s.

"The work of Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty shows that two-thirds of the growth in real incomes per family from 1993-2012 went to the top one percent of income earners.

"The top one percent has done particularly well after the great recession; 95 percent of total income growth from 2009-2012 went to the top one percent."
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place
Try reading Trump's tweets.

As far as worker-self-directed-enterprises are concerned, they pose a real threat to corporate fascists like Trump, so naturally his Chump's will WHINE about bringing democracy to the workplace.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"The following are the top three reasons WSDEs or a democratic workplace initiative would lead to a more democratic and egalitarian economic system:

"1. The economy would become democratic

"In capitalism, the laborer sells himself to a capitalist who uses the worker’s labor as he sees fit to create a product and eventually a profit.

"The capitalist then gives the worker a share of the profit known as a wage.

"This system is inherently exploitive since the worker is paid less than what they produce.

"Creating a system in which everyone is a decision maker and a boss would ease this exploitation.

"Since work is a place where many people spend a large amount of their time, WSDEs simply make everyday life democratic."
How will worker directed enterprises threaten Trump?

Having a workplace full of dumbass decision makers like you is a sure-fire recipe for failure.
Stop trying to fuck up the US, Comrade Asshole ... move to Canada.
You can't unless you marry one....
Wait ... what? You mean Canada strictly controls who can and who cannot immigrate? What are they ... racists?
It's only racist when America has immigration laws.
the GOP has refused an ID card that would end illegal immigration and illegal workers forever, dumbass dupe. Which works in every other modern country that has this problem. The wall is stupid and won't work. The GOP scam goes on and on and on and only racist bigot Slash dupes like you make it possible. I don't blame you I blame the GOP garbage misinformation and character assassination phony Scandal GOP propaganda machine. A disgrace. The entire world of law enforcement and journalism is aghast...

ID card? whats that going to do? Democrats want to abolish ICE, give free health care to illegal immigrants, free education, etc etc. You think an ID card is going to deter anyone from coming here illegally? Democrats are the ones who set up sanctuary cities and turn their eyes the other way when illegals vote. They encourage illegal immigration and refuse to call them illegal really... they are residents living in the shadows thats all. You can see your Democrat leadership panders to them as if they were the ones who put them in office. If anything they are looking to the future, as they know millions of children of illegals who were born here are now, or nearing voting age will vote democrat, because they know they will allow all their family members to come here as well. Hell, If i was from Mexico, I'd vote Democrat too.. why not? Nothing to lose, no risk in it.

Democrats are not idiots, thats why in the last 5- 10 years they all changed their tune when it comes to immigration in a 180 turn as demographics changed. They want citizens who don't give a shit about the constitution or the rule of law and would trade them for citizens who are more easily controlled.
Blah blah blah bulshit.... Only a work ID card with a computer chip and enforcement will end this GOP scam.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
Every socialist Party in every modern country is for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. End of story. And anyone who is against it is a brainwashed functional moron GOP voter.
That is not true. You just do not know when to draw the line. We have bills that are not paid for with socialist policies that we owe other people and it does not bother you. How does a ghetto never change even after adding more and more social programs to get people out of it?
Upward Mobility goes along with cheap University and training. End of story.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
Every socialist Party in every modern country is for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. End of story. And anyone who is against it is a brainwashed functional moron GOP voter.
That is not true. You just do not know when to draw the line. We have bills that are not paid for with socialist policies that we owe other people and it does not bother you. How does a ghetto never change even after adding more and more social programs to get people out of it?
All these ideas go along with taxing the rich their fair share, not a flat tax system like we have now. Absolute right-wing idiocy.
Another dimocrap scum 'I Hate America' Thread??

Haven't you idiots learned your lesson the last few days?
View attachment 269967
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
I'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
'm not sure about Republicans, but to most Conservatives, Socialism is the means by which progressive intend to enslave people to the government first, then control of the means of production second.
One of the most conservative individuals I've known was my grandmother who refused to sign up for Social Security in 1935; she didn't want any "socialism" in her retirement. Thirty years later she died penny-less within six months of leaving the work force. Imho, today's conservatives are making a similar mistake when they conflate government control of the means of production with worker self-directed enterprises.

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
You posted that already. It was just as stupid then as it is now.
You posted that already. It was just as stupid then as it is now
Your ignorance is truly Trumpian:19:

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

"2. The working class has struggled under Capitalism since the 1970s

"In the United States, the real average weekly wage for production and non-supervisory employees has been declining since 1972.

"As illustrated in Figure 1 below, it peaked at $345.62 in 1972, and it was as low as $263.95 in 1996.

"As of July 2015, the real average weekly wage was $303.70, which is still below the real average weekly wage in 1964.

"Source: Data adapted from 'Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National),' Bureau of Labor Statistics, 9/16/15, Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"Additionally, income inequality has been increasing for some time.

'Similar to the decline in wages, inequality has been increasing since the 1970s.

