Republicans/Conservatives Absolutely Hate Our Military

One could consider stopping the phony patriot act, using any misinformation to slam conservatives and the political Right and maybe dig a bit deeper into the situation. Perhaps being honest and getting the fuller range of facts.

Name/title of bill often doesn't match content or attachments/riders;

Sen. Johnson Releases Statement on PACT Act

July 27, 2022

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson released the following statement after voting against cloture on the motion to concur for the PACT Act.

“I support providing coverage to service members affected by burn pit exposure. Unfortunately, the bill as written includes an unnecessary provision that opens the door for more reckless government spending, unrelated to the VA. I voted no on cloture tonight to insist on having the ability to amend the bill to correct this.”
One thing the supporters of this action to defeat the bill should know. I don't EVER want to hear about how a kneeling athlete is spitting on our veterans and those who died serving. At least the athlete has the dignity to kneel quietly. He does not refuse them the care they were promised. He does not shit on their sacrifice by telling them they are on their own, despite that the illnesses are directly related to their service.

You either support our veterans or you don't. Those that voted 'No' on this don't.
One thing the supporters of this action to defeat the bill should know. I don't EVER want to hear about how a kneeling athlete is spitting on our veterans and those who died serving. At least the athlete has the dignity to kneel quietly. He does not refuse them the care they were promised. He does not shit on their sacrifice by telling them they are on their own, despite that the illnesses are directly related to their service.

You either support our veterans or you don't. Those that voted 'No' on this don't.
What part of poorly written and loaded with non related pork to gouge the taxpayers via this bastardized Bill did you fail to grasp and understand ??? !!!

If you are this stupid, ignorant, and falsely sanctimonious please spare our nation from more harm and do not use your voting privilege in the future.

This red-herring sham Bill was rejected because it wasn't what it claimed and needed to be dropped in order to be rewritten more to that original purpose alone and not as a vehicle for more and unrelated pork riders than what it was presented as.
More proof:

Your link leads to a general list of articles and not the specific one you imply.
Try getting it right please.
Also, that is an opinion and bias view website.
I haven't time to copy-paste posts in a related thread to here, so will just link to that thread and suggest review of my posts there.
(It's another beautiful and hot Summer day and my yard and garden need lots of tending.

Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins​

If the democrats ever put up a straight veterans or military bill without their usual massive amounts of unrelated pork, watch how quickly it gets unanimous republican support. The democrats have always put deceptive titles on their bills so that anyone voting against them looks bad.
Now they have no problem saying it out loud. AND ON MEMORIAL DAY!!!

Now they have no problem saying it out loud. AND ON MEMORIAL DAY!!!

The Military is controlled by the SECDEF his subordinates and the Pentagon. All of them serve at the pleasure of the President or in Biden's case his handlers. These morons are more concerned about climate change, arming other countries and the microscopic number of troops who's political leanings doesn't line up with the left.

Tucker called it right, the Military is no longer concerned with defense of the nation and that opinion does not mean hating the troops.

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