Republicans: Everything will be OK


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
From a Liberal Democrat to all those Republicans out there -

I know you folks aren't happy with all things political these days. No worry's - I'm not here to rub it in. Please consider however that things are not all that bad. Let us review what happened under 8 years of Barak Obama and the Liberals, shall we?

* Osama Bin Laden was killed, his computers and communication infrastructure confiscated, and his organization damaged for years to come.

* The big, bad government didn't come to take yer shootin irons away

* The American economy recovered from the great recession.

* The affordable care act didn't include death panels, a crashed economy or granny's being wheeled into the streets to die.

* Illegal border crossings were at there lowest point in 50 years.

* America didn't turn into a Muslim dominated socialist hellhole

* Hoards of black and brown people didn't invade and ravage America's white pristine suburbs

* The tax increases on the 1%, and tiny increase in the minimum wage didn't result in mass layoff's, or a crashed economy.

So - chin up little elephants, everything will be OK. :bye1:
From a Liberal Democrat to all those Republicans out there -

I know you folks aren't happy with all things political these days. No worry's - I'm not here to rub it in. Please consider however that things are not all that bad. Let us review what happened under 8 years of Barak Obama and the Liberals, shall we?

* Osama Bin Laden was killed, his computers and communication infrastructure confiscated, and his organization damaged for years to come.

* The big, bad government didn't come to take yer shootin irons away

* The American economy recovered from the great recession.

* The affordable care act didn't include death panels, a crashed economy or granny's being wheeled into the streets to die.

* Illegal border crossings were at there lowest point in 50 years.

* America didn't turn into a Muslim dominated socialist hellhole

* Hoards of black and brown people didn't invade and ravage America's white pristine suburbs

* The tax increases on the 1%, and tiny increase in the minimum wage didn't result in mass layoff's, or a crashed economy.

So - chin up little elephants, everything will be OK. :bye1:
Everything will be OK. That much is a given. Democrat failure insures it.
What I remember of the Obama-Biden years.
Thousands of Christians murdered by Obama backed death squads in Syria.
Bodies floating in the Mediterranean.
Daily beheading videos.
The return of slavery in Libya.
Minorities thrown off roofs.
A massive migrant crisis in Europe (again thanks to Obama)
A massive increase in Islamic terror in Europe with hundreds killed.

Under Trump, I saw the most peaceful period in global history in millenia.
Fuck Biden.
From a Liberal Democrat to all those Republicans out there -

I know you folks aren't happy with all things political these days. No worry's - I'm not here to rub it in. Please consider however that things are not all that bad. Let us review what happened under 8 years of Barak Obama and the Liberals, shall we?

* Osama Bin Laden was killed, his computers and communication infrastructure confiscated, and his organization damaged for years to come.

* The big, bad government didn't come to take yer shootin irons away

* The American economy recovered from the great recession.

* The affordable care act didn't include death panels, a crashed economy or granny's being wheeled into the streets to die.

* Illegal border crossings were at there lowest point in 50 years.

* America didn't turn into a Muslim dominated socialist hellhole

* Hoards of black and brown people didn't invade and ravage America's white pristine suburbs

* The tax increases on the 1%, and tiny increase in the minimum wage didn't result in mass layoff's, or a crashed economy.

So - chin up little elephants, everything will be OK. :bye1:
It's not like the big bad left government hasn't been trying to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens. They even now, admit that, that is their ultimate aim. What's been stopping them so far? The U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court. Of course, once the pro-Marxist Biden Administration, packs the Supreme Court with leftist activists, they'll get their wish.
The Affordable Care Act, was getting increasingly expensive for your average citizen.
Under Trump, the border crossings became negligible, an actual improvement over Obama's time in office.
The seven Islamic nations that Obama said he was considering banning immigration from, due to the lack of reliable governments there, but didn't, were banned under Trump. Now, we have idiots in charge that believe in the George Soros', free movement of peoples ideology and thus, crappy border control. What will be flowing in, aside from "some" refugees? MS-13 gang members, criminals fleeing prosecution in their own nation, drug-cartel members, murderers, rapists, child/sex traffickers and of course, terrorists who are migrating to Central/South American and walking up here. This isn't about black and brown people. I would say the same thing if it were hordes of Norwegians trying to cross our border illegally. Come in legally, or don't come at all.
Under the Obama Administration, the minority unemployment was significant. What changed it? The Trump Administrations Economic Policies. It became so good under Trump, your anti-Trump leftist New York Times, had to actually admit he was doing a fantastic job with the economy.
The Scandinavian nations "don't," I repeat, "don't," heavily tax the corporations or their rich corporate leaders. The most heavily taxed population in the Scandinavian countries are the Middle-Class. The reason: Their governments feel that to heavily tax big business there, stifles entrepreneurship and productivity....and it works well for them.
Chin up little leftist, when the Communist government takes over, you're unlikely to be dragged off to the re-education camp, gulag or, firing squad, unless you disagree with them at some point. Hope that once it's in place, your parents don't support freedom.
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From a Liberal Democrat to all those Republicans out there -

I know you folks aren't happy with all things political these days. No worry's - I'm not here to rub it in. Please consider however that things are not all that bad. Let us review what happened under 8 years of Barak Obama and the Liberals, shall we?