"The work of Emmanuel Saez and Thomas Piketty shows that two-thirds of the growth in real incomes per family from 1993-2012 went to the top one percent of income earners.

"The top one percent has done particularly well after the great recession; 95 percent of total income growth from 2009-2012 went to the top one percent."
You'd make more money, too, if you got a damn job, you freeloader.
You can't unless you marry one....
Wait ... what? You mean Canada strictly controls who can and who cannot immigrate? What are they ... racists?
It's only racist when America has immigration laws.
the GOP has refused an ID card that would end illegal immigration and illegal workers forever, dumbass dupe. Which works in every other modern country that has this problem. The wall is stupid and won't work. The GOP scam goes on and on and on and only racist bigot Slash dupes like you make it possible. I don't blame you I blame the GOP garbage misinformation and character assassination phony Scandal GOP propaganda machine. A disgrace. The entire world of law enforcement and journalism is aghast...

ID card? whats that going to do? Democrats want to abolish ICE, give free health care to illegal immigrants, free education, etc etc. You think an ID card is going to deter anyone from coming here illegally? Democrats are the ones who set up sanctuary cities and turn their eyes the other way when illegals vote. They encourage illegal immigration and refuse to call them illegal really... they are residents living in the shadows thats all. You can see your Democrat leadership panders to them as if they were the ones who put them in office. If anything they are looking to the future, as they know millions of children of illegals who were born here are now, or nearing voting age will vote democrat, because they know they will allow all their family members to come here as well. Hell, If i was from Mexico, I'd vote Democrat too.. why not? Nothing to lose, no risk in it.

Democrats are not idiots, thats why in the last 5- 10 years they all changed their tune when it comes to immigration in a 180 turn as demographics changed. They want citizens who don't give a shit about the constitution or the rule of law and would trade them for citizens who are more easily controlled.
Blah blah blah bulshit.... Only a work ID card with a computer chip and enforcement will end this GOP scam.
Funny how you want ID cards for immigrants -- but shit your pants in incoherent rage (you know -- like you do in every post) if someone suggests requiring ID cards to vote.
Another dimocrap scum 'I Hate America' Thread??

Haven't you idiots learned your lesson the last few days?
View attachment 269967
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.

We’re All in the Same Boat Now: Coolidge on Immigration
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.

We’re All in the Same Boat Now: Coolidge on Immigration
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
A new way? No. That's the same old tired, failed Communist crap.
Communist in the sense of the Iroquois Nation's indifference towards hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation?

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers.

"Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital.

"Dr. Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at the New School University, has argued for years for democratizing the workplace.

"This is an alternative to the capitalist system, which is a top-down authoritarian mode of production based off of profit through selling oneself, also known as wage labor.

"Instead, Wolff calls for workers to democratically decide how to allocate the surplus they produce.Wolff’s redefinition of socialism moves the discussion away from property relations to the organization of the workplace.

"This definition allows for the development of Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDEs), which could help to end economic exploitation and provide a new way of thinking about production and class relations."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace

Socialism implies society controls the means of production; a government command economy is one possible method, and that can be effective as the US proved during its involvement in WWI and WWII.

Workers can also control the means of production; although, you wouldn't see pay difference of 350:1 like you do in today's corporate slave markets.
I've never seen such a huge collection of idiocies gathered in one place.
Every socialist Party in every modern country is for always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. End of story. And anyone who is against it is a brainwashed functional moron GOP voter.
That is not true. You just do not know when to draw the line. We have bills that are not paid for with socialist policies that we owe other people and it does not bother you. How does a ghetto never change even after adding more and more social programs to get people out of it?
Upward Mobility goes along with cheap University and training. End of story.
You mean we didn't have upward mobility before WW II?
Another dimocrap scum 'I Hate America' Thread??

Haven't you idiots learned your lesson the last few days?
View attachment 269967
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
They don't like Trump. They are not brainwashed functional morons after all.
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
They don't like Trump. They are not brainwashed functional morons after all.
Yes they are.
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.

We’re All in the Same Boat Now: Coolidge on Immigration
I see your Coolidge, and raise you Teddy Roosevelt:

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Actually they almost all right wing screeds based on garbage propaganda. The GOP garbage propaganda misinformation and Hate machine is as always the culprit... The entire world of journalists and law enforcement think you people are a disgrace....
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones.
I'd ask you to explain why I should give a damn what journalists and law enforcement from outside the US think about me, but you can't.

The opinions of Americans about America are the only relevant ones
That's a perfect example of the level of ignorance most Americans have regarding how their country is perceived around the world:

Polls: US Is ‘the Greatest Threat to Peace in the World Today’
Too much MAGA?
Oh no! Shitholes don't like my country!

Still don't care. And you're stupid for caring what they think.
They don't like Trump. They are not brainwashed functional morons after all.
The opinions of people who hate my country are meaningless to me.

America-hating foreigners don't get a say in how America runs.

Meanwhile, they don't give a shit that you kiss their kollektive ass.

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