Republicans can’t seem to accurately define what socialism is

The truth of the matter is that it is a very broad term. It’s something that’s always been apart of the framework of this country yet Repubs like to pretend it is the antithesis of the Founding Father’s philosophy. Republicans have a hard time even defining the term in their OWN WORDS. That alone tells you they lack a basic understanding of the word.

Socialism is when people get together, it's easier to kill people who are individual, it's easier to subjugate people who are individual, so they try and prevent people joining forces to become stronger.

The NRA is encouraged, but Unions are discouraged....
It's when people get together? So is the Klan socialist? Is the Nazi party socialist?
Neither is Socialist.

Actually, the Nazi party is socialist. Hint, it's the German workers ... socialist ... party.

And they totally were a centrally planned economy, the definition of socialism
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?
Socialism: The ideology of looting.
Capitalism: the idea that greed is virtues, and sharing sinful.

Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase
The truth of the matter is that it is a very broad term. It’s something that’s always been apart of the framework of this country yet Repubs like to pretend it is the antithesis of the Founding Father’s philosophy. Republicans have a hard time even defining the term in their OWN WORDS. That alone tells you they lack a basic understanding of the word.

Socialism is when people get together, it's easier to kill people who are individual, it's easier to subjugate people who are individual, so they try and prevent people joining forces to become stronger.

The NRA is encouraged, but Unions are discouraged....
It's when people get together? So is the Klan socialist? Is the Nazi party socialist?
Neither is Socialist.

Actually, the Nazi party is socialist. Hint, it's the German workers ... socialist ... party.

And they totally were a centrally planned economy, the definition of socialism
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?

Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Socialism: The ideology of looting.
Capitalism: the idea that greed is virtues, and sharing sinful.

Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase

Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.
My wife's American so I know. We chose to live here for that reason. She misses her home but not living in the US

Yeah, sure
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
Socialism is when people get together, it's easier to kill people who are individual, it's easier to subjugate people who are individual, so they try and prevent people joining forces to become stronger.

The NRA is encouraged, but Unions are discouraged....
It's when people get together? So is the Klan socialist? Is the Nazi party socialist?
Neither is Socialist.

Actually, the Nazi party is socialist. Hint, it's the German workers ... socialist ... party.

And they totally were a centrally planned economy, the definition of socialism
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?

Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember
Socialism: The ideology of looting.
Capitalism: the idea that greed is virtues, and sharing sinful.

Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase

Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.

I worked in Europe for the American parent company of a Dutch company. They sent me there to improve profit margins. The Dutch rolled in at 9ish. If I was on a call at 5pm, they would stand in the door looking at their watch so they could lock the building. I got locked in buildings several times because they didn't notice I was still there and they locked up and left at 5pm.

Never had a meeting after 5pm or on a weekend. I mean geez, it was their jobs on the line, not mine. They just didn't give a shit. They knew if the company went under they'd get paid by the government for years.

They were proud that they had no work ethic.

When I worked in Belgium on another project before, the manager of the office had to move his car at lunch because the unions would write down the licenses of all cars who were in the parking lots in the morning and if they were still there eight hours later, they would literally come to the office and threaten him
My wife's American so I know. We chose to live here for that reason. She misses her home but not living in the US

Yeah, sure
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
It's when people get together? So is the Klan socialist? Is the Nazi party socialist?
Neither is Socialist.

Actually, the Nazi party is socialist. Hint, it's the German workers ... socialist ... party.

And they totally were a centrally planned economy, the definition of socialism
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?

Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember

You're a fucking moron. Turn off the fake news you're watching. It's melting your brain. You can like Trump or not, but the propaganda is just tired
Socialism: The ideology of looting.
Capitalism: the idea that greed is virtues, and sharing sinful.

Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase

Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.

I worked in Europe for the American parent company of a Dutch company. They sent me there to improve profit margins. The Dutch rolled in at 9ish. If I was on a call at 5pm, they would stand in the door looking at their watch so they could lock the building. I got locked in buildings several times because they didn't notice I was still there and they locked up and left at 5pm.

Never had a meeting after 5pm or on a weekend. I mean geez, it was their jobs on the line, not mine. They just didn't give a shit. They knew if the company went under they'd get paid by the government for years.

