Republicans deserve what they get

So what's your plan to accomplish that?

Actually the plan is pretty simple, and not that far out of line with most of the way our Founding Fathers looked at a nation...

Instead of being ruled by PEOPLE, you set up the Government to be ruled by the founding document (Constitution). You do that by taking the malleability out of the document. By making changes to the base document impossible and by making additions to it subject to legal review before they are even put into effect. Basically you turn the few Government Employees (including the Executive Officer) merely implementers of policy rather than creators of policy.
So what's your plan to accomplish that?

Actually the plan is pretty simple, and not that far out of line with most of the way our Founding Fathers looked at a nation...

Instead of being ruled by PEOPLE, you set up the Government to be ruled by the founding document (Constitution). You do that by taking the malleability out of the document. By making changes to the base document impossible and by making additions to it subject to legal review before they are even put into effect. Basically you turn the few Government Employees (including the Executive Officer) merely implementers of policy rather than creators of policy.

They completely ignore the Constitution now. How is being clearer somehow going to fix that?
They completely ignore the Constitution now. How is being clearer somehow going to fix that?

This is not a fix that comes about via ballots. It's a solution that comes after we fix the current problems via fire, blood and bullets. At the end of that cleansing we put this in place. Anyone who doesn't like it can feel free to leave. If you choose not to leave and instead choose to ignore this document once it's in place - we kill you.
But there's nothing moderate about morality laws or our over involvement with the military.
Our “morality laws” are absolutely moderate. I’m as big of a liberty person as you will ever meet - but I’ll be damned if my little girls are going to watch idiot nudists walking down the street. Your rights end where mine begin. And I have the right to have my children in public without subjecting them to things that children shouldn’t see.
For you to say conservatives want government out of our bedrooms is gobbledygook. It's specifically conservatives who want them there
It’s not conservatives demanding that government get involved in gay is progressives. They are the one’s demanding government enter our bedrooms (not the least bit surprising considering they want government to control everything).
If the Democrats regain leads in anything in Nov, it would only tell us of the ability of the MSM to control the minds of the voters.
Bullshit. The MSM did absolutely everything in their power to prevent a Trump presidency and they failed (even with the entire Republican Party working towards the same goal).

If the Dumbocrats gain any seats in November - it will be because the monumental incompetency of the Republican Party. There is 0 excuse for not having passed a budget (for 8 years now) or for not repealing Obamacare.

Frankly, I almost wish it would happen. Maybe then we can later replace those Dumbocrats with some actual (and competent) conservatives. The Republicans were handed the ultimate opportunity on a silver platter and they blew it worse than I ever have seen in politics.
It's not just the investigations. No repeal of Obamacare, no wall. Way insufficient tax cut and we still have a repatriation of money tax that no other western power does to their corporations. Democrats are still obstructing judicial appointments. Republicans could eliminate the filibuster and end all that stupid crap, and don't. Democrats will when they get power back, just like they always do.
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there is no going back.
Bullshit. If history has taught us anything - it’s that literally anything can (and will) happen. Almost every nation in the world had experienced a civil war or civilian uprising at some point. We could easily experience another civil war here in the U.S. (especially as the left becomes more radicalized and bat-shit crazy).
If the Democrats regain leads in anything in Nov, it would only tell us of the ability of the MSM to control the minds of the voters.
Bullshit. The MSM did absolutely everything in their power to prevent a Trump presidency and they failed (even with the entire Republican Party working towards the same goal).

If the Dumbocrats gain any seats in November - it will be because the monumental incompetency of the Republican Party. There is 0 excuse for not having passed a budget (for 8 years now) or for not repealing Obamacare.

Frankly, I almost wish it would happen. Maybe then we can later replace those Dumbocrats with some actual (and competent) conservatives. The Republicans were handed the ultimate opportunity on a silver platter and they blew it worse than I ever have seen in politics.

Correct, they are responsible for the budget, but incorrect on Commie Care. There is nothing in the world that will change the minds of Democrats in the Democrat or Republican parties.

