Republicans believe in "States Rights", but only when it comes to the ability to discriminate.

Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Nope sorry :itsok:
So much for the thread premise. :D
The thread premise is perfectly valid.

Conservatives attempt to conceal their bigotry and authoritarianism behind the façade of “states’ rights” when they seek to disadvantage classes of persons for no other reason than who they are – such as denying same-sex couples access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment.
Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Nope sorry :itsok:
So much for the thread premise. :D
The thread premise is perfectly valid.

Conservatives attempt to conceal their bigotry and authoritarianism behind the façade of “states’ rights” when they seek to disadvantage classes of persons for no other reason than who they are – such as denying same-sex couples access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment.
I support hetero rights.

If conservatives were consistent with regard to their opposition to firearm regulatory measures, that the states don’t have the right to violate the Second Amendment, then they must likewise acknowledge the fact that the states don’t have the right to violate the 14th Amendment by seeking to disadvantage gay Americans, or any other class of persons, solely because of who they are.


If conservatives wish to adhere to the “states’ rights” canard, where the states may discriminate against gay Americans, reflecting the ‘will of the people,’ then they must allow the states to ban handguns and prohibit the concealed carry of firearms also reflecting the ‘will of the people.’

Again, conservatives can’t have it both ways.
You know how Republicans are constantly crying for states rights.

That's so they can discriminate against gays, blacks, Hispanics, women and others.

That's why these people must be defeated. They are liars, they are evil, they are against America. There are no Republican policies meant to help the majority of Americans.

Legalized marijuana use threatened as Sessions rescinds Obama-era directive that eased federal enforcement

Republicans talk about supporting freedom overseas, but here? Not so much.

Just another case of compartmentalization. They have different logic for each different issue so they can make it fit their agenda.

Yesterday "I'm pro-life" - tomorrow "I eat meat, support executions and war"
Yesterday "I want smaller government" - tomorrow "I want the govt to stop gay marriages, to stop people taking drugs, stop people drinking"
Yesterday "Freedom is choice" - tomorrow "I like the Electoral College and it must stay, even if most people don't get to decide who the President is"
Yesterday "We need to take away freedoms from all Muslims because there was an attack by one Muslim that killed 8 people" - tomorrow "So 50 people got killed, you can't take away our freedoms just because of that"
Yesterday "I'm Christian, I have my rights to discriminate in the First Amendment" - tomorrow "We need to ban Islam"
States do of course have rights:

They have the right to determine the boundaries of counties.

The have the right to designate a state capitol.

They have the right to license and regulate professions and occupations.

But they don’t have the right to refuse to allow an American citizen residing in a state to apply for a professional license solely because of who he is, such as being gay or transgender.
But screw state's rights when it came to gay marriage....right?
So you do hate gays.

I knew it.

Well, at least you've decided to admit it.

I never admitted any such thing you befuddled jackass. You're too stupid, I mean seriously you want states to have rights but only on issues you want them to. If its an issue dear to your partisan ass you want the Feds to step in.

Good gawd Derp you're so transparent a 10 year old can figure you out. You create thread after stupid thread, get shellacked and don't even realize it.

How'd you ever survive this long?
This is where I'm going to have patience and enlighten your lack of human understanding.

In the past, men used women, through marriage, to enlarge, improve or protect their "holdings". The value of a woman was equal to the value of her dowry or what she could bring to the marriage. Their one purpose to have children and cement those ties.

But, for the most part, we grew passed that. Nowadays, men and women usually marry because they love each other. Who should stand between two people who love each other, uncoerced love? Between an adult man and an adult woman? Who are you to interfere in their life? Especially when you don't even know them?

If you give any reason besides, "I wouldn't do that", then you can't be taught and are beyond redemption.

However, it you are on the side of "Leave that man and woman alone", then it's obvious you can listen to at least some reason.

Haters and homophobes don't really believe that gay people have human emotions, not about each other. That two men or two women couldn't actually fall in love. Not "real" love. They say incredibly stupid things like "Well, if it's only about love and not sex, then why can't you marry a woman?

The bottom line is that two PEOPLE have fallen in love, two adult people. Something you are not involved in, and it has zero impact on your life, then you who are you to get between these people? Who do you think you are? That you have the nerve and the gall? Just go away and don't think about them. And as long as they meet community standards, leave them alone and stop thinking about them. Stop thinking about how you can figure out ways to hurt strangers you have never met.

ROFLMAO @ YOU enlightening me. You idiot I think you're a freaking moron and wouldn't ask you for the time of day let alone enlightenment or advice.

Now get back to why YOU think the state's should have rights on certain issues but the Feds should be involved in others.

You have been cornered like a rat in your own thread. Know why? You're fucking stupid
Because I understand human emotions and you have none.

Come on, when you see unarmed blacks being shot, don't you giggle? Just a little?

When you see a hungry child, hungry because Republicans ended school lunch, don't you snicker, or even laugh out loud?

If you feel like that, no wonder you don't understand love.