They were proud that they had no work ethic
I'm Belgian, I go to work at 05.50 come home at 17.30. In the spring and fall works picks up and I work 7/7 in 12 hour shifts. I accumulate over 600 hours overtime at least annually. I admit this is unusual in my country but it does put a lie to your generalization.
My wife's American so I know. We chose to live here for that reason. She misses her home but not living in the US

Yeah, sure
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
Neither is Socialist.

Actually, the Nazi party is socialist. Hint, it's the German workers ... socialist ... party.

And they totally were a centrally planned economy, the definition of socialism
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?

Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember

You're a fucking moron. Turn off the fake news you're watching. It's melting your brain. You can like Trump or not, but the propaganda is just tired
You started trying to tie Nazism to Socialism. I just pointed out that it's just as easy to do to Trumpism. Name-calling and crying foul is pathetic. Don't start something if you're not willing to finish it.
Socialism: The ideology of looting.
Capitalism: the idea that greed is virtues, and sharing sinful.

Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase

Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.

I worked in Europe for the American parent company of a Dutch company. They sent me there to improve profit margins. The Dutch rolled in at 9ish. If I was on a call at 5pm, they would stand in the door looking at their watch so they could lock the building. I got locked in buildings several times because they didn't notice I was still there and they locked up and left at 5pm.

Never had a meeting after 5pm or on a weekend. I mean geez, it was their jobs on the line, not mine. They just didn't give a shit. They knew if the company went under they'd get paid by the government for years.

They were proud that they had no work ethic
I'm Belgian, I go to work at 05.50 come home at 17.30. In the spring and fall works picks up and I work 7/7 in 12 hour shifts. I accumulate over 600 hours overtime at least annually. I admit this is unusual in my country but it does put a lie to your generalization.

Actually, one example doesn't contradict a generalization. They don't have dictionaries in Belgium?
My wife's American so I know. We chose to live here for that reason. She misses her home but not living in the US

Yeah, sure
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
Actually, the Nazi party is socialist. Hint, it's the German workers ... socialist ... party.

And they totally were a centrally planned economy, the definition of socialism
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?

Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember

You're a fucking moron. Turn off the fake news you're watching. It's melting your brain. You can like Trump or not, but the propaganda is just tired
You started trying to tie Nazism to Socialism. I just pointed out that it's just as easy to do to Trumpism. Name-calling and crying foul is pathetic. Don't start something if you're not willing to finish it.

Nazism is by definition a form of socialism. It's central economic planning. The NAZIs knew that, which is why they called themselves the socialist party. Again, companies were directed by the government and had to get all major decisions approved. They just are socialist.

And leftists are so stupid. You whine about "name calling" when I'm just talking about the definition of a word, and in the next sentence you do what you just whined about
Capitalism: the idea that greed is virtues, and sharing sinful.

Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase

Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.

I worked in Europe for the American parent company of a Dutch company. They sent me there to improve profit margins. The Dutch rolled in at 9ish. If I was on a call at 5pm, they would stand in the door looking at their watch so they could lock the building. I got locked in buildings several times because they didn't notice I was still there and they locked up and left at 5pm.

Never had a meeting after 5pm or on a weekend. I mean geez, it was their jobs on the line, not mine. They just didn't give a shit. They knew if the company went under they'd get paid by the government for years.

They were proud that they had no work ethic
I'm Belgian, I go to work at 05.50 come home at 17.30. In the spring and fall works picks up and I work 7/7 in 12 hour shifts. I accumulate over 600 hours overtime at least annually. I admit this is unusual in my country but it does put a lie to your generalization.

Actually, one example doesn't contradict a generalization. They don't have dictionaries in Belgium?
Point taken. On the other hand, I speak Dutch, French, some German and English. When you went to Belgium and Holland I suspect that they spoke English to you. So I'd be careful when criticizing my language skills.
My wife's American so I know. We chose to live here for that reason. She misses her home but not living in the US

Yeah, sure
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
And they used Socialism to recover from the great depression. They went to war because of Germany Uber alles. (Germany over everything else). What slogan did Trump run on again?

Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember

You're a fucking moron. Turn off the fake news you're watching. It's melting your brain. You can like Trump or not, but the propaganda is just tired
You started trying to tie Nazism to Socialism. I just pointed out that it's just as easy to do to Trumpism. Name-calling and crying foul is pathetic. Don't start something if you're not willing to finish it.

Nazism is by definition a form of socialism. It's central economic planning. The NAZIs knew that, which is why they called themselves the socialist party. Again, companies were directed by the government and had to get all major decisions approved. They just are socialist.

And leftists are so stupid. You whine about "name calling" when I'm just talking about the definition of a word, and in the next sentence you do what you just whined about
And MAGA is an almost literal translation of the slogan Hitler and Goebels shouted at Nuremberg rallies.
Actually, the idea of capitalism is that sharing what you earned is your choice.

There's no virtue in the forced confiscation and redistribution of money that someone else earned. There's a term for it, armed robbery.

That you consider "sharing" forced redistribution while giving by choice "greed" shows what a sick fuck you are.

And having worked in Europe, you people are the laziest fucks on the planet. It's no wonder your economies are in endless maliase

Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.

I worked in Europe for the American parent company of a Dutch company. They sent me there to improve profit margins. The Dutch rolled in at 9ish. If I was on a call at 5pm, they would stand in the door looking at their watch so they could lock the building. I got locked in buildings several times because they didn't notice I was still there and they locked up and left at 5pm.

Never had a meeting after 5pm or on a weekend. I mean geez, it was their jobs on the line, not mine. They just didn't give a shit. They knew if the company went under they'd get paid by the government for years.

They were proud that they had no work ethic
I'm Belgian, I go to work at 05.50 come home at 17.30. In the spring and fall works picks up and I work 7/7 in 12 hour shifts. I accumulate over 600 hours overtime at least annually. I admit this is unusual in my country but it does put a lie to your generalization.

Actually, one example doesn't contradict a generalization. They don't have dictionaries in Belgium?
Point taken. On the other hand, I speak Dutch, French, some German and English. When you went to Belgium and Holland I suspect that they spoke English to you. So I'd be careful when criticizing my language skills.

Yes, they spoke English to me in both Belgium and Holland and all over Western Europe. Though Spain and Portugal are a lot harder out of the office. And my point was more criticizing your logic than language skills saying you work hard and somehow that proves me wrong. I even said the guy who ran the Belgian office worked hard. I knew two people in the Dutch office who worked hard. In my experience, the Brits have the highest percentage of hard workers in Western Europe.

But the overwhelming feeling of most workers was complete unconcern for whether their company made money or not and they had no sense that it impacted them
Yeah, sure
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
Germany was socialist, Holmes. The government set all economic policy and companies needed to get signoff for every major decision they made. You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember

You're a fucking moron. Turn off the fake news you're watching. It's melting your brain. You can like Trump or not, but the propaganda is just tired
You started trying to tie Nazism to Socialism. I just pointed out that it's just as easy to do to Trumpism. Name-calling and crying foul is pathetic. Don't start something if you're not willing to finish it.

Nazism is by definition a form of socialism. It's central economic planning. The NAZIs knew that, which is why they called themselves the socialist party. Again, companies were directed by the government and had to get all major decisions approved. They just are socialist.

And leftists are so stupid. You whine about "name calling" when I'm just talking about the definition of a word, and in the next sentence you do what you just whined about
And MAGA is an almost literal translation of the slogan Hitler and Goebels shouted at Nuremberg rallies.

OK, but that has nothing to do with socialism. That Hitler was a socialist is a reference to his economic system, it doesn't mean that everything he did was socialism. It wasn't "socialism" when he invaded Poland or when he put on his pants in the morning. It was socialism when he directed the German economy
Socialism is central control of a certain amount of revenue generated by the working class and given to non workers. If this redistribution of wealth isn't predicated on the truly needy then It thwarts individualism and individual achievement by taking away the monetary reward (percentage of revenue) earned by those who generate it. This can cause catastrophic societal consequences. For instance, giving money to single mothers promotes fatherless and dysfunctional families and ignores the core problem which is a lack of traditional morals and values and the traditional family unit which is the foundation of American society. Add to that the popular, leftist, media promoting sex is a 'choice' instead of an objective reality. Socialism supports a dysfunctional society.....
Do you have a reason to imply I'm a liar?
Did you see me denying it? They didn't go to war over their socialistic ideology. They went to war over their nationalistic ideology. The same ideology that got Trump elected. That is a fact MAGA remember

You're a fucking moron. Turn off the fake news you're watching. It's melting your brain. You can like Trump or not, but the propaganda is just tired
You started trying to tie Nazism to Socialism. I just pointed out that it's just as easy to do to Trumpism. Name-calling and crying foul is pathetic. Don't start something if you're not willing to finish it.

Nazism is by definition a form of socialism. It's central economic planning. The NAZIs knew that, which is why they called themselves the socialist party. Again, companies were directed by the government and had to get all major decisions approved. They just are socialist.

And leftists are so stupid. You whine about "name calling" when I'm just talking about the definition of a word, and in the next sentence you do what you just whined about
And MAGA is an almost literal translation of the slogan Hitler and Goebels shouted at Nuremberg rallies.

OK, but that has nothing to do with socialism. That Hitler was a socialist is a reference to his economic system, it doesn't mean that everything he did was socialism. It wasn't "socialism" when he invaded Poland or when he put on his pants in the morning. It was socialism when he directed the German economy
I agree. That was my point, if you invoke Nazism as a way to denounce Socialism you are giving a false equivalency. Hitler had a mustache, using that fact to claim all mustachioed men are evil would be equally ridiculous.
Soon Europe will be Islamic and take pride in gay executions and chaining women back to the kitchen.

Seems like the people have had enough, even Islam is a preferable choice.

I worked in Europe for the American parent company of a Dutch company. They sent me there to improve profit margins. The Dutch rolled in at 9ish. If I was on a call at 5pm, they would stand in the door looking at their watch so they could lock the building. I got locked in buildings several times because they didn't notice I was still there and they locked up and left at 5pm.

Never had a meeting after 5pm or on a weekend. I mean geez, it was their jobs on the line, not mine. They just didn't give a shit. They knew if the company went under they'd get paid by the government for years.

They were proud that they had no work ethic
I'm Belgian, I go to work at 05.50 come home at 17.30. In the spring and fall works picks up and I work 7/7 in 12 hour shifts. I accumulate over 600 hours overtime at least annually. I admit this is unusual in my country but it does put a lie to your generalization.

Actually, one example doesn't contradict a generalization. They don't have dictionaries in Belgium?
Point taken. On the other hand, I speak Dutch, French, some German and English. When you went to Belgium and Holland I suspect that they spoke English to you. So I'd be careful when criticizing my language skills.

Yes, they spoke English to me in both Belgium and Holland and all over Western Europe. Though Spain and Portugal are a lot harder out of the office. And my point was more criticizing your logic than language skills saying you work hard and somehow that proves me wrong. I even said the guy who ran the Belgian office worked hard. I knew two people in the Dutch office who worked hard. In my experience, the Brits have the highest percentage of hard workers in Western Europe.

But the overwhelming feeling of most workers was complete unconcern for whether their company made money or not and they had no sense that it impacted them
I know what your point was, I'm just of the opinion that a smartass comment deserves a smartass reply.
The truth of the matter is that it is a very broad term. It’s something that’s always been apart of the framework of this country yet Repubs like to pretend it is the antithesis of the Founding Father’s philosophy. Republicans have a hard time even defining the term in their OWN WORDS. That alone tells you they lack a basic understanding of the word.
The term socialism has taken on a very broad meaning. The reason for that isn't only that republicans can't properly define it, but also dolts like yourself.
The truth of the matter is that it is a very broad term. It’s something that’s always been apart of the framework of this country yet Repubs like to pretend it is the antithesis of the Founding Father’s philosophy. Republicans have a hard time even defining the term in their OWN WORDS. That alone tells you they lack a basic understanding of the word.
The term socialism has taken on a very broad meaning. The reason for that isn't only that republicans can't properly define it, but also dolts like yourself.
And yet you can’t even explain why I’m wrong lol

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