Republicans better open our fucking government or

No one with a functioning brain would believe that.


Do you ever look at your paycheck stub????

That income tax =medicare tax.
First, not everyone pays income taxes.
Second...You said so yourself. No refund on medicare taxes. Yet there are refunds available to those who overpay their income taxes.
These two taxes are not equal. Nor are they similar.

Plus are not the EIC and Child credits refundable
to point where the they are netted against SS tax and medicaid tax

The net effect being that at minimum your cash flow is zero with the gov't.

If so, they get that money back and can still use the benefits of the programs
Theoretically everything the federal government does is funded with debt.

Is the military doomed to failure? Cause it's funded with a heck of a lot more debt then ACA...

That's a non sequitur.
National defense is an essential function of government.
And don't go quoting the general welfare clause because it does not apply.
The document states "promote the general welfare( of the people)....Nowhere is it stated "provide"
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

Providing healthcare is not.

A constitution that was made before the industrial revolution.
That's a non sequitur.
National defense is an essential function of government.
And don't go quoting the general welfare clause because it does not apply.
The document states "promote the general welfare( of the people)....Nowhere is it stated "provide"
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

Providing healthcare is not.

A constitution that was made before the industrial revolution.
And yet, oddly enough, it still works fine -- when progressives aren't using it as toilet paper, that is.
Yes it is.
ACA is government sanction of redistribution of wealth for the sole purpose of creating entitlement.

Okay, let's put away our crazy, paranoia induced conspiracy theories for a minute and think logically...

What "conclussive function" of the ACA entails anything at all that could be deemed "Socialism"

Where does a group of people collectively contribute anything anywhere to the group as a whole? Obamacare has nothing like this...anywhere.

Our current Mandate on ER care, however, does.
I love how it took these guys like 10 days to start to plan to talk to each other and when to plan negotiating. These guys get paid too much for how pathetic they are :/ republicans and democrats suck XD
Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.

Look, Matthew, Obama is screwing the pooch to God Damn America. Someone has to stop him.

Do you know what owing 17 trillion dollars took to get there? Obama has spent us out of house and home. He's spent trillions of dollars without one single bit of help from anybody else, although he has tried again and again to pass the buck to his predecessor. Now, he's looking to blame Congress for not letting him have more money to pay off more and more friends to get what he wants.

It's time to say no, sir. We just can't let him dig us any deeper, we don't have the backing for it. The IMF chief had a conniption fit today over us not being willing to let Obama dig us deeper as he and his friends spend, spend, spend, and more spend.

We just want our country back from the spendaholics who spend, then turn around and call foul on those who say no more of that.

Sorry to lose your good will, but we have to plug the leaky faucet. Obama makes things sound like they're seamless when he paints a picture of perfection with that silvery tongue of his.

But you can't spend so much money you have to default if you don't get more, more, more, more and more.

I'm not surprised people are so confused. You've been watching our government painted as the world's fairy godmother, and it's been so convincing, very few here realized exactly how much $17 trillion dollars is. If it goes any further, Obama can write one after another "Presidential Order" to tap funds already earmarked for other designations.

It's Obama who closed the National Parks instead of telling his political supporters seeking a billion for this venture and a billion for that one. He just can't say "no, it's not my money, it's the people's money." Instead, he calls the presses to print more money and the other press to put pressure on Republicans to cover him.

It's Obama who lied that it was somehow the Republican's fault.

If saving the next generation from having too grievous a financial burden to do anything but become the world's new source for slaves, I will take your heat. You can blame me, but don't blame the very men and women of the House of Representatives who have the unpleasant task of telling Obama he can't spend any more money, and he needs to back off while lawyers read and try to figure out the 2700+ page ACA and find out why the Insurance Companies are raising prices and reducing benefits to their clients on account of what the law says. They need to find all the poinst in the law that weren't Constitutional when passed without telling legislators there were egregious clauses written into the act that would quadruple costs of administering such a complex system of picking American's pockets to give to non-citizens who only came over the border to establish a population base to vote to cede large areas of property owned by Americans to a foreign government that has so much graft and drug lord rule it can't protect honest people.

If you are also going to punish Conservatives, think about three generations down the line. Everyone is a slave to people who speak Arabic, Chinese, etc., because America couldn't pony up repayment of its debts due to Obama's excesses.

Don't blame us for being far-sighted. We're worried voters who can do the math on paying interest back on borrowed money as being equal to the GNP. We're not getting out of this hole without some pain.

Please don't let the make-believe citizens pushing community rule fool you. So far, they have. I'm sorry to see it.
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That's a non sequitur.
National defense is an essential function of government.
And don't go quoting the general welfare clause because it does not apply.
The document states "promote the general welfare( of the people)....Nowhere is it stated "provide"
Defense is mandated by the Constitution.

Providing healthcare is not.

A constitution that was made before the industrial revolution.
Oh, so you're already mouthing the commie lines about getting rid of the United States Constitution?

Laws of mercy.
The GOP has now lost any chance of winning the Senate in 2014 and could soon lose their chance of retaining the House. Yeah Tea Party!!!!!!!

You can't fix Stupid......

yeah and you all predicted Walker would recalled

but you all dream

why don't you people trying fixing your STUPID party

7 to 8% unemployment for five years isn't just STUPID it's INCOMPETENCE

How do you like our smaller government now, Stephbagger?
If we reenter a economic collapse as bad as 2008 as I am hearing on c-span. I'll do everything in my power to make the republican party the Whigs.

I don't know if you are just playing us or not but you seem to forget the idiots that have controlled 2/3s of our government for the past 7 years the democrats. If you think a government shutdown will effect the funding for your pet projects that you think the federal government should pay for, I don't. Then guess what will happen if we keep raising the debt ceiling and or default. Yeah vote democrat and keep on doing the same thing. Yeah that gonna fix things.
If we reenter a economic collapse as bad as 2008 as I am hearing on c-span. I'll do everything in my power to make the republican party the Whigs.

I don't know if you are just playing us or not but you seem to forget the idiots that have controlled 2/3s of our government for the past 7 years the democrats. If you think a government shutdown will effect the funding for your pet projects that you think the federal government should pay for, I don't. Then guess what will happen if we keep raising the debt ceiling and or default. Yeah vote democrat and keep on doing the same thing. Yeah that gonna fix things.

I agree.

A Democratic House and Senate will fix things nicely.

Let's hope we get one in 2014.
If we reenter a economic collapse as bad as 2008 as I am hearing on c-span. I'll do everything in my power to make the republican party the Whigs.

Amen, brother.

The Tea Party Republicans want to destroy America.
If we reenter a economic collapse as bad as 2008 as I am hearing on c-span. I'll do everything in my power to make the republican party the Whigs.

I don't know if you are just playing us or not but you seem to forget the idiots that have controlled 2/3s of our government for the past 7 years the democrats. If you think a government shutdown will effect the funding for your pet projects that you think the federal government should pay for, I don't. Then guess what will happen if we keep raising the debt ceiling and or default. Yeah vote democrat and keep on doing the same thing. Yeah that gonna fix things.

I agree.

A Democratic House and Senate will fix things nicely.

Let's hope we get one in 2014.
Yes, they'll raise the credit limit. Over and over. Increasing spending. Increasing taxes.

Until we're a third-world shithole.

That's what you want?

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