Lol, it was moochelle Obama that made school lunch inedible. Wasting tons of food and money, so go fuck yourself and you out dated talking points. Republicans don't want to starve children.
Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Like the right wing really cares about a pound of cure any more than they care about an ounce of prevention.
I know, but the Left cares. Their solution is to kill them.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Like the right wing really cares about a pound of cure any more than they care about an ounce of prevention.
I know, but the Left cares. Their solution is to kill them.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Like the right wing really cares about a pound of cure any more than they care about an ounce of prevention.
I know, but the Left cares. Their solution is to kill them.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
just a fiscal solution for the left. the right wing final solution is to cut taxes for the rich and cut social services for the poor.

Work or Die!
Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Like the right wing really cares about a pound of cure any more than they care about an ounce of prevention.
I know, but the Left cares. Their solution is to kill them.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
just a fiscal solution for the left. the right wing final solution is to cut taxes for the rich and cut social services for the poor.

Work or Die!
The Left doesn't allow that choice.
Like the right wing really cares about a pound of cure any more than they care about an ounce of prevention.
I know, but the Left cares. Their solution is to kill them.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
just a fiscal solution for the left. the right wing final solution is to cut taxes for the rich and cut social services for the poor.

Work or Die!
The Left doesn't allow that choice.
care to explain? how is an ounce of prevention worse than right wing pounds of cure, they also refuse to pay for through appropriate taxation rates.
You know how Republicans are constantly crying for states rights.

That's so they can discriminate against gays, blacks, Hispanics, women and others.

Democrats don't believe in State's Rights, Freedom, Democracy, nor the Constitution. They only invoke these things when they can be used, or twisted, for propaganda purposes. Faggot, when was the last time you invoked "states rights"? You do it now in defense of states that have legalized a recreational drug. You don't believe in States Rights, you believe in frying that tiny ball of shit in your skull.

Libtard, I haven't seen Republicans up in arms about legalized pot. I didn't hear Trump even once campaigning to stop legalized pot. I don't think the Trump administration will make a serious effort to clamp down on states that allow pot.
But screw state's rights when it came to gay marriage....right?
Not trying to change the subject. Just throwing my opinion out there.. but when the fed gov got involved with marriage, it kind of rinsed away that analogy, didnt it?
Because the GOP has a right to discriminate.

That's why they believe they have the right to fuk over some minority, but how dare that minority complain. We are talking about the "rights" of white Republicans to discriminate. It's Gawd given.

Smoking pot is your decision to do what you want with your own body.

Republicans compare that to fuking over gays. Why? Because they believe they own the country and the minorities within that country.
Their believe is that it's just the way it's supposed to be.
dean you spelled FUCK wrong....
I know, but the Left cares. Their solution is to kill them.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
just a fiscal solution for the left. the right wing final solution is to cut taxes for the rich and cut social services for the poor.

Work or Die!
The Left doesn't allow that choice.
care to explain? how is an ounce of prevention worse than right wing pounds of cure, they also refuse to pay for through appropriate taxation rates.
Abortion. It's a plank in the Left platform. You could look it up. 60 million and counting in the US alone. A much higher rate of undesirables. It's working wonderfully.
Some on the left believe in an ounce of prevention, to avoid Any perceived need, to abort a fellow human being in modern times.

The right wing, has a problem with that.
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
just a fiscal solution for the left. the right wing final solution is to cut taxes for the rich and cut social services for the poor.

Work or Die!
The Left doesn't allow that choice.
care to explain? how is an ounce of prevention worse than right wing pounds of cure, they also refuse to pay for through appropriate taxation rates.
Abortion. It's a plank in the Left platform. You could look it up. 60 million and counting in the US alone. A much higher rate of undesirables. It's working wonderfully.
The right wing has a problem with an ounce of prevention And a pound of cure. Who's fault is that?
Can states ban abortion or is that federal law, too.
Nope sorry :itsok:
So much for the thread premise. :D
The thread premise is perfectly valid.

Conservatives attempt to conceal their bigotry and authoritarianism behind the façade of “states’ rights” when they seek to disadvantage classes of persons for no other reason than who they are – such as denying same-sex couples access to marriage law in violation of the 14th Amendment.
you mean like that very brown state California did...twice? to comment jones?....
Abortion is the Left's Final Solution. Stop with the ancient talking points. You support it, support it. Just don't try to deny what it is you actually support.
just a fiscal solution for the left. the right wing final solution is to cut taxes for the rich and cut social services for the poor.

Work or Die!
The Left doesn't allow that choice.
care to explain? how is an ounce of prevention worse than right wing pounds of cure, they also refuse to pay for through appropriate taxation rates.
Abortion. It's a plank in the Left platform. You could look it up. 60 million and counting in the US alone. A much higher rate of undesirables. It's working wonderfully.
The right wing has a problem with an ounce of prevention And a pound of cure. Who's fault is that?
The Left's solution results in death. Not to mention the ghoulish practice of selling tiny human body parts to the highest bidder. It's a ghoulish Death Cult. Loud and proud, now.

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