* Osama Bin Laden was killed, his computers and communication infrastructure confiscated, and his organization damaged for years to come.

* The big, bad government didn't come to take yer shootin irons away

* The American economy recovered from the great recession.

* The affordable care act didn't include death panels, a crashed economy or granny's being wheeled into the streets to die.

* Illegal border crossings were at there lowest point in 50 years.

* America didn't turn into a Muslim dominated socialist hellhole

* Hoards of black and brown people didn't invade and ravage America's white pristine suburbs

* The tax increases on the 1%, and tiny increase in the minimum wage didn't result in mass layoff's, or a crashed economy.

So - chin up little elephants, everything will be OK. :bye1:
Glad you are not under oath--otherwise you would be guilty of multiple counts of perjury.
From a Liberal Democrat to all those Republicans out there -

I know you folks aren't happy with all things political these days. No worry's - I'm not here to rub it in. Please consider however that things are not all that bad. Let us review what happened under 8 years of Barak Obama and the Liberals, shall we?

* Osama Bin Laden was killed, his computers and communication infrastructure confiscated, and his organization damaged for years to come.

* The big, bad government didn't come to take yer shootin irons away

* The American economy recovered from the great recession.

* The affordable care act didn't include death panels, a crashed economy or granny's being wheeled into the streets to die.

* Illegal border crossings were at there lowest point in 50 years.

* America didn't turn into a Muslim dominated socialist hellhole

* Hoards of black and brown people didn't invade and ravage America's white pristine suburbs

* The tax increases on the 1%, and tiny increase in the minimum wage didn't result in mass layoff's, or a crashed economy.

So - chin up little elephants, everything will be OK. :bye1:
It's not like the big bad left government hasn't been trying to take firearms away from law-abiding citizens. They even now, admit that, that is their ultimate aim. What's been stopping them so far? The U.S. Constitution and the Supreme Court. Of course, once the pro-Marxist Biden Administration, packs the Supreme Court with leftist activists, they'll get their wish.
The Affordable Care Act, was getting increasingly expensive for your average citizen.
Under Trump, the border crossings became negligible, an actual improvement over Obama's time in office.
The seven Islamic nations that Obama said he was considering banning immigration from, due to the lack of reliable governments there, but didn't, were banned under Trump. Now, we have idiots in charge that believe in the George Soros', free movement of peoples ideology and thus, crappy border control. What will be flowing in, aside from "some" refugees? MS-13 gang members, criminals fleeing prosecution in their own nation, drug-cartel members, murderers, rapists, child/sex traffickers and of course, terrorists who are migrating to Central/South American and walking up here. This isn't about black and brown people. I would say the same thing if it were hordes of Norwegians trying to cross our border illegally. Come in legally, or don't come at all.
Under the Obama Administration, the minority unemployment was significant. What changed it? The Trump Administrations Economic Policies. It became so good under Trump, your anti-Trump leftist New York Times, had to actually admit he was doing a fantastic job with the economy.
The Scandinavian nations "don't," I repeat, "don't," heavily tax the corporations or their rich corporate leaders. The most heavily taxed population in the Scandinavian countries are the Middle-Class. The reason: Their governments feel that to heavily tax big business there, stifles entrepreneurship and productivity....and it works well for them.
Chin up little leftist, when the Communist government takes over, you're unlikely to be dragged off to the re-education camp, gulag or, firing squad, unless you disagree with them at some point. Hope that once it's in place, your parents don't support freedom.

I'm sorry, who's admitting wanting to take away firearms from law abiding citizens? Provide a link or get lost with this constant lie. No one is coming for your guns.
The ACA was getting more expensive because of constant attacks from Republicans trying to kneecap or gut it...all without ever providing a plan of their own. :)
Honestly, have you been hitting the bottle? If so..wait a few hours. It's still early. :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP is in the first blows of an intra-party Civil War to exterminate the other side. How it turns out, who knows?

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