Lame McCain will go to his grave trying to destroy Trump, and the Bimbo Twins are beyond the control of the RNC.
How come no one considers the possibility that both left & right thinking people have some good ideas? how could it possibly be that all the good ideas come from just a devotion to one political brand,
That’s easy to explain. Very easy to explain.

The right is built from pure intellectualism (including a significant study of history and learning from it). Thus, all true conservative ideas are good ideas (because all true conservative ideas are focused on liberty). You can never go wrong with liberty.

Conversely, the left is built from pure emotion. It’s what feels good to them that dictates their position and policies. They ignore all facts, data, history, etc. They don’t reject it - that would mean studying them in the first place - they ignore them. Emotion never leads to good decisions.
Lame McCain will go to his grave trying to destroy Trump, and the Bimbo Twins are beyond the control of the RNC.
But that’s my point. John McCain is a human piece of shit. He’s not even remotely close to being a conservative. He’s a prime example of the inexcusable failure of the Republican Party. And the citizens of Arizona are an embarrassment to this nation for electing a “Republican” who does everything in his power to advance the agenda of progressives.
Absolutely correct. It's the Surrender First whites that are going to end this country just like they are doing in Europe as we speak.

Most whites don't know what it's like to be a minority. I know what that's like because I live in a (now) black community. They actually believe that it will be just like living with other whites, only people with different color skin. Nothing could be further from the truth.

But you can't tell know-it-all liberals anything because they (in their minds) are never wrong. When they have no experience at something, they read about it and figure they are now an expert on the subject.
The Right has brought this on itself in many ways, though. This has been a patient, multi-generational effort by the Left that is about to bear fruit. The Right has convinced itself that reaching out to minorities was simply not an option, while the Left has essentially cornered the market.

I can understand the notion that the Right doesn't want to divide people into little grievance groups like the Left has. It's cynical, it's terribly manipulative and it's intellectually dishonest. But the fact remains, that's what it would take at this point, that's what they are conditioned to respond to.

The Right refused. Okay. So, here it comes.

Nothing is coming. In the past decade or so, we took leadership of Congress, the Senate and won the White House plus 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. It's their prime goal to make whites a minority in this country ASAP, and I think more whites are waking up to the fact.

Don't expect change anytime soon. And let's remember that not all minorities vote Democrat. The Democrats get the most votes from each of those groups, but they still have a way to go before they turn this country into a single-party government. And when that happens, the Great Experiment will be over. We will soon be another Socialist shithole like the many around the world.
Well, we'll see. November may tell us a lot.

If the Democrats regain leads in anything in Nov, it would only tell us of the ability of the MSM to control the minds of the voters.

What could they possibly object to? The economy which is doing great? Our immigration problem which has greatly improved since Trump took office? Our stock market which is strong and predicted to be even stronger in the future? Keeping more of your own money? The highest consumer and corporate confidence ratings in decades? What would they be voting out?

When people want to change something, it's usually for the better. What can be better in this country than what's going on today?
You're operating under an entirely different mindset than most minorities, and you operate under entirely different priorities than most minorities. And perhaps most importantly, you're completely ignoring the generational conditioning and individual experiences they have had. What they have been steeped in since the day they were born. You really think some temporary facts & figures are going to come within a thousand miles of changing that?

I get it. You think that minorities, after generations of conditioning, should just look at the current stock market and tax rates and confidence polls and change what's in their hearts, what's been in their families' hearts for generations, overnight. You don't think the GOP should have to do anything else.

Well, that's up to you. And that's what the GOP thinks. What I'm saying is that, as demographics continue to change, it won't be nearly enough, and I doubt the GOP will look in the mirror.

If you're talking partisan voters, nothing the Republicans do will ever change their minds. Republicans will always vote for Republicans and the Democrats will always vote for Democrats.

The trick is to rile up your base enough to bring out as many of your voters as you can, while at the same time, convincing moderates to come out and vote for your side as well. In addition, try to bring new voters to the polls that never voted or even registered before like Trump did.
How come no one considers the possibility that both left & right thinking people have some good ideas? how could it possibly be that all the good ideas come from just a devotion to one political brand, haven't both party's made some good choices & some bad ones, do we only look at the bad choices when its the other party? what do we want America to become? give up thinking we can go back to 1890 or 1960. there is no going back.

I'm sure the Democrats could come up with good ideas, but the problem with them is it's always politics first and country second.

Name me any one of their issues, and I'll explain how it benefits the individual Democrat or the party. If it doesn't benefit them, then forget about it. It's not a Democrat issue.

With the left their main goals are votes and power. If any issue or policy doesn't involve that, they are against it.

Think about it: what could be wrong with getting rid of Sanctuary Cities? What could be wrong with a border wall? What was wrong with Kate's law that imprisoned repeat offenders that come back to this country?

The Democrats are against all of that and more. Why? Because it weakens their power and votes.
Lame McCain will go to his grave trying to destroy Trump, and the Bimbo Twins are beyond the control of the RNC.
But that’s my point. John McCain is a human piece of shit. He’s not even remotely close to being a conservative. He’s a prime example of the inexcusable failure of the Republican Party. And the citizens of Arizona are an embarrassment to this nation for electing a “Republican” who does everything in his power to advance the agenda of progressives.

I agree except we can't label the entire party over one sour puss and a couple of liberals that snuck their way into the RNC. We can't give up over a few people. All we can do is try to outnumber or remove them.
Nothing is coming. In the past decade or so, we took leadership of Congress, the Senate and won the White House plus 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

again, buddy, you aren't thinking long term. All his histrionics aside, Mac has a point. The GOP has made an effort to play on white greviance over building bridges to minorities.

Paid off in the 70's and 80's when white people were 80% of the electorate, but now they are less than 70%.

The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. It's their prime goal to make whites a minority in this country ASAP, and I think more whites are waking up to the fact.

Um, Id say given how poorly Trump is pollingn with Millenials, it's exactly the opposite. Younger White people who hang with minorities just don't get old folks and their racism.
Brainwashing works though, just look at you. You've been brainwashed by the left and MSM (one of the same) that anytime you lose an election, it's not because of anything you did, it's because the Republicans cheated somehow.

First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.
They completely ignore the Constitution now. How is being clearer somehow going to fix that?

This is not a fix that comes about via ballots. It's a solution that comes after we fix the current problems via fire, blood and bullets. At the end of that cleansing we put this in place. Anyone who doesn't like it can feel free to leave. If you choose not to leave and instead choose to ignore this document once it's in place - we kill you.

Good luck with that. My solution is to minimize government. The smaller it is, the less damage it can do
But there's nothing moderate about morality laws or our over involvement with the military.
Our “morality laws” are absolutely moderate. I’m as big of a liberty person as you will ever meet - but I’ll be damned if my little girls are going to watch idiot nudists walking down the street. Your rights end where mine begin. And I have the right to have my children in public without subjecting them to things that children shouldn’t see.

Where did I advocate that again?
For you to say conservatives want government out of our bedrooms is gobbledygook. It's specifically conservatives who want them there
It’s not conservatives demanding that government get involved in gay is progressives. They are the one’s demanding government enter our bedrooms (not the least bit surprising considering they want government to control everything).

That's just the latest. It's socons who made gay sex illegal, interracial sex illegal, blowjobs illegal even between spouses. You have a long history of being Peeping Toms
But there's nothing moderate about morality laws or our over involvement with the military.
Our “morality laws” are absolutely moderate. I’m as big of a liberty person as you will ever meet - but I’ll be damned if my little girls are going to watch idiot nudists walking down the street. Your rights end where mine begin. And I have the right to have my children in public without subjecting them to things that children shouldn’t see.
Where did I advocate that again?
When you stated our "morality laws" were not moderate or acceptable.

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