Republicans find a way to avoid a damaging legislative war: SURRENDER!

Getting republicans to at least not try to 'shutdown' the government again should be seen as progress.

The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.
Getting republicans to at least not try to 'shutdown' the government again should be seen as progress.

The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.

Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.
Don't want a shut down, make sure Obama doesn't use his veto. Obama is the one who will shut down the government by vetoing perfectly good bills.
Didn't get a chance to watch the Republican debate last night. Was this budget deal mentioned?
All Republican candidates want tax cuts for the Rich to explode the deficit, causing massive Inflation TAX on Workers, Savers, Poor & Retired.
(further Democrat talking points deleted)
(patiently) Was the budget deal mentioned?

Debt limits & Government Shutdowns are spending increases & paid vacations for government workers. It's very expensive political red meat for low information voters. They all get back pay for staying home & our interest on the debt goes up.

I did not hear any proposed spending cuts. I did not watch the entire debate. "There were no specific proposals on where to cut federal spending" according to CNBC who hosted the GOP debate.

Republicans never cut spending & always claim they grow the economy by growing debt with tax cuts.(Big LIE!) The fact is they retard the Economy & GDP growth every time they do it. All they do is GROW THE INFLATION TAX!!!

Since Reganomics the US GDP growth rate has been in decline! Except for The Clinton & Obama Administrations. Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 had multiple Economic GDP recessions during their administrations!!! Clinton & Obama had no recessions. The highest consistent sustained US GDP growth rates were from 1955 to 1980 then Reaganomics started eroding this country.


Carter: Started with 9.2% GDP Growth / Ended with 12% GDP Growth = +2.8% :rock:
Reagan: Started with 12% GDP Growth / Ended with 8.6% GDP Growth = -3.4%:wtf:

Bush#1: Started with 8.6% GDP Growth / Ended with 5.8% GDP Growth = -2.8%:gay:

Clinton: Started with 5.8% GDP Growth / Ended with 4.8% GDP Growth = -1% :itsok:
Bush#2: Started with 4.8% GDP Growth / Ended with -1.9% GDP Growth = -6.7%:wtf:

Obama: Started with -1.9% GDP Growth / Ended with 3.7% GDP Growth = +5.6% :rock:

A debate moderator ask Jeb if he would take the deal to raise tax $1 for every $10 in spending cuts. Jeb is the only one who said he would. That is the most sane statement of the night!

I hate democrats & Hillary, but Bill Clinton cut spending & had a budget surplus. Hillary will get my vote unless the Republicans start making fiscal sense. Carried Interest loophole must go. Remove SS & Medicare earnings cap. Means Test SS & Medicare now! Switch all government pensions from defined benefit to defined contribution. Cut SNAP & Welfare. Squeeze more savings out of healthcare. Partner with or create online college to slash the governments cost of higher education by 60+%. Cut payroll taxes to increase jobs & then income taxes!!!

Carter: Started with 9.2% GDP Growth / Ended with 12% GDP Growth = +2.8% :rock:

Love your idiotically bad math.

I hate democrats & Hillary, but Bill Clinton cut spending

And your incredibly bad memory.
Apparently Republicans have agreed to a budget deal the throws out all spending caps, raises the debt limit hugely, and agrees to exploding government for years to come.

Remind me again why we voted these particular Republicans into office? And tossed out more Democrats in the last 6 years than at any other time in the country's history?

If we had left the acknowledged tax-and-spend-and-borrow Democrats in office, how would the result have been different from this?


Massive Debt, Budget Deal Introduced In Dead of Night, Vote Violates Another Boehner Pledge - Breitbart

Massive Debt Budget Deal Introduced in the Dark of Night, Vote violates another Boehner pledge

by Matthew Boyle
Oct. 27, 2015
Washington DC

The giant debt ceiling increase rolled together with a budget deal was introduced at 11:36 p.m. Monday, in the dead of night, several congressional sources confirm to Breitbart News.

The text is 144 pages long and increases the debt ceiling beyond when President Barack Obama leaves office, all the way until March 2017. It also, according to Politico, increases spending by $50 billion this year and $30 billion more the following year.

As AP reports, House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is pushing for a Wednesday vote, this would be yet another instance in which he has broken his promise to give members and the public three full days—72 hours—to read legislation before voting on it.
No wonder congress has an approval rating south of Vladimir Putin, moderate spinless cowards.

Hashtag no balls
Getting republicans to at least not try to 'shutdown' the government again should be seen as progress.

The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.

Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.

That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.
Getting republicans to at least not try to 'shutdown' the government again should be seen as progress.

The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.

Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.

That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.

You are a clueless idiot!!! You mind is controlled by propaganda! The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight. The last debt ceiling fight caused the USA to lose it's AAA credit rating. Republicans keep playing politics with Obamacare, increasing military spending & tax cuts instead of negotiating for spending cuts, making Obamacare more efficient & closing tax loopholes to put the country on solid financial footing.

Every time there is a shut-down, EVERY Republican votes for back-pay!!! They want tax-payers to give them paid vacations & their banker buddies want higher interest rates. House votes to give furloughed federal workers back pay: "A bill that provides back pay for furloughed Federal workers during the government shutdown unanimously passed the House during a rare Saturday session on Capitol Hill... Retroactive pay is guaranteed under the bill, but federal workers can't expect their paychecks until after the government shutdown ends and Congress reaches a resolution on the budget."

In 1979 the US had the lowest Debt to GDP in 100 years. But then a Debt Limit fight in 1979 caused a default that raised interest rates from 8% to 16% sending the US economy into a Massive Double Dip Recession! The National has been exploding every since.
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Getting republicans to at least not try to 'shutdown' the government again should be seen as progress.

The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.

Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.

That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.

You are a clueless idiot!!! You mind is controlled by propaganda! The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight. The last debt ceiling fight caused the USA to lose it's AAA credit rating. Republicans keep playing politics with Obamacare, increasing military spending & tax cuts instead of negotiating for spending cuts, making Obamacare more efficient & closing tax loopholes to put the country on solid financial footing.

Every time there is a shut-down, EVERY Republican votes for back-pay!!! They want tax-payers to give them paid vacations & their banker buddies want higher interest rates. House votes to give furloughed federal workers back pay: "A bill that provides back pay for furloughed Federal workers during the government shutdown unanimously passed the House during a rare Saturday session on Capitol Hill... Retroactive pay is guaranteed under the bill, but federal workers can't expect their paychecks until after the government shutdown ends and Congress reaches a resolution on the budget."

The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight.

Interest rates were high because of sky high inflation, moron.
Getting republicans to at least not try to 'shutdown' the government again should be seen as progress.

The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.

Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.

That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.

You are a clueless idiot!!! You mind is controlled by propaganda! The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight. The last debt ceiling fight caused the USA to lose it's AAA credit rating. Republicans keep playing politics with Obamacare, increasing military spending & tax cuts instead of negotiating for spending cuts, making Obamacare more efficient & closing tax loopholes to put the country on solid financial footing.

Every time there is a shut-down, EVERY Republican votes for back-pay!!! They want tax-payers to give them paid vacations & their banker buddies want higher interest rates. House votes to give furloughed federal workers back pay: "A bill that provides back pay for furloughed Federal workers during the government shutdown unanimously passed the House during a rare Saturday session on Capitol Hill... Retroactive pay is guaranteed under the bill, but federal workers can't expect their paychecks until after the government shutdown ends and Congress reaches a resolution on the budget."

The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight.

Interest rates were high because of sky high inflation, moron.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted. Then it skyrocketed back to 17% & hovered there for 2 years as our economy melted down.


Gold price also gaped up due to US default.
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The one great thing about not being dependent on government is it doesn't matter if it shuts down or not. The last few shutdowns, I didn't notice a thing. Why? Because I depend on myself and not government.

In fact government could shut down for five years before I would notice a difference. That's why I live by the rule the less government in my life--the better. For Cradle-To-Gravers, a government shutdown is like all the electricity in the city being turned off.

Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.

That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.

You are a clueless idiot!!! You mind is controlled by propaganda! The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight. The last debt ceiling fight caused the USA to lose it's AAA credit rating. Republicans keep playing politics with Obamacare, increasing military spending & tax cuts instead of negotiating for spending cuts, making Obamacare more efficient & closing tax loopholes to put the country on solid financial footing.

Every time there is a shut-down, EVERY Republican votes for back-pay!!! They want tax-payers to give them paid vacations & their banker buddies want higher interest rates. House votes to give furloughed federal workers back pay: "A bill that provides back pay for furloughed Federal workers during the government shutdown unanimously passed the House during a rare Saturday session on Capitol Hill... Retroactive pay is guaranteed under the bill, but federal workers can't expect their paychecks until after the government shutdown ends and Congress reaches a resolution on the budget."

The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight.

Interest rates were high because of sky high inflation, moron.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted. Then it skyrocketed back to 17% & hovered there for 2 years as our economy melted down.


Gold price also gaped up due to US default.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted.

You're a moron. They "defaulted" in April and May. Rates rising to 17% six months later is your "gap up"?
That's hilarious. Get a clue, idjit.
Shutdown increases deficit, inflation & interest rates. This harms all workers, savers, retired, business lending rates, home buyers & the entire economy. Those government employee cronies get back paid for doing nothing causing deficits & prices to explode. Government loves shutdowns. It's just more paid vacation time for them & inflation for you to pay.

That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.

You are a clueless idiot!!! You mind is controlled by propaganda! The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight. The last debt ceiling fight caused the USA to lose it's AAA credit rating. Republicans keep playing politics with Obamacare, increasing military spending & tax cuts instead of negotiating for spending cuts, making Obamacare more efficient & closing tax loopholes to put the country on solid financial footing.

Every time there is a shut-down, EVERY Republican votes for back-pay!!! They want tax-payers to give them paid vacations & their banker buddies want higher interest rates. House votes to give furloughed federal workers back pay: "A bill that provides back pay for furloughed Federal workers during the government shutdown unanimously passed the House during a rare Saturday session on Capitol Hill... Retroactive pay is guaranteed under the bill, but federal workers can't expect their paychecks until after the government shutdown ends and Congress reaches a resolution on the budget."

The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight.

Interest rates were high because of sky high inflation, moron.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted. Then it skyrocketed back to 17% & hovered there for 2 years as our economy melted down.


Gold price also gaped up due to US default.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted.

You're a moron. They "defaulted" in April and May. Rates rising to 17% six months later is your "gap up"?
That's hilarious. Get a clue, idjit.

You Dumbass! Investors had to get together & file class action lawsuit Barton v. United States. The court battle took a over a year. Representative Gephardt introduced a measure(H.R. 6054, 96th Congress) on December 6, 1979, to authorize the Treasury Secretary to Pay the Investors. H.R. 6054 went nowhere. The suit did not end until June 10th, 1980.
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That's pure projection. I've been around during government shutdowns and none of those things happened. Of course it wasn't shut down very long, but if I didn't read or hear about it, I would have never known it.

Next time it shuts down there should be no back-pay for workers. Let them go on unemployment (or whatever program they have for government workers) like all other Americans who get laid off.

You are a clueless idiot!!! You mind is controlled by propaganda! The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight. The last debt ceiling fight caused the USA to lose it's AAA credit rating. Republicans keep playing politics with Obamacare, increasing military spending & tax cuts instead of negotiating for spending cuts, making Obamacare more efficient & closing tax loopholes to put the country on solid financial footing.

Every time there is a shut-down, EVERY Republican votes for back-pay!!! They want tax-payers to give them paid vacations & their banker buddies want higher interest rates. House votes to give furloughed federal workers back pay: "A bill that provides back pay for furloughed Federal workers during the government shutdown unanimously passed the House during a rare Saturday session on Capitol Hill... Retroactive pay is guaranteed under the bill, but federal workers can't expect their paychecks until after the government shutdown ends and Congress reaches a resolution on the budget."

The sky high interest rates during the Carter Administration was because the US government defaulted on debt payments during a debt ceiling fight.

Interest rates were high because of sky high inflation, moron.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted. Then it skyrocketed back to 17% & hovered there for 2 years as our economy melted down.


Gold price also gaped up due to US default.

Inflation only took interest rate to 9% you idiot! Because the economy was growing at 13%. Interest rate gaped up from 10% to 17.6% like never in history when the US Treasury defaulted.

You're a moron. They "defaulted" in April and May. Rates rising to 17% six months later is your "gap up"?
That's hilarious. Get a clue, idjit.

You Dumbass! Investors had to get together & file class action lawsuit Barton v. United States. The court battle took a over a year. Representative Gephardt introduced a measure(H.R. 6054, 96th Congress) on December 6, 1979, to authorize the Treasury Secretary to Pay the Investors. H.R. 6054 went nowhere. The suit did not end until June 10th, 1980.

Investors had to get together & file class action lawsuit Barton v. United States.

And that forced the Fed to raise the Fed Funds Rate to over 17%? Moron